Dear All subscribers, my intention, through this e-mail, is to submit to your attentions one PHP class devoted to translate input native language commands for database into MYSQL commands lines. Download the code from: or ask it to me. The goal of this class is to provide a comfortable code interface to let programmers implement forms within their programs so that customers/users can input self-defined command lines and reach their own queries. Programmers can freely implement as they want. For example, one suggested way is evidently prompt-like, so that customers can use the program to get their queries. Purposes of this class and everything related is contained in the file readme.html I do not know lots of forums, but if you like this code you might also post it to other national PHP forums. I hope the forums I sent provide attachments sending too, otherwise feel free to ask me to send you the related PHP code. I look forward to your feedbacks. Alessandro Rosa