>From your answers I understood the following things. 1. to speak all through the gnu linux installation process I need a Hardware synth. Yes that is correct the following hardware is supported and there key words to get them going. ?the accent pc acntpc ?the accent stand alone acntsa ?the audaptor audptr ?the dectalk external decext ?the dectalk express dectlk This includes the dectalk usb serial mode only ?the doubletalk pc dtlk ?the doubletalk lt or litetalk ltlk This includes the tritel talk serial mode only ?the keynote PC keypc ?the speakout spkout ?the artic transport txprt This includes the spirit 2. Speak up also supports software synth. Yes that is correct and one hardware device that can not be used during the install. This is the dectalk PC decpc So if you wanted to install linux with speakup you would first need to get a distribution that has speakup on it http://www.linux-speakup.org is a good place to get this or if you want Debian -- The Universal Operating System then get it from http://people.debian.org/~shane/netinst-speakup/ Then extract your iso image to a cd see your manual for the cd recording software for information on how to do this. You should then be able to boot with your new cd and you can issue the following command Linux speakup_synth=keyword replace keyword with one of the supported synths above. Note if you are using Debian -- The Universal Operating System replace linux in the above example with speakup. Now speakup will talk you threw the hole install of linux