Hello, I'm successfully playing with php 5 and Its built-in soap but I still have a couple of questions. The most important one is regarding the performance. It is something I also found using php 4 and nusoap. Most of the time for a call is being spend on loading the code. Aprox 0.000025 sec per code line. This could be a problem if you have a lot of code for your server. Why Apache is loading all the code for each call? Is It possible to configure Apache to load the Soap Server just once? Second one is regarding wsdl generation. I unsuccessfully tried to find a tool to do it. I gave a try to Webservice Helper (jool.nl) and I didn't find the result convenient for my purpose. Is there any simple and useful tool to automatic generate the wsdl? I finally did it manually from scratch. Thank you very much in advance. Kind regards, Victor.