Hi, I'm afraid I'm not sure about how to install phpize and php-config. I used to install php using rpms, but this time I downloaded php5 from php.net and configure it with the following options: ./configure --with-apxs2=/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs --with-mysql --enable-soap The installation runs fine but phpize and php-config are required to install eaccelerator and now I don't know if I should add the pear module to the above line or It should be done another way. locate phpize returns: /usr/src/php-5.0.4/scripts/phpize.m4 /usr/src/php-5.0.4/scripts/phpize.in /usr/src/php-5.0.4/scripts/phpize locate php-config returns: /usr/src/php-5.0.4/scripts/php-config.in /usr/src/php-5.0.4/scripts/php-config but I don't have the executables in /usr/local/bin, as usual. What should I do? What about php from the command line? What can I do to install the usual /usr/local/bin/php? Thanks in advance, Victor.