or execute a shell command
$ret = `mysql -u[user] -p[password] -h[host] [db_name] < file.sql`;
glumtail wrote:
I think it's better to split the SQL into pieces
line 1: create table ....
line 2: insert into .....
$sql = 'create table....'
$sql = 'insert into ...'
2005/7/13, Shaw, Chris - Accenture <cshaw@xxxxxxxxxx>:
Can you use mysqli_multi_query for mysql in php5?
-----Original Message-----
From: babu [mailto:garavindbabu@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: 13 July 2005 16:39
To: php-general@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: How to run .sql files using php
Hi ,
i have a set of queries which i have placed them in one .sql file.i want
run this file using php's mssql and oracle(oci) functions.
any idea pls.
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