Mark Rees wrote:
"Taksam" <taksam_tong@xxxxxxxxx> wrote in message
Anybody used OpenAMF+PHP? ( )
It is an open-source Flash Remoting gateway. I already used it with Java
and works OK. Just wanted to know if somebody here used it with PHP and
would like to know if they recommend it or not.
I'm Flash illeterate - can't help the OP sorry.
doesn't stop me from wasting bandwidth though. ;-)
Please don't cross-post on php.general and this list
crossposting, right up there with snuff-movies, flying planes into buildings
and invading other countries' for oil reserves, or fractional reserve
lending for that matter.
just couldn't resist.
ps - but is it ok to crosspost when asking someone not to crosspost?
and is it called that because it makes people cross?
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