[Prev Page][Next Page]
- Re: COM: port problems
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Office 97 and CUPS Printer
- From: Benilton de Sa Carvalho <carvalho@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Office 97 and CUPS Printer
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- cab_C_04.diff
- From: "Gregory M. Turner" <gmturner007@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Office 97 and CUPS Printer
- From: Benilton de Sa Carvalho <carvalho@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: COM: port problems
- From: Robert W March <RWMarch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- wine/freebsd/kazaa.. (fwd)
- From: Jason <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Wine and Remote Desktop?
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Wine and Remote Desktop?
- From: "Guido Reina" <greina@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine and Remote Desktop?
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine and Remote Desktop?
- From: Todd Vierling <tv@xxxxxxxxx>
- Wine and Remote Desktop?
- From: "Guido Reina" <greina@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Question about Error Message
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Automatic x11drv/ttydrv?
- From: Todd Vierling <tv@xxxxxxxxx>
- Question about Error Message
- From: dd jj <xmen21cn@xxxxxxxxx>
- MAPLER (plot,plot3d functions)
- From: Rodrigo Valenzuela <rvr@xxxxxxx>
- set WM_NAME and WN_ICON_NAME properly
- From: Kusanagi Kouichi <slash@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: config trouble
- From: Daniel Engelschalt <daniel.engelschalt@xxxxxxx>
- Re: GARMIN MapSource
- From: Fabian Cenedese <Cenedese@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: The Opposite of Windows-Free Wine?
- From: Fabian Cenedese <Cenedese@xxxxxxxx>
- Outlook 2000
- From: Mike Bond <Mike.Bond@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- wine/freebsd/kazaa..
- From: Jason <jason@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Web: Fix some broken links
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- Re: XML & Kernel Cousin tags in WWN
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- Fix WWN 21
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Typo fixes
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- Re: dragon scansoft VR, anyone?
- From: "Alvin Murphy" <amurphy@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [DINPUT] Some more dinput stuff
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Winefile : French translation
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: config trouble
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: safearray indices
- From: Marcus Meissner <marcus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [DINPUT] Some more dinput stuff
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- config trouble
- From: Daniel Engelschalt <daniel.engelschalt@xxxxxxx>
- WWN #93 - #96
- From: Brian Vincent <vinn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- wsock32: use iphlpapi
- From: Juan Lang <juan_lang@xxxxxxxxx>
- netapi32: use iphlpapi
- From: Juan Lang <juan_lang@xxxxxxxxx>
- winsock: use iphlpapi
- From: Juan Lang <juan_lang@xxxxxxxxx>
- Run system tray window in dedicated thread
- From: Mike Hearn <m.hearn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dragon scansoft VR, anyone?
- From: "Aaron Sloan" <security@xxxxxxxx>
- dragonsoft voice recognition
- From: "Aaron Sloan" <security@xxxxxxxx>
- [DShow] A bunch of stubs...
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Fix small bug in execute buffers
- From: Christian Costa <titan.costa@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [DINPUT] Some more dinput stuff
- From: Christian Costa <titan.costa@xxxxxxxxxx>
- BUGS.diff
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: windefault.reg patch
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- contributing[3].diff
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- cab_C_03.diff (WIP)
- From: "Gregory M. Turner" <gmturner007@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- cab_C_02.diff (a noop)
- From: "Gregory M. Turner" <gmturner007@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- win.ini[2].diff
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Resend - Split Ole Win16/32
- From: Steven Edwards <steven_ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: network problem
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- network problem
- From: "Thomas Feng" <hfeng2@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Installshield in pure wine environment
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- wineconsole init
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- cdrom
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Process termination & exit code
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- winedos / Migrate current directory routines
- From: Jukka Heinonen <jhei@xxxxxx>
- Re: Fix for ddraw: CreateSurface
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- XML & Kernel Cousin tags in WWN
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- Typo fixes
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- Add Euro and antiquote to the french keyboard layout
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Max Payne(Games compatibility list [20030607])
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: dlls/iphlpapi/ipstats.c -- fix build breakage
- From: Juan Lang <juan_lang@xxxxxxxxx>
- [dx53] Try 2
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Make [Drivers] section per app customized
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- dx53 - dont apply
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [dx53] Unreal patch
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx54] fullscreen emulation improvement
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Better invalid RECT check
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Really small dinput mouse fix
- From: Paul Bain <prbain@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx53] Unreal patch
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [OpenGL] Update with newest version of extension registry
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Resend: Smarten Up Toolbar
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: shareaza in wine ?
