Linux Speakup
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- Boot prompt
- Boot prompt
- Boot prompt
- dynamic dns clients
- Stradling Cultures--was: "Re[2]: A easier way to create cd'susing easy cd creator"
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- configuring elinks how do I?
- Stradling Cultures--was: "Re[2]: A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator"
- Boot prompt
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome
- configuring elinks how do I?
- configuring elinks how do I?
- dvorak
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- Stradling Cultures--was: "Re[2]: A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator"
- Boot prompt
- dynamic dns clients
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome
- configuring elinks how do I?
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- dynamic dns clients
- configuring elinks how do I?
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- Boot prompt
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- dynamic dns clients
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- Slackware upgrade woes
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- Boot prompt
- Torrents
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome
- configuring elinks how do I?
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- Boot prompt
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- Blind Specific Programs or Not
- Having accessibility built in to a program!
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- Boot prompt
- Fedora
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- Slackware upgrade woes
- bash regular expressions
- Boot prompt
- A easier way to create cd's using easy cd creator
- Boot prompt
- Slackware upgrade woes
- Boot prompt
- what is orca
- Torrents
- Slackware upgrade woes
- Torrents
- Slackware upgrade woes
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome
- kernel 2.6.11 compile problems
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome
- distro question
- Slackware upgrade woes
- distro question
- Slackware upgrade woes
- Slackware upgrade woes
- Slackware upgrade woes
- kernel 2.6.11 compile problems
- Slackware upgrade woes
- kernel 2.6.11 compile problems
- Slackware upgrade woes
- kernel 2.6.11 compile problems
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- kernel 2.6.11 compile problems
- kernel 2.6.11 compile problems
- distro question
- Slackware upgrade woes
- Slackware upgrade woes
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware upgrade woes
- Slackware upgrade woes
- Slackware upgrade woes
- Having accessibility built in to a program!
- Fedora
- Slackware upgrade woes
- strange behavor
- what is orca
- Slackware upgrade woes
- strange behavor
- Having accessibility built in to a program!
- Fedora
- what is orca
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- Slackware upgrade woes
- what is orca
- what is orca
- Fedora
- getting off my windows dependency
- strange behavor
- Having accessibility built in to a program!
- what is orca
- Fedora
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- Fedora
- what is orca
- linux and freedom box
- (no subject)
- upgrading slackware with swaret
- (no subject)
- bash regular expressions
- bash regular expressions
- getting off my windows dependency
- A weird one:
- bash regular expressions
- getting off my windows dependency
- upgrading slackware with swaret
- Fedora
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- upgrading slackware with swaret
- A weird one:
- getting off my windows dependency
- upgrading slackware with swaret
- upgrading slackware with swaret
- getting off my windows dependency
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome
- getting off my windows dependency
- what is orca
- getting off my windows dependency
- Fudge Australia
- linux and freedom box
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- linux and freedom box
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- linux and freedom box
- linux and freedom box
- linux and freedom box
- getting off my windows dependency
- bash regular expressions
- Feature Request
- linux and freedom box
- getting off my windows dependency
- linux and freedom box
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- linux and freedom box
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- Fudge Australia
- upgrading slackware with swaret
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- upgrading slackware with swaret
- VSFTPD Problems
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- links 2.1 and elinks was Re: Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- jupiter
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Feature Request
- jupiter
- VSFTPD Problems
- sound editing from the console?
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- sound editing from the console?
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Mutt ignore unignore problem
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Feature Request
- sound editing from the console?
- sound editing from the console?
- Mutt or pine and best configuration to use?
- software speech on Slackware, Debian, and others?
- From: lists.speakup at
- question for mods
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Mutt or pine and best configuration to use?
- question for mods
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Mutt or pine and best configuration to use?
- Mutt or pine and best configuration to use?
- Mutt or pine and best configuration to use?
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- sound editing from the console?
- Mutt or pine and best configuration to use?
- Mutt or pine and best configuration to use?
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Slackware is dropping Gnome
- Looking for current icecast?
- From: Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 1 9 5 3 4 6)
- mail seems to be working now
- mail seems to be working now
- script fixes in the Speakup User's Guide
- festival slackware package?
- festival slackware package?
- mail seems to be working now
- mail seems to be working now
- festival slackware package?
- mail on Fedora Core 3
- moving /var and /home to a new partition
- speakup.s kernel and SCSI disks
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- mail on Fedora Core 3
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- Using sftsyn
- how to get the last word from file
- Using sftsyn
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- Building speechd-up
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- Doubts about speakup.
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- moving /var and /home to a new partition
- Doubts about speakup.
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- Doubts about speakup.
- moving /var and /home to a new partition
- Building speechd-up
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- moving /var and /home to a new partition
- Using sftsyn
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- Using sftsyn
- Using sftsyn
- Building speechd-up
- Using sftsyn
- Doubts about speakup.
