It seems I do not get apache server to run. It shuts down instantly.
I installed via
the XAMPP implementation for the PHP-mysql server. I captured the
following part of the message of the dos window when activating the
apache server. Part is in dutch ...I freely translated that part in the
"translated dos message".
As far as I know I only run zone alarm in the background, and this
nicely asks for access to internet for the various components of the
XAMPP programs. What do I have to check/change/adapt to make sure the
apache server runs. The mysql part does run properly by the way.
_*Original dos message*_
Apache 2 is starting ....
<OS 10048> Elk socketadres <protocol/netwerkadres/poort> kan normaal
slechts een keer worden gebruikt. :make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs
_*Translated dos message:*_
I translated the "dutch" part and then you get:
<OS 10048> Every socketaddress <protocol/networkaddress/port> can
normally only be used once. :make_sock: could not bind to address
no listening sockets available, shutting down
Unable to open logs