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Add stubs for some new WinXP APIs
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- Add missing rasapi32 stubs
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- Add stub for new WinXP urlmon API
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Fix COLORFILL case of the Blt overide (resent)
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- [dmusic03] implementation of many stubs
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- cab_C_01.diff
- From: "Gregory M. Turner" <gmturner007@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Tamito KAJIYAMA <kajiyama@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- winedos / Make timers work without SIGALRM
- From: Jukka Heinonen <jhei@xxxxxx>
- [GDI] GetObject fails on buffer=NULL
- [GDI] GetObject fails on buffer=NULL
- From: Kelly Leahy <kellyleahy@xxxxxxxxxx>
- cab_C_00.diff
- From: "Gregory M. Turner" <gmturner007@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [dx52] fix AddDirtyRect
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- shareaza in wine ?
- From: Joris Huizer <joris_huizer@xxxxxxxxx>
- [dx52] fix AddDirtyRect
- From: Roderick Colenbrander <thunderbird2k@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [GDI] GetObject patch (for null buffer functionality)
- From: Kelly Leahy <kellyleahy@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [GDI] GetObject patch (for null buffer functionality)
- From: Kelly Leahy <kellyleahy@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Apps requiring different depth
- From: Z_God <zeldario@xxxxxxxxxx>
- error in wine-user-guide
- From: Martin Kaeske <Martin.Kaeske@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ALSA driver problems
- From: lu jun <lujun823@xxxxxxxxx>
- resources.diff
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- wininet: Implementing InternetGetConnectedStateEx (update)
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- wininet: Implementing InternetGetConnectedStateEx
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: The Opposite of Windows-Free Wine?
- From: Joseph Okech <jokech@xxxxxxxxx>
- fix text alignment in listview (resent)
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wine-win3.1 program in SuSE8.2 - help
- From: Serge Naggar <naggar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: GARMIN MapSource
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: The Opposite of Windows-Free Wine?
- From: Adam Schreiber <sadam@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Configuration File
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GARMIN MapSource
- From: Sakagami Hitoshi <sakagami@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fix build in d3d8 #1
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx51] better caps code and fix last seen compilations problems
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Reimplement GdiGradientFill
- From: <arjen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- My problem.
- From: dd jj <xmen21cn@xxxxxxxxx>
- MDIRefreshMenu problem
- From: guoching su <guochingsu@xxxxxxxxx>
- Second try at NETWM system tray support
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: programs/notepad and windows.h
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: programs/clock/*.c and windows.h
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix build in d3d8 #1
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- compile fix for d3d8/device,c
- From: Stefan Leichter <Stefan.Leichter@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- The Opposite of Windows-Free Wine?
- From: Kevin Kleinfelter <winehq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- InstallShield 7
- From: Kevin Kleinfelter <winehq@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- CVS Compile error
- From: Cogman <cogman@xxxxxxxx>
- unleashing winetreediff on Mike McCormak's regedit merge
- From: "Gregory M. Turner" <gmturner007@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- cleanup in d3d8/device.c breaks compilation
- From: Saulius Krasuckas <Saulius.Krasuckas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- wineoss error cleanup
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: msdos/int21 CREAT special cases (revised)
- From: Ferenc Wagner <wferi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Merge of Reactos's regedit
- From: Steven Edwards <Steven_Ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Misunderstanding
- From: Brian Arnold <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Misunderstanding
- From: "Philipp Wollermann" <phil_wo@xxxxxxx>
- RESENT: gettnames
- From: Marcus Meissner <marcus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- open_named_pipe should create handles with the inherit attribute
- From: Uwe Bonnes <bon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: _Gettnames stub
- From: Marcus Meissner <marcus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Contributing[2].diff
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Merge of Reactos's regedit
- From: Mike McCormack <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: NamedPipe problem
- From: Mike McCormack <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Opera 7.11 with Acroread 5.1
- From: "Carlos Renato F. Vendramini" <carlos.vendramini@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine vs. Office 97 and Printer
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Misunderstanding
- From: Craig Ringer <craig@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine vs. Office 97 and Printer
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Serial Ports are not working
- From: Evangelos Arkalis <arkalis@xxxxxx>
- RE: Installshield in pure wine environment
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PolyTextOut
- From: "Ingmar Thiemann" <ingmar@xxxxxxxxx>
- Resend: SHBrowseForFolder Improvements
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- First stab at NETWM system tray support
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Misunderstanding
- From: "Philipp Wollermann" <phil_wo@xxxxxxx>
- winedos / Fix DOSVM_Wait
- From: Jukka Heinonen <jhei@xxxxxx>
- Misunderstanding
- From: "Brian Tyndall" <b.tyndall@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine vs. Office 97 and Printer
- From: Benilton de Sa Carvalho <carvalho@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I have problem.
