Again, this won't affect anything since I installed from the CD's and
I've always noticed that things installed via CD/rpm have different
install paths then source. I'm worried it will look in the wrong spot
for Apache...but that could be a un-needed worry.
Rory Browne wrote:
On 7/29/05, Tom Ray [Lists] <lists@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
We built a box about 7 months or so ago using the SuSE 9.1 cd's,
straight install from the CDs. While I've read that sessions are turned
on by default, when we try to call on the sessions functions (like with
phpOpenChat or start_session()) we get calls to undefined function
errors. This is leading me to belive that sessions are disabled for some
reason. I need to enable the sessions so I have a few questions
1) Can I do this without recompiling?
Don't know - Don't have SuSE
2) If I can't, how do I recompile this since I used the SuSE cds?
Head to and hit the downloads section.
unArchive the source, and type ./configure --help to get a list of the
compilabel extensions. Once you're done, you can ./configure
--with-this --without-that --enable this-thing --disable-that-thing
The compile instructions(a file called INSTALL AFAIR) and the PHP
manual are among the best docs I've ever seen.
It's SuSE 9.1 running Php 4.3.4 with APache 2.0.49
any help would be great!
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