PHP Users
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- Re: PHP Spider/Crawler for Emails possible?, (continued)
- Sessions Issue,
Tom Ray [Lists]
- isUserInRole equivalent in PHP,
Saqib Ali
- help with "ORDER BY" query,
Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
- logging in using ssl,
Gregory Machin
- php array and java fold out menu,
Gregory Machin
- php mysql field update not looping properly .., Gregory Machin
- is it possible.,
jenny mathew
- Fundamental question about ADTs,
Jasper Bryant-Greene
- pgp-gd and netpbm (pamdice), Michelle Konzack
- PHP and ISMAP,
Michelle Konzack
- overwrite private class members in php5?,
Norbert Wenzel
- Visit to Germany, DL Neil, Newsletter a/c
- time(),
- PHP noobie,
Bob Stia
- PHP code in a MySQL record,
Nathaniel Hall
- problems with overloading in php 5., Gordon Heydon
- Dropdown Building Function,
Jack Jackson
- Debugging mail(),
Todd Cary
- PHP form not working,
Bruce Gilbert
- Win32 COM help, awsewell
- form reload with php as cgi ?, Gorm
- gethostbyname() time issues,
Kristen G. Thorson
- New installation of PHP 5.0.4 on Windows 2003 server,
Harris, Walter
- How to turn on session.trans.sid?,
Brian Dunning
- does PHP have a configuration setting for linefeed?, Chris W. Parker
- How Can I send mail in php in HTML format?,
Tomás Rodriguez Orta
- php://input (multipart support),
- Calendar program like on,
Reuben D. Budiardja
- RE: Calendar program like on, Jim Moseby
php_flag enable_dl,
Justin Mazzi
PHP error on form,
Bruce Gilbert
RE: PDFs are blank in e-mail sent via PHP - SOLVED, Jay Blanchard
PDFs are blank in e-mail sent via PHP,
Jay Blanchard
VPS - Any suggestions, Yves Arsenault
FAQ: replace first instance (couldn't find in archive),
Dotan Cohen
Class constants,
Marcus Bointon
function with argument of type array,
marc serra
Re: Date confusion,
Rasmus Lerdorf
application-wide shared data/object,
Aiguo Fei
define (true/false),
Event-Driven Programing,
RE: looking for program/script to diff directories and showdates, Chris W. Parker
Andy Pieters
Has anybody used amfphp? (open flash remoting + php),
can I use Apache v 2 with PHP?,
looking for program/script to diff directories and show dates,
Chris W. Parker
which is the correct method for "select" statement for oci8 functions, babu
Calling methods in returned SOAP objects, Marcus Bointon
preg_match - help please,
Steve Turnbull
how to know referral function,
Daniele Palumbo
Multipage form redux,
Jack Jackson
php mySql question,
Ned Kotter
open_basedir Question, Aaron Greenspan
install or interference problem,
Fam Ruijters-Verberne
test (just delete), Fam Ruijters-Verberne
RE: Using PHP to get user input via checkbox through a data base,
Jim Moseby to specify a port?,
Object Inheritance, get_class() and a static function call,
Very Basic question: What IDE/tools I need to begin using PHP?,
Error "default 16" with PHP 5.1b3, Jeff Norton
Using PHP to get user input via checkbox through a database, Wil Hitchman
safe mode,
Ryan A
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: safe mode, Kim Madsen
RE: safe mode, Kim Madsen
RE: safe mode, Ryan A
RE: safe mode, Kim Madsen
Apache 2.0.52 + PHP 4.3.9 configuration problem, for Linux Fedora 3.,
Setting clock backwards hangs webserver (PHP+THTTPD),
Vinoo S Warrier
Re: cURL - is it best for me?,
Jochem Maas
stipping raw text from rss story,
Krypto 76
Playing Audio,
Tom Chubb
Help needed in changing row color,
suma parakala
MySQL + PHP question,
André Medeiros
Urgent:Php5 fully oops supported? Difference between java oops & php5 oops,
Tamilarasi Palanisamy (tpalanis)
Class for creating RSS 2 feed?,
Murray @ PlanetThoughtful
Searching and Count within array,
Bagus Nugroho
<<< performance.,
Rodolfo Gonzalez Gonzalez
[PHP4]: Problem with Form not putting Data in Post Request,
Full time PHP/MySQL position available, Greg Donald