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine vs. Office 97 and Printer
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: wine-win3.1 program in SuSE8.2 - help
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine vs. Office 97 and Printer
- From: Benilton de Sa Carvalho <carvalho@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I have problem.
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: I have problem.
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Default font is rendered very tiny.
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine vs. Office 97 and Printer
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Default font is rendered very tiny.
- From: Erik Enge <eenge@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine vs. Office 97 and Printer
- From: Marcone Luis Theisen <marcone@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- I have problem.
- From: Baron of Hell <baron.of.hell@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- CLOCKS_PER_SEC definition
- From: Antonio Larrosa Jiménez <antlarr@xxxxxxxxxx>
- WSASetEvent
- From: Antonio Larrosa Jiménez <antlarr@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine vs. Office 97 and Printer
- From: Benilton de Sa Carvalho <carvalho@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine vs. Office 97 and Printer
- From: Benilton de Sa Carvalho <carvalho@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compiler Help??
- From: Zsolt Rizsanyi <rizsanyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compiler Help??
- From: Stephen Mollett <molletts@xxxxxxxxx>
- faq[4].diff
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- win.ini patch
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Compiler Help??
- From: Raymond Wells <raymond.wells@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- wine-win3.1 program in SuSE8.2 - help
- From: Serge Naggar <naggar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: running native (windows) ODBC and drivers?
- From: Paul McNett <p@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Use locking rectangles to optimize FB locks
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Wine vs. Office 97 and Printer
- From: Benilton de Sa Carvalho <carvalho@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What's means HQ ?
- From: Nick Capik <ncapik@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dinput] some mouse stuff
- From: Christian Costa <titan.costa@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What's means HQ ?
- From: Benilton de Sa Carvalho <carvalho@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- What's means HQ ?
- From: Marcone Luis Theisen <marcone@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GIT classfactory
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Some improvements in the BLT DEPTHFILL override
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Some hacks for D3D1 games
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Default font is rendered very tiny.
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Typos
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Application trys to use his own fonts.
- From: "Philipp Wollermann" <phil_wo@xxxxxxx>
- Default font is rendered very tiny.
- From: Erik Enge <eenge@xxxxxxxxx>
- Best to avoid 'sizeof type'
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- Application trys to use his own fonts.
- From: Enrico Kern <phantom@xxxxxxx>
- Using MS-TreeView ActiveX-Control with Wine
- From: "Thomas Lischetzki" <t.lischetzki@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- running native (windows) ODBC and drivers?
- From: "Allan Beckster" <kaburga@xxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Some small fixes
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Merge of WineX's (LGPL licensed) wininet.dll code (resubmit)
- From: Mike McCormack <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Some addition and regression fixes
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Pull proxy information from the http_proxy environment variable
- From: Mike Hearn <m.hearn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- (no subject)
- [dx50] some textures fixes
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Merge of WineX's (LGPL licensed) wininet.dll code
- From: David Hammerton <david@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [dx49] cleanups and really use of caps code
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- win3.1 or win98
- From: Serge Naggar <naggar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Texturing fixes (again :-) )
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: dont understand this error message
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Add root drive mapping to default config file
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GLX context patch for subwindows
- From: Yann Vernier <yann@xxxxxxxxxx>
- dont understand this error message
- From: "Mike Bordon" <spyderusa11@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Merge of WineX's (LGPL licensed) wininet.dll code
- From: Mike Hearn <m.hearn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wine and OLEDB
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: acrobat reader 6
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- wine and OLEDB
- From: "Rajkumar" <reactos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Merge of WineX's (LGPL licensed) wininet.dll code
- From: Mike McCormack <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Wine Profiler patch
- From: Mike McCormack <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building wine
- From: Adam Schreiber <sadam@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Config File
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: Re: wine exception handling
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems with MIDI
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems with MIDI
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems with MIDI
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building wine
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Building wine
- From: Gregory Richards Hotmail <AKAQuinn@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Direct3D / DirectDraw 'merge'
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- [dx49] cleanups and really use of caps code
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx48] cleanup
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Check for presence of TLS libs on RH9
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Check for presence of TLS libs on RH9
- From: Vincent Béron <vberon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Check for presence of TLS libs on RH9
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx47] debugging aid + lockrect fix
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [dx46] fixes renders lock and surface debug code (snapshots)
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Building wine
- From: Emre ERSIN <b9620788@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Application crash
- From: "biggun from the sun" <fbiggun@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: locale
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- some dmusic stuff
- From: Rok Mandeljc <rok.mandeljc@xxxxxxxx>
- locale
- From: Emre ERSIN <b9620788@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problems with MIDI
- From: Gregory Richards Hotmail <AKAQuinn@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- acrobat reader 6
- From: Subash Jeyan <nsjeyan@xxxxxxxx>
- Config File
- From: George Gambill <ggambill@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Bidi B3 - GetCharacterPlacement final cleanups
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-patches@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Bidi B3 - GetCharacterPlacement final cleanups
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-patches@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx45] begin of hardware shaders support merging
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx44] texture ops
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: Oracle Client under Wine
- From: "Rajkumar" <reactos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dmusic-01] some stubs implementation
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Bidi B2 - GetCharacterPlacement order array
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-patches@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- cvs update #2
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- FAQ update #3
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Problem with configuring the sound.
