Hello Jochem,
either you tested some different code to what you posted above OR
(your build of?) 5.0.3 is borked.
sorry, I didn't tested the code at all, because my code is more complex.
I just tried to show the problem.
class ClassA {
public static function getClassName() {
return get_class($this); // [1]
// or [2] return get_class(self);
// or [3] return __CLASS__;
class ClassB extends ClassA { }
echo ClassB::getClassName();
I am searching for a function to use in line [1] so that the script's
output is "ClassB".
I tested this on 5.0.2 and 5.0.4 and both did exactly what I expected,
output nothing - $this is not defined when you call ClassB::getClassName()
(because you make a static call) so nothing is the only logical output.
my fault, again, sorry. I jumbled the different outputs. I understood
that this behaviour is coherent.
maybe you mean:
class ClassA {function getClassName() { return get_class($this); }}
class ClassB extends ClassA {}
$B = new ClassB();
echo $B->getClassName();
which _does_ work but is fairly pointless because you
already know the classname in order to be able to create the object
in the first place.
that's true. I don't want to use this. I just checked it.
I don't really see what the problem is, can you give some
more real world detail on what you are trying/want to do?
otherwise (re-)read this chapter:
is better. but it seems that even debug_backtrace() is not what i'm
looking for...
... if you're _really_ into generic code then the reflection API
no, no generic code. ;)
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