PHP Users
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- Re: ARG, call to undefined function, same problem I had on SuSE, (continued)
getting file size before upload,
RE: String with front slashes.....O T, Jay Blanchard
My Project,
George B
String with front slashes.....,
Jay Blanchard
Ok, why is this happening...,
Chris Boget
Solaris 9/Oracle 10g Compile Time Problems, Chuck Carson
Can PHP Talk directly to Oracle w/o Using Listener,
Chuck Carson
preg_match_all question,
Chris Bruce
"Only variable references should be returned by reference",
Marc G. Fournier
mysql problem- I know it isn't strictly php,
PHP CERT. Question, Joseph
Is there a way to get a variable name as a string?,
Daevid Vincent
Char encoding using fget or curl,
Marcelo Volmaro
Include path quirks,
Tracking a mobile phone,
show a field in php file,
George B
syntax error, unexpected T_STRING,
George B
change letter to all caps,
George B
libCURL help,
Date function and MySQL,
Philip Thompson
sytax errors,
PHP from CLI with SAPI,
Fredrik Tolf
Data and variable transfer, Jon
Session has new id on 'some' pages.,
Andy Pieters
re-order a sql result,
Merging Images, Warren Vail
Post URL ?,
jpgs into database,
George B
Need help with PHP / MySQL connect problem,
Linda H
searchbot script,
jenny mathew
blob and long blob,
timothy johnson
Session warning,
Thomas Bonham
session data not recorded : solved !, Alessandro Rosa
session data not recorded (ADD-ON), Alessandro Rosa
session data not recorded,
Alessandro Rosa
Core dumps, Adam Currey
Unix sockets and fsockopen, Fredrik Tolf
getimagesize not working on images from MYSQL,
timothy johnson
Getting server information, Matt Palermo
skewed up images,
Ryan A
Copy Remote File to Local Server,
Matt Palermo
not sure why form submission gives me error,
Bruce Gilbert
HTML -> PDF PHP Package,
Christian Calloway
Displaying HTML safely,
Lauri Harpf
Question about apache-php concurrent process control,
PHP 5 Object Inheritance,
Trimming Text,
André Medeiros
Is GD available,
Todd Cary
SOlaris 10 Build Problems, Chuck Carson
Usability review - OT,
Mark Rees
PHP5, Tidy: node and parent node,
Markus Fischer
PDO Error,
SimpleXML returns false positives, Daevid Vincent
SimpleXML doesn't work with one single XML tag line...,
Daevid Vincent
404 Not Found -> refresh to directory,
Terry Romine
captcha on doesn't work, aRZed
Tired and feeling dumb...maths question....,
Ryan A
php5 built-in soap - apache performance & wsdl generation, Victor Alvarez
Win2000 easier than Win2003 ??,
Grosz, Steve (IPG IT)
cannot connect to MySQL server and not sure why,
Bruce Gilbert
Overriding __soapCall,
Marcus Bointon
gettext best practice,
RE: Big file encryption,
Jay Blanchard
$PHP_SELF or echo $PHP_SELF,
Miguel Guirao
searching multiple fields,
Removing special characters,
Computer Programmer
Echo array string index?,
Matt Darby
Dynamic Images and File Permissions,
Adam Hubscher
Re: New Install Question, php
New Install Question, php
Install directions for Win2003 SP1??,
Grosz, Steve (IPG IT)
404 Header Problems,
Scott Taylor
404 error - DLL files needed ??,
Grosz, Steve (IPG IT)
I have a mail in text plain, how i can imap_fetchstructure() ?, Your Name
Time Zone names,
Richard Lynch
DAO/VO Pattern Help,
Jed R. Brubaker
404 error - why???!!,
Grosz, Steve (IPG IT)
- Re: 404 error - why???!!, Richard Davey
- Re: 404 error - why???!!, glumtail
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: 404 error - why???!!, Grosz, Steve (IPG IT)
- RE: 404 error - why???!!, Grosz, Steve (IPG IT)
- RE: 404 error - why???!!, Grosz, Steve (IPG IT)
- RE: 404 error - why???!!, Grosz, Steve (IPG IT)
- RE: 404 error - why???!!, Grosz, Steve (IPG IT)
- RE: 404 error - why???!!, Grosz, Steve (IPG IT)
- RE: 404 error - why???!!, Grosz, Steve (IPG IT)
- RE: 404 error - why???!!, Grosz, Steve (IPG IT)
How to run .sql files using php,
Logout help needed,
suma parakala
Re: [PHP-DB] Security question [was Searchable/Sortable Database Fields with MySQL/PHP], Ahmed Saad
Blocking login on the same username from diffrent computers,
connecting to MySQL from a Mac,
Bruce Gilbert
OT - Fonts,
timothy johnson
Missing or wrong reply-to headers in this mailing list,
Ahmed Saad
RE: Two websites need to share part ofonedatabase,suggestions please,
Chris W. Parker
explain select, Carl Furst
Session problems,
How to read PHP variables.,
Bruno B B Magalhães
PHP and undelivered mail,
Angelo Zanetti
Number of users,
Building on AMD64 centos 4.1, Mirek Novak
Plz, help,
Quidelines for Site visitor counter,
William Stokes
how to delete lines in a txt file using php.,
Some CLASS file help, should be a quick answer...,
Matt Babineau
Ugh. Need some advice...,
Changing directory permissions???,
RE: Two websites need to share part of onedatabase,suggestions please,
Chris W. Parker
Help installing on Win2003 server?,
Grosz, Steve (IPG IT)
creating of multi dimensional arrays with unknown depth,
Ben-Nes Yonatan
still trying to cURL.,
Problem installing in Win2003 Server SP1,
Grosz, Steve (IPG IT)
how to get time cost for MySQL query,
RE: iCalendar creation not working with Outlook [SOLVED], Chris W. Parker,
searching for files in a directory with a specific structure.,
PHP 4.4.0 Released!, Derick Rethans
constructors in PHP,
Alessandro Rosa
searching for files in a directory., babu
error when trying to delete a record,
CASE Tool For PHP OO Programming,
Pascual De Ruvo
getting the email addresses in a sendable format.,
The Stock Trading Gunslinger, Beulah M. Lehman
if(true && false) //??,
Sam Smith
Template Engine with Event Handlers,
Rory Browne
upload file problem,
Ahmed Abdel-Aliem
GD library,
Mike Bellerby
Apache 1.3x/PHP 5.0.3 404 error handler & posted data...,
Raymond C. Rodgers
RE: Two websites need to share part of one database,suggestions please,
Chris W. Parker
file function,
Joseph Lee
Two websites need to share part of one database, suggestions please,
Chris W. Parker
- Re: Two websites need to share part of one database, suggestions please, Robert Cummings
- Re: Two websites need to share part of one database, suggestions please, Brad Pauly
- <Possible follow-ups>
- RE: Two websites need to share part of one database, suggestions please, Nathan Tobik
- RE: Two websites need to share part of one database, suggestions please, Chris W. Parker
- RE: Two websites need to share part of one database, suggestions please, Chris W. Parker
back slashes,
Daniel Baughman
Register globals and ini_set,
Security, Late Nights and Overall Paranoia,
Edward Vermillion
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