How would you create a tracking pixel?,
Brian Dunning
how to install phpize and php-config?, Victor Alvarez
Prepopulating form fields afer an error,
Jack Jackson
Wierd time shifting problem?!?, Gord Busse
A directory permissions question, Al
A strategy question about using mySQL for saving flat-file stings?,
Re: Delivery Protection, jonathan . ernst
Closing persistent ODBC connections, Dodot
running number,
Roger Thomas
function MAX with WHERE,
Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
is_array() doesn't work on DOM properties?,
John Smith
DOM->schemaValidate - line numbers??, John Smith
quick question about using capital letters coding w/ PHP,
Bruce Gilbert
Send in a form there email,
Thomas Bonham
Your mail could not be delivered., SMTP retry
zlib-1.2.3 php-4.4.0, JamesBenson
Don't ejecute a sentence if a field is empty,
Jesús Alain Rodríguez Santos
PEAR DB issue,
Chris Boget
speed - PHP/MYSQL,
balwant singh
On register_shutdown_function: What might be the problem?,
Remote HTM not printing via PHP, Chirantan Ghosh
Konqueror does not like my Website,
Michelle Konzack
how to post a question?,
Chirantan Ghosh
Re: how to post a question?, Pascual De Ruvo
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: how to post a question?, Shaw, Chris - Accenture
Re: how to post a question?, Ryan A
Re: how to post a question?, Ryan A
Re: how to post a question?, Ryan A
Re: how to post a question?, Ryan A
Re: how to post a question?, Ryan A
System specific information gathering,
Vidyut Luther
More toroughly checking a script before execution,
Markus Fischer
Detecting case change?,
David Yee
[install] [curl] cannot finish ./configure, How to Fill account
Date Handling Recommendations,
Session help!?,
Richard Baldwin
Help with a home-grown function,
Dan Trainor
Re: [PHP-DEV] $this availability inside static-functions, John LeSueur
Loading dynamic extension,
Mathieu Dumoulin
gzuncompress mysql blob field,
Christian Calloway
iconv trouble on OS X, Marcus Bointon
Attaching a PDF in email (no body text displays),
Ade Smith
db insert question,
GET form method and accessing its value into a cookie,
Steve Turnbull
mail will not send attachment,
Character Encoding problem,
Regine Velasquez
Class/Function Query Call Problem, Chuck Brockman
Howto connect to the internet using php,
how to check for a static call from an object,
Sebastian Mendel
Rate to charge,
timothy johnson
balwant singh
objects destroyed in same order as created?,
Jasper Bryant-Greene causes server to crash ..., Marc G. Fournier
Attaching a pdf in email (no body text displays),
Ade Smith
PHP and MySQL and resouce limits,
John Hinton
gloabl & reference behavior question?,
Surendra Singhi
From float to hour and minutes,
Miguel Guirao
Delay in a mail item., SMTP retry
Re: redirecting some values from one page to other in php,
Content Header,
Christopher J. Umina
Cannot modify header information error........usage of header method.,
Combining recordsets,
Mike Smith
Installing OLE/Spreadsheet Excel Writer Query,
kevin . o'brien
PHP Build Issues on Soalris 9,
Chuck Carson
Re: PHP Build Issues on Soalris 9, John Nichel
Before I pull anymore hair out.. Is anyone Using..,
Chuck Carson
Garbage in odbc_connect error, Vandana Ponnuru
checking for internet connection,
Steven Sher
PHP is occasionally seg faulting, Chuck Carson
Re: problems with self referential sticky forms,
Linda H
still some problems with contact form,
Bruce Gilbert
What is this?,
George B
Translating english into amglish,
Murray @ PlanetThoughtful
submission PHP code : MYSQL command lines translation,
Alessandro Rosa
ARG, call to undefined function, same problem I had on SuSE,
Chuck Carson
getting file size before upload,
RE: String with front slashes.....O T, Jay Blanchard
My Project,
George B
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