- From: "R.C" <rafaled@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Question re: winelib/MFC/ATL
- From: Brian Arnold <brian@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Small texturing fix
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine, stay away from my X fonts!
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine, stay away from my X fonts!
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Sound OK on Linex apps b ut no sound under wine
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Code factorization...
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Clean-ups and refactoring
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Sound OK on Linex apps b ut no sound under wine
- From: "Rick Shepherd" <richard.shepherd@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Installing VB6 ?'s
- From: Dan Phillips <dan@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- apps' dlls
- From: Serge Naggar <naggar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Bidi B1 - ICU's GetCharacterPlacement hook
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-patches@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Oracle Client under Wine
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Some texturing code refactoring
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Problem with an application fixme.
- From: Michael Peddemors <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- winmm audio.c dynamic ring buffer patch
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [dsound-01] register IDirectSound8 Class Factory
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Oracle Client under Wine
- From: Michael Peddemors <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- faq[2].diff
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- who.diff
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- press.diff
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- faq.diff
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [dsound-01] register IDirectSound8 Class Factory
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Oracle Client under Wine
- From: "Rajkumar" <reactos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- cvs_2.diff
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- help with SuSE 8.2 wine 20030508 win 3.1 and winos2
- From: Serge Naggar <naggar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: anyone had success with roller coaster tycoon2 ?
- From: "Net Llama!" <netllama@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Putty program fixed
- From: "Lozano, Carlos A." <clozano@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx43] many simple fixes and more debug code
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [dx40] specular enable
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [dx39] Avoid use of glGet
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [dx38] Stencil wrap
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix listbox directory regression
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- wineserver: handle.c:218: alloc_handle: Assertion `table' failed
- From: triton10 <triton10@xxxxxx>
- Re: visio
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: dcom98
- From: Ozkan Taskiran <aot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: dcom98
- From: Andrew Rechenberg <arechenberg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: visio
- From: Gil Katz <gilk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- visio
- From: Joel Alexandre <jcma@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- todo_list.diff
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Bidi implementation patch A1 - ICU dependancy
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-patches@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine download size
- From: Marcus Roeckrath <marcus.roeckrath@xxxxxx>
- Re: Wine download size
- From: Matt Bailey <mattb@xxxxxxxxxx>
- fix text alignment in listview
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: dcom98
- From: Ozkan Taskiran <aot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine download size
- From: Michael Peddemors <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine download size
- From: phrostie <pfrostie@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine download size
- From: Adam Schreiber <sadam@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: dcom98
- From: stickler <stickler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix crash in WritePrivateProfileString
- From: "Thomas Charbonnel" <thomas@xxxxxxxxxx>
- wine on remote MacOSX display.
- From: shift8 <shift8@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dcom98
- From: Ozkan Taskiran <aot@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: can't do any setup...please help!
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Resending: WineHQ press section update
- From: Francois Gouget <fgouget@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Where are my files?
- From: Dan Willemsen <dan@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- can't do any setup...please help!
- From: Maik Kuehn <maik.kuehn@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Building documentation start
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-patches@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Where are my files?
- DrawTextEx - honor clipping for underscores
- From: Vitaliy Margolen <wine-patch@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Listview alignment fix
- From: "BiGgUn" <fbiggun@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WINE crashes!!!
- From: Harald Katzer <nightyslair@xxxxxx>
- WineHQ: Update TODO to version 0.9
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dimi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dsound-01] register IDirectSound8 Class Factory
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: WINE crashes!!!
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- If I am using a program written in VB
- From: "Judson Senra do Nascimento" <judson@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ACM using TrueSpeech codec (acmStreamOpen())
- From: "Robert W. Brewer" <rbrewer@xxxxxx>
- WINE crashes!!!
- From: Harald Katzer <nightyslair@xxxxxx>
- Absturz von WINE!
- From: Harald Katzer <nightyslair@xxxxxx>
- D3D8/D3D9 status
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re: D3D8/D3D9 status
- From: fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- msdos/int21 CREAT special cases
- From: Ferenc Wagner <wferi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: anyone had success with roller coaster tycoon2 ?
- From: "Net Llama!" <netllama@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx42] Debugging aid for d3d
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- REQUEST - Changes in config detection
- From: Michael Peddemors <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Final DungeonSiege fixes...
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- wc3 splash screen
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- _thiscall and msvcrt
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Last (?) threading-related fixes for DungeonSiege
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Some misc. fixes
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Some locking fixes
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Implement direct FB => Texture blits
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: D3D8/D3D9 status
- From: Matt Bailey <mattb@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Wine download size
- From: Matt Bailey <mattb@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Listview fix
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- .diff wrapping woes.....
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- cvs.diff
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- WineHQ: remove .shtml pages
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Blank screen in foreground, working 3D
- From: Matt Bailey <mattb@xxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: WS_setsockopt
- From: Kester Maddock <Christopher.Maddock.1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ACM using TrueSpeech codec (acmStreamOpen())
- From: "Robert W. Brewer" <rbrewer@xxxxxx>
- DirectX 9
- From: Matt Bailey <mattb@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Application crashes (something to do with OLE 16/32 split)
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fwd: Re: sound on wine ??
- From: Dan Sawyer <dansawyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: anyone had success with roller coaster tycoon2 ?
- From: "Net Llama!" <netllama@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fwd: Re: sound on wine ??
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: sound on wine ??
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: sound on wine ??
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: sound on wine ??
- From: Dan Sawyer <dansawyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: sound on wine ??
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: anyone had success with roller coaster tycoon2 ?
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: anyone had success with roller coaster tycoon2 ?
- From: "Net Llama!" <netllama@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: anyone had success with roller coaster tycoon2 ?
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- kernel/file test corrections
- From: Ferenc Wagner <wferi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: dlls/d3d8/device.c
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- sound on wine ??
- From: Dan Sawyer <dansawyer@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: anyone had success with roller coaster tycoon2 ?
- From: "Net Llama!" <netllama@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- winedos / Migrate most ioctl routines to winedos
- From: Jukka Heinonen <jhei@xxxxxx>
- Implement GetProcessPriorityBoost
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: dlls/d3d8/device.c
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: anyone had success with roller coaster tycoon2 ?
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Revert some really unwanted changes to the DDE code (Take 2)
- From: Dmitry Timoshkov <dmitry@xxxxxxxxx>
- Revert some really unwanted changes to the DDE code
- From: Dmitry Timoshkov <dmitry@xxxxxxxxx>
- anyone had success with roller coaster tycoon2 ?
- From: "L. Friedman" <netllama@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: PATCH: dlls/d3d8/device.c
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- -- widl -- , when is it used?
- From: Michael Peddemors <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH - Split fontdlg Win16/32 in commdlg
- From: Steven Edwards <Steven_Ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- [dx41] fix dx39
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Various things...
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- ctrl-c on debugger
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #27
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: winamp3 segfaults wine?
- From: Tobias Bengtsson <tobbe@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: winamp3 segfaults wine?
- From: Alan Bort <333101@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: winamp3 segfaults wine?
- From: Tobias Bengtsson <tobbe@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: COM: port problems
- From: rovoreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mike Davies)
- Re: winamp3 segfaults wine?
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- winamp3 segfaults wine?
- From: Tobias Bengtsson <tobbe@xxxxxxxx>
- [dx40] specular enable
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Error 2352 while installing MSOffice
- From: Marian POPESCU <softexpert@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dlls/ntdll/cdrom.c improve GetIdeInterface/SCSI support
- From: Yorick Hardy <yh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dlls/ntdll/signal_i386.c use SA_RESTART on NetBSD
- From: Yorick Hardy <yh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dlls/ddraw/mesa.c add D3DTBLEND_DECAL render state
- From: Yorick Hardy <yh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- workaround redefinition of struct timeval on NetBSD
- From: Yorick Hardy <yh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx39] Avoid use of glGet
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx38] Stencil wrap
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix wineconsole curses bugs
- From: Jukka Heinonen <jhei@xxxxxx>
- Fix crash due to NULL pointer in ntdll timer funcs
- From: Jukka Heinonen <jhei@xxxxxx>
- Windows Template Library (WTL) and Wine?
- From: "Chris Russell" <cdr@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: What kind of error messages shoudl we post to this list..
- From: Michael Peddemors <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- winhelp
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] GL dynamic linking (reworked a bit :-) )
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: What kind of error messages shoudl we post to this list..
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: dlls/d3d8/device.c
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- What kind of error messages shoudl we post to this list..
- From: Michael Peddemors <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- argh...
