hi, this of course is slightly off topic but I am using debian testing the speakup modifyed base install. I installed it and just added a few packages like speech dispatcher lynxfestival flite dectalk 5 cdrecord lynx kernel 2.47 speakup saytime saydate and that is all I have installed. I know I need to get gnome with the command apt-get install gnome and I need to get goprenicus but what should I get to install the x11 server first. Thanks. Also what should I use that is the easyist way to brows my windows network. I want some thing easy to use. Also I want a email program under gnome or command that is easy to use like outlook. I am trying to find the easyist and best programs to use across the board so I can put linux on all my systems and so an nontechical user will be able to just get in and use the system. My girl is not techical at all and I want to make things as easy for her as I can. Thanks. I also want to say here I am having more fun with linux learning it then I have ever had with any other operating system there is just so many ways to do things. Thanks for all the help so far.