- Building speechd-up
- moving /var and /home to a new partition
- Building speechd-up
- Building speechd-up
- Building speechd-up
- Building speechd-up
- Building speechd-up
- Building speechd-up
- Building speechd-up
- Building speechd-up
- Building speechd-up
- Building speechd-up
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- Permissions On Mailman
- Permissions On Mailman
- Building speechd-up
- Building speechd-up
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- Building speechd-up
- how to get the last word from file
- Building speechd-up
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- Building speechd-up
- Building speechd-up
- Building speechd-up
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- Building speechd-up
- how to get the last word from file
- Building speechd-up
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- Building speechd-up
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- moving /var and /home to a new partition
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- Festival and Slackware
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- Festival and Slackware
- how to get the last word from file
- moving /var and /home to a new partition
- rhel es 3 kernels available
- The Speakup User's Guide, official release
- speakup.s kernel and SCSI disks
- Festival and Slackware
- speakup.s kernel and SCSI disks
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- Information needed.
- Information is needed.
- Information is needed.
- Information needed.
- Information needed.
- Information is needed.
- Information needed.
- Information is needed.
- Information is needed.
- how to get the last word from file
- speakup.s kernel and SCSI disks
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- how to get the last word from file
- how to get the last word from file
- how to get the last word from file
- how to get the last word from file
- Information is needed.
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- Information is needed.
- how to get the last word from file
- Information is needed.
- Information is needed.
- how to get the last word from file
- Information is needed.
- Information is needed.
- Information is needed.
- Information is needed.
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- Information is needed.
- Information is needed.
- speakup for 2.6 kernels
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- speakup for 2.6 kernels
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- speakup for 2.6 kernels
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- test -- please ignore
- A program to get the time information
- Debian installer questions with speakup
- a draft of the Speakup User's Guide
- Installing gnome on sarge and x11
- A program to get the time information
- A program to get the time information
- X server
- A program to get the time information
- A program to get the time information
- A program to get the time information
- A program to get the time information
- burning dvd discs
- burning dvd discs
- X server log on
- X server log on
- X server log on
- usb ports only on laptop
- Log on to x server?
- Installing gnome on sarge and x11
- Installing gnome on sarge and x11
- Questions about your audio site
- From: schafferc at
- found temporary fix for 2.6.10 and 2.6.11 software speech problem
- found temporary fix for 2.6.10 and 2.6.11 software speech problem
- Doubletalk ISA internal
- Doubletalk ISA internal
- Doubletalk taken
- Doubletalk ISA internal
- burning discs and cdrecord
- burning discs and cdrecord
- burning discs and cdrecord
- burning discs and cdrecord
- Doubletalk ISA internal
- burning discs
- burning discs
- burning discs and cdrecord
- Speech dispatcher again
- Speech dispatcher again
- Speech dispatcher again
- Speech dispatcher again
- burning discs
- burning discs
- at&t natural voices?
- at&t natural voices?
- how to chek for the number of options in an app
- OT: at&t natural voices?
- found temporary fix for 2.6.10 and 2.6.11 software speechproblem
- how to chek for the number of options in an app
- burning discs and cdrecord
- Speech dispatcher again
- Installing Gentoo, no boot prompt
- are all FC3 isos speakup modified?
- are all FC3 isos speakup modified?
- Installing Gentoo, no boot prompt
- Speech dispatcher again
- burning discs and cdrecord
- Festival 1.95:
- Festival 1.95:
- Festival 1.95:
- are all FC3 isos speakup modified?
- Festival 1.95:
- found temporary fix for 2.6.10 and 2.6.11 software speech problem
- Festival 1.95:
- how to chek for the number of options in an app
- how to chek for the number of options in an app
- how to chek for the number of options in an app
- how to chek for the number of options in an app
- Speech dispatcher again
- burning discs and cdrecord
- Speech dispatcher again
- burning discs and cdrecord
- Speech dispatcher again
- burning discs and cdrecord
- burning discs and cdrecord
- burning discs and cdrecord
- A debian specific question
- Kernel panic when using copy and paste with altest speakup.
- how to chek for the number of options in an app
- usb ports only on laptop
- A debian specific question
- FTP And Not Shell
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- how to chek for the number of options in an app
- A debian specific question
- found temporary fix for 2.6.10 and 2.6.11 software speech problem
- usb ports only on laptop
- usb ports only on laptop
- Speech-dispatcher
- Festival 1.95:
- Dectalk issues again
- found temporary fix for 2.6.10 and 2.6.11 software speech problem
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- are all FC3 isos speakup modified?
- found temporary fix for 2.6.10 and 2.6.11 software speech problem
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- found temporary fix for 2.6.10 and 2.6.11 software speech problem
- usb ports only on laptop
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- alternatives to centericq
- emacspeak and fc2 problems
- mplayer-nogui startup error
- usb ports only on laptop
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- FTP And Not Shell
- usb ports only on laptop
- stratigiesDealing with windows co-dependency on a linux system
- FTP And Not Shell
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- FTP And Not Shell
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- vi insertion question
- usb ports only on laptop
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- windows versus lynix
- windows versus lynix
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- usb ports only on laptop
- Making flite more responsive and improving its pronounciation
- FC3 iso image downloads
- usb ports only on laptop
- usb ports only on laptop
- usb ports only on laptop
- usb ports only on laptop
- FC3 iso image downloads
- usb ports only on laptop
- usb ports only on laptop
- usb ports only on laptop
- FC3 iso image downloads
- improvements in the Dectalk USB
- FC3 iso image downloads
- usb ports only on laptop
- FC3 iso image downloads
- speakup synth questions
- gnopernicus and slackware
- usb ports only on laptop
- usb ports only on laptop
- Problem with emacspeak and fedora.