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Word 97 under Wine 20030508 - Printing Problem
- From: Benilton de Sa Carvalho <carvalho@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix unaligned style for updown components
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Mouse Pointer ghosted white
- From: Michael Peddemors <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Small DInput fix
- From: Mark Westcott <mark@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: COM: port problems
- From: Rein Klazes <rklazes@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Question about an error msg
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- download_template(3)
- From: Tom <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- authore.diff(3)
- From: Tom <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- authors#2
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- download_template(2)
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- download.template
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- status_changelog
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- status_dlls
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- actually, obey CPPFLAGS *and* LDFLAGS....
- From: Todd Vierling <tv@xxxxxxxxx>
- Contributing
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- authors.ent
- From: Tom Wickline <twickline@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- initial apartment patch
- From: Ove Kaaven <ovek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- patch: honor CPPFLAGS in Make.rules
- From: Todd Vierling <tv@xxxxxxxxx>
- Another possible regression
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: REPEAT- (message didn't show) compilation error, todays CVS
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- REPEAT- (message didn't show) compilation error, todays CVS
- From: Michael Peddemors <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx37] come back
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [Patch] Compile error in ppl.l
- From: Paul Laufer <Paul.E.Laufer@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Question about an error msg
- From: Nicholas Campbell <campbelln@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: IE (Wine and winsock)
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- IE (Wine and winsock)
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Fix sound3d compile problem
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ddraw regression?
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compilation error from CVS on Debian Stable
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Compilation error from CVS on Debian Stable
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Wine and winsock
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Compilation error from CVS on Debian Stable
- From: Michael Peddemors <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix for OLEPicture & "damaged" jpeg files
- From: Nikolas Zimmermann <wildfox@xxxxxxx>
- FYI: CVS builds now
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #25 (take 2)
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- tests
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems with fonts
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Testing mailing list...
- From: "Bob2 Bob2" <b_bob2@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Fix the Blt overide for DEPTH_FILL
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Fix listview custom draw notification
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- dcom.idl
- From: Ove Kaaven <ovek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Some small fixes
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- dsound error/debug cleanup and bug fixes
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dsound 3d tests
- From: Robert Reif <reif@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx36] Filling in holes
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpc exception patch
- From: Ove Kaaven <ovek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- COM: port problems
- From: rovoreed@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Mike Davies)
- [dx35] glClear performance boost
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error compiling wine
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Re[2]: TAB doesn't work for controls anymore
- From: Rein Klazes <rklazes@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error compiling wine
- From: Saulius Krasuckas <Saulius.Krasuckas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fixme:font:LFD_InitFontInfo DBCS fonts like...
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: fixme:font:LFD_InitFontInfo DBCS fonts like...
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: fixme:font:LFD_InitFontInfo DBCS fonts like...
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: error compiling wine
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: fixme:font:LFD_InitFontInfo DBCS fonts like...
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: fixme:font:LFD_InitFontInfo DBCS fonts like...
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: fixme:font:LFD_InitFontInfo DBCS fonts like...
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- fixme:font:LFD_InitFontInfo DBCS fonts like...
- From: Tobias Bengtsson <tobbe@xxxxxxxx>
- Vote for VBA-Excel sheets in OpenOffice
- From: Dirk Gerlach <dgerlach@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Problems with fonts
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Problems with fonts
- From: "Rick Shepherd" <richard.shepherd@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Keyboard does not work
- From: Gérard Verger <verger@xxxxxxxx>
- Listview fix
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error compiling wine
- From: Subash Jeyan <nsjeyan@xxxxxxxx>
- Ole32 patch again
- From: Steven Edwards <Steven_Ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- Header control ordering fix
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH - Setupapi parser.c
- From: Steven Edwards <Steven_Ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error compiling wine
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- error compiling wine
- From: Saulius Krasuckas <Saulius.Krasuckas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error compiling wine
- From: Saulius Krasuckas <Saulius.Krasuckas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- cpu autodetection for FreeBSD
- From: Eric Anholt <eta@xxxxxxxxxx>
- wine und MFC class CMonthCalCtrl
- From: "Thomas Erdmann" <erdmann@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: dlls/iphlpapi/ifenum.c -- fix sysctl
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: dlls/kernel/tests/pipe.c warning fix
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- more rpc stuff
- From: Ove Kaaven <ovek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- yet more rpc stuff
- From: Ove Kaaven <ovek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- OnUnload
- From: idstewart <idstewart@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: How to run .BAT files
- From: Gil Katz <gilk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to run .BAT files
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- PATCH - Separation of Ole32 Win16/32
- From: Steven Edwards <Steven_Ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH - Olecli32 Win16/32 Cleanup
- From: Steven Edwards <Steven_Ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Fixes some debug messages
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: How to run .BAT files
- From: Gil Katz <gilk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How to run .BAT files
- From: Manju <manju_373@xxxxxxxxx>
- Make the Global* memory API functions thread safe
- From: Dmitry Timoshkov <dmitry@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine help
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine help
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [newbie] RedHat 9
- From: Luigi Bardelli <luigi_bardelli@xxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Some execute buffers rewrites + misc fixes
- From: Christian Costa <titan.costa@xxxxxxxxxx>
- winedos / Add some long filename functions
- From: Jukka Heinonen <jhei@xxxxxx>
- Wine help
- From: Jason Mock <fubardogg@xxxxxxxxx>
- Fixes some debug messages
- From: "Lozano, Carlos A." <clozano@xxxxxxxxxx>
- oleaut32 patch
- From: Ove Kaaven <ovek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- yet another rpc patch
- From: Ove Kaaven <ovek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- another rpc patch
- From: Ove Kaaven <ovek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- rpc bugfix
- From: Ove Kaaven <ovek@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can I Generate the cachedmetrics file?
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Quicken can't load browser
- From: Joe Menola <menola@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- misc/cpu.c GetSystemInfo on NetBSD
- From: Yorick Hardy <yh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dlls/ntdll/cdrom.c CDROM_ScsiPassThrough on NetBSD
- From: Yorick Hardy <yh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Character coding support for wine
- From: Stelios Papaioanou <stelmed@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Installshield in pure wine environment
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #26
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: 3D vs. Black Screen
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Some lock / unlock fixes
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- SHBrowseForFolder Improvements
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Add a PIDL Type For Network Provider
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Installshield in pure wine environment
- From: Daniel J Urist <durist@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH for Re: glXGetProcAddressARB causing dozens of warnings
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How to get IE5.5 or IE6.0
- From: "Philipp Wollermann" <phil_wo@xxxxxxx>
- How to get IE5.5 or IE6.0
- From: omsai <sai@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Installshield in pure wine environment
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No debug information in 32bit DLL
- From: Saulius Krasuckas <Saulius.Krasuckas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: wine and MS office 97
- From: Michael Peddemors <michael@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Small optimization in the Lock / Unlock code
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [newbie] RedHat 9
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [newbie] RedHat 9
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: [newbie] RedHat 9
- From: Luigi Bardelli <luigi_bardelli@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: How can I Generate the cachedmetrics file?
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Some fixes + texture optimizations
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: [newbie] RedHat 9
- From: "Philippe A" <z77y16@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- How can I Generate the cachedmetrics file?
- From: Stelios Papaioanou <stelmed@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- 3D vs. Black Screen
- From: Diego Nei <diegonei@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: No debug information in 32bit DLL
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- RE: wine and MS office 97
- From: "Didier B. Ramilison" <rdb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: MS Access Problem under wine
- From: Fabian Cenedese <Cenedese@xxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Light / Clipplane transformation
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- RE: [newbie] RedHat 9
- From: Gil Katz <gilk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [newbie] RedHat 9
- From: Luigi Bardelli <luigi_bardelli@xxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Some more texturing work
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- RE: wine and MS office 97
- From: Gil Katz <gilk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- wine and MS office 97
- From: "Didier B. Ramilison" <rdb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix Annoying SafeArrayCreateVector Bug
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Smarten Up Toolbar
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- No debug information in 32bit DLL
- From: Saulius Krasuckas <Saulius.Krasuckas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine unable to open display.
- From: "Philippe A" <z77y16@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine unable to open display.
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Some viewport / clear fixes
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine unable to open display.
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error wineinstalling
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error wineinstalling
- From: Saulius Krasuckas <Saulius.Krasuckas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine unable to open display.
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Always print version on startup
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine unable to open display.
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine unable to open display.
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ./tools/wineinstall not able to recognize my Windows partition.
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #25
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- ntdll/kernel32: #24
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine unable to open display.
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine unable to open display.
- From: "Philippe A" <z77y16@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Always print version on startup
- From: Marcus Meissner <marcus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- msoffice: which version (97, 2k, xp) do you recommend
- From: Christoph Lehmann <christoph.lehmann@xxxxxx>
- Re: ./tools/wineinstall not able to recognize my Windows partition.
- From: omsai <sai@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: ./tools/wineinstall not able to recognize my Windows partition.
- From: "Philippe A" <z77y16@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Installshield in pure wine environment
- From: Daniel J Urist <durist@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine unable to open display.
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine unable to open display.
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Wine unable to open display.
- From: Gil Katz <gilk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine unable to open display.
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ./tools/wineinstall not able to recognize my Windows partition.
- From: omsai <sai@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine unable to open display.
- From: omsai <sai@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: ./tools/wineinstall not able to recognize my Windows partition.
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: ./tools/wineinstall not able to recognize my Windows partition.
