Ah interesting, my comment on the error message I received when mounting discs is certainly interesting. I attempted to mount a disc to see what was on it. It was a dvd that had never been used and the act of mounting it crashe dmy box; locked it up nice and tight. After reseting it, I mounted another disc and have not received that message yet. Very curious and makes me wonder if something is up with my kernel perhaps. >Thanks all for the info. I obviously forgot that I had to be root and >not suing to root. In any case I also noticed and forgot about this >little jem I get when mounting cds at times. > >cdrom: failed setting lba address space >mount: block device /dev/sr1 is write-protected, mounting read-only > >Obviously it mounts fine, but this is another of those odd behaviors I >haven't found an answer for and so have for now accepted the strangeness >of it and moved on. >Well ay I'll try being root and see if I can do a dummy burn. > >tnx > >Scott > > >_______________________________________________ >Speakup mailing list >Speakup at braille.uwo.ca >http://speech.braille.uwo.ca/mailman/listinfo/speakup