Thanks Geert That has fixed it, with flying colours! Michael On 19.07.2011, at 10:05, Dr Michael Daly wrote: > Hi > is there a simple solution here, other than reverting to php4? > An upgrade from php5 to php5 has resulted in an error msg in this line: > > if( strlen($db_res ) > 0 ) { isn't this a simple check if $db_res is set? what if you change it to - if (is_object($db_res)) i would not downgrade to php4, but fix the code, it is not that much trouble usually Dr Michael Daly MB, BS GradDip(Integrative Medicine), GradCert(Evidence Based Practice), M Bus(Information Innovation), GradDip(Document Management) 03 9521 0352 0413 879 029 -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: