For a long time I wanted keyword parameters in PHP. But thanks to newer features like traits and reflection classes I have come up with something that looks pretty close. trait KeywordConstructor { public function __construct($members) { $class = new ReflectionClass($this); $properties = $class->getProperties(); foreach ($properties as $p) { $name = $p->getName(); if (isset($members[$name])) { $this->$name = $members[$name]; } } } } class User { use KeywordConstructor; private $name; private $age; } $lobby = new User(['name' => 'Lobby', 'age' => 36]); Right now this requires the trunk version of PHP to work. I just wanted to share this in case anyone finds it interesting and/or useful. -- ejmr 南無妙法蓮華經 -- PHP General Mailing List ( To unsubscribe, visit: