Thanks, I tried adding myself to the cdrom and disk group with no luck. The difference between being root and myself as a user I get the following error as just a user. Playing DVD title 1 libdvdread: Could not open device with libdvdcss. libdvdread: Can't open /dev/dvd for reading Couldn't open DVD device: /dev/dvd Now my drive is /dev/hdc which is part of the disk group and I created a symlink to this device as cdrom and dvd. I still get the above error despite the fact I've added myself to both groups and I did logout of the current console and log back in. I'm not sure whatelse to do here. I can mount discs on this device so its apparently functioning just fine. Any other thoughts appreciated. Oh another thing, I tried specifying -dvd-device as /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom and /dev/dvd with the same above error message accept the only difference is that the device name it couldn't open would match what I put on the command line. tia Scott