Computer Programmer wrote:
Is there a PHP built-in function to retrieve only the alphanumeric
characters from a given string?
I know that I can check for alphanumeric characters using the function
ctype_alphanum () but it won't retrieve the alphanum characters.
I also know that I can use str_replace to replace an array of special
characters such as the example below:
$str = "I*m using <html tags> with special/chars like | how to get rid
of it???";
$removeChars = array ('*','?','|','>','<','/','\\');
$str = str_replace ($removeChars, "", $str);
However, could there be a specific function for just retrieving
alphanumeric characters? or a specific function for just stripping
special characters? Or maybe a better way to do those things from the
example given above?
$str = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]/i', '', $str);
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