- usb ports only on laptop
- gnopernicus and slackware
- improvements in the Dectalk USB
- install the Speakup Modified Fedora Distribution unsuccessful
- improvements in the Dectalk USB
- install the Speakup Modified Fedora Distribution unsuccessful
- improvements in the Dectalk USB
- FC3 iso image downloads
- install the Speakup Modified Fedora Distribution unsuccessful
- improvements in the Dectalk USB
- Dectalk 5.0 and speech dispatcher!
- Dectalk 5.0 and speech dispatcher!
- vi insertion question
- vi insertion question
- speakup synth questions
- speakup synth questions
- Dectalk 5.0 and speech dispatcher!
- speakup synth questions
- debian streaming media complication maybe
- speakup synth questions
- recommended slrn configuration for speakup?
- dsl with mci
- recommended slrn configuration for speakup?
- windows versus lynix
- dsl with mci
- Information needed.
- Information needed.
- debian streaming media complication maybe
- installing linux using speakup
- Dectalk and speech-dispatcher
- alternatives to centericq or jabber?
- recommended slrn configuration for speakup?
- alternatives to centericq or jabber?
- Software DECtalk was: windows versus lynix
- windows versus lynix
- windows versus lynix
- windows versus lynix
- windows versus lynix
- windows versus lynix
- windows versus lynix
- windows versus lynix
- O.T. about ubuntu
- alternatives to centericq or jabber?
- getting off my windows dependency
- about with slackware
- about with slackware
- windows versus lynix
- windows versus lynix
- windows versus lynix
- windows versus lynix
- windows versus lynix
- windows versus lynix
- Further mplayer
- From: Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 1 9 5 3 4 6)
- Machine crashes when pasting text
- windows versus lynix
- ubuntu x86 trial disk performance
- Playing a CD with mplayer
- dsl with mci
- ubuntu x86 trial disk performance
- dsl with mci
- Debian install
- My usb device works for a while then quits.
- My usb device works for a while then quits.
- My usb device works for a while then quits.
- site updates
- software synths
- software synths
- software synths
- software synths
- software synths
- software synths
- Booting Fedora install with out cdrom drive
- Killed speech-dispatcher and can't get it running again
- Booting Fedora install with out cdrom drive
- Booting Fedora install with out cdrom drive
- Booting Fedora install with out cdrom drive
- Booting Fedora install with out cdrom drive
- Booting Fedora install with out cdrom drive
- a dumb question
- a dumb question
- festival
- a dumb question
- Extend ASCII characters
- a dumb question
- a dumb question
- a dumb question
- a dumb question
- Writing man pages
- a dumb question
- festival
- a dumb question
- a dumb question
- a dumb question
- a dumb question
- a dumb question
- a dumb question
- a dumb question
- getting off my windows dependency
- festival
- Testing my software synthasezer and switching to it.
- iptables and apache virtual hosts
- iptables and apache virtual hosts
- iptables and apache virtual hosts
- iptables and apache virtual hosts
- iptables and apache virtual hosts
- iptables and apache virtual hosts
- iptables and apache virtual hosts
- Uninstalling phpgroupware
- Uninstalling phpgroupware
- Uninstalling phpgroupware
- FW: Uninstalling phpgroupware
- ok now mplayer wants to work
- ok now mplayer wants to work
- getting off my windows dependency
- ok now mplayer wants to work
- ok now mplayer wants to work
- getting off my windows dependency
- ok now mplayer wants to work
- dvd playback works
- alternatives to centericq or jabber?
- alternatives to centericq or jabber?
- Speakup documentation
- Writing man pages
- Speakup documentation
- Speakup documentation
- Speakup documentation
- ok now mplayer wants to work
- dvd playback works
- getting off my windows dependency
- cd playerss
- Laptop to give away
- Laptop to give away
- Speakup documentation
- Laptop to give away
- Speakup documentation
- Laptop to give away
- ok now mplayer wants to work
- mplayer made me a lier
- dvd playback works
- dvd with mplayer help needed
- Mozilla access in Gnome
- getting off my windows dependency
- Speakup documentation
- From: Taylor, Carlos Ervin
- Newbie: speakup and gentoo installation
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- Speakup documentation
- dvd with mplayer help needed
- dvd with mplayer help needed
- dvd with mplayer help needed
- dvd with mplayer help needed
- Speakup documentation
- From: Taylor, Carlos Ervin
- Testing my software synthasezer and switching to it.
- Mozilla access in Gnome
- getting off my windows dependency
- getting off my windows dependency
- festival
- dvd with mplayer help needed
- dvd with mplayer help needed
- cd playerss
- can't switch to mounted directory as normal user
- cd playerss
- getting off my windows dependency
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