> > Now all we need is a conf file with everything all setup this way so > all we have to do is put the file in place. Maybe put it on the > speakup sight. Also configuration files for mutt and other programs > to make it more speakup user friendly. In this way when a new user > comes along we can direct them to these files and say here you go. > Also remember that a lot of users such as my self come from windows and > are used to these features in there web browsing it does not matter to > the average user what is making it work as long as it does. > Hth > When will you have the files ready? The only way things usually get done in Linux is when someone does them. Since you consider such files important, you are the best one to create and maintain them. Ok so does any one else think they are important? If so I would be happy to do it. Not sure I am the best person for the job write now as I my self am getting my feet wet as it were in this operating system. I see it as an important job because of the fact as I get clients who want a linux based computer built it would be a lot easier to put the files in place for each instead of have to reinvent the will.