Hi. I came up with those parms by reading the DECtalk manual and experimenting. They will work for Paul and Betty, but make other voices sound really bad. As usual for me, I didn't document my final result. also, I just realized I pasted the parms from my weather script instead of my dtk-generic.conf file. The [:dv ap 130] and the [:ra 350] set pitch and rate to hard coded values. You don't want those for speech-dispatcher. The 2 parms that are important are: [:dv ri 90 sm 0][:pe -380] The [:pe -380] option sets the "period pause" to the shortest value. Basically, it makes the synth pause as little as possible between sentences or lists where items end with a period. The speakup driver for the DECtalk express also uses this value. I went back and looked at the docs again, and realized it will probably be easier for you to read them about the [:dv ri 90 sm 0] options. They change basic values of the voice. The doc explains it better than I could. For the paul and betty voices, it makes them mumble less. I downloaded the docs from the Fonix web site. They are pdf files. Your pitch problem is probably because the default pitch when speakup starts with a software synth is 5. I've found DECtalk software sounds best at a pitch of 2 or 3. Flite and festival seem to sound good at pitch 5, just not the DECtalk. On Wed, Mar 23, 2005 at 01:23:26PM -0700, Steve Holmes wrote: > Can you explain these parms a bit? Curious minds want to know. How > did you come by the particular numeric values you did? > > One other observation I'm noticing with DECtalk; When > speech-dispatcher first says "Software synth found," the DEC is at > something like Double pitch or some such. I have to set a lower pitch > to get the voice to sound right for the rest of the session. I'm > running Slackware 10.1 with the default compiler gcc 3.3.4. This > sounds like a problem reported back with earlier versions of Redhat if > I recall. Any ideas about the high pitch deal? > > Thanks. >