- From: Gil Katz <gilk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine unable to open display.
- From: "Philipp Wollermann" <phil_wo@xxxxxxx>
- ./tools/wineinstall not able to recognize my Windows partition.
- From: omsai <sai@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Wine unable to open display.
- From: Rob Hughes <rob@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine unable to open display.
- From: "Philipp Wollermann" <phil_wo@xxxxxxx>
- dlls/ntdll/cdrom.c CDROM_GetIdeInterface on NetBSD
- From: Yorick Hardy <yh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Wine unable to open display.
- From: Gil Katz <gilk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Wine unable to open display.
- From: "Philippe A" <z77y16@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- iphlpapi : fix includes to match man page recommendations
- From: "Pierre d'Herbemont" <stegefin@xxxxxxx>
- MS Access Problem under wine
- From: Stelios Papaioanou <stelmed@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- CoInitializeEx - Store threading model for each thread
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: TAB doesn't work for controls anymore
- From: Rein Klazes <rklazes@xxxxxxxxx>
- winedos / Cleanup int21 fcb code
- From: Jukka Heinonen <jhei@xxxxxx>
- Re: How import windows registry ?
- From: "Rafael Tatsuya Icibaci" <tatsuya_rafael@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix value of IID_IShellFolder2
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New _lcreat tests (patch included)
- From: Ferenc Wagner <wferi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Some more formats added for surface locking
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: oleaut32-Error
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: New _lcreat tests
- From: Andreas Mohr <andi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- New _lcreat tests
- From: Ferenc Wagner <wferi@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: oleaut32-Error
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Perl on Redhat 9 switches to character semantics
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-devel@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [dx8-34 bis] too many things for a subject ;)
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Support for surface locking
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- git classfactory
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- winsms: Interface not supported
- From: Carles Pina i Estany <carles@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Always print version on startup
- From: Uwe Bonnes <bon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- VarBstrFromDec
- From: Stefan Leichter <Stefan.Leichter@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- oleaut32-Error
- From: Marcus Roeckrath <marcus.roeckrath@xxxxxx>
- Re: Getting DXBall to run
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine: gethostbyname implementation in WS2_32 is buggy
- From: Andreas Mohr <andi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix listview custom draw notification
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Wine: gethostbyname implementation in WS2_32 is buggy
- From: Uwe Bonnes <bon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- d'oh
- From: Mike Hearn <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- anybody installed office under wine successfully?
- From: Christoph Lehmann <lehmann@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Installshield in pure wine environment
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: Stefan Leichter <Stefan.Leichter@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Wine: gethostbyname implementation in WS2_32 is buggy
- Re: Fix ListView Bugs
- From: Maxime Bellengé <maxime.bellenge@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- anybody installed office under wine successfully?
- From: Christoph Lehmann <christoph.lehmann@xxxxxx>
- Getting DXBall to run
- From: Hans Leidekker <hans@xxxxxxxx>
- Version Resource For Ole32
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Perl on Redhat 9 switches to character semantics
- From: Hans Leidekker <hans@xxxxxxxx>
- ddraw: load OpenGL at runtime (take 4)
- From: Mike McCormack <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Font metrics ;;. BadValue (X_OpenFont)
- From: /* jsha */ <johann@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix ListView Bugs
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [D3D] Some tracing changes...
- From: Lionel Ulmer <lionel.ulmer@xxxxxxx>
- [dx8-34] too many things for a subject ;)
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- dlls/wininet/http.c: HTTP_HttpOpenRequestA
- From: Uwe Bonnes <bon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [Resent] MaskBlt
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: [dx8-33] More maxpayne fixes
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx8-33] More maxpayne fixes
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- winelpk.dll
- From: Shachar Shemesh <wine-patches@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- VarBstrFromDec stub
- From: Stefan Leichter <Stefan.Leichter@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: How import windows registry ?
- From: Sylvain Petreolle <spetreolle@xxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: typelib
- From: Marcus Meissner <marcus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Resent^2: "Don't add empty lines when writing out profile files"
- From: Uwe Bonnes <bon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- How import windows registry ?
- From: "Rafael Tatsuya Icibaci" <tatsuya_rafael@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Reset: Don't add empty lines when writing out profile files
- From: Uwe Bonnes <bon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx32] Right lights...
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Handle bordercase ins dpa_search
- From: Uwe Bonnes <bon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Resent: New test directory and test case for DPA_Search
- From: Uwe Bonnes <bon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Resent: More sanity check in TOOLBAR_AddString
- From: Uwe Bonnes <bon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx31]Silent Lights...
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- RE: Installshield in pure wine environment
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Installshield in pure wine environment
- From: Daniel J Urist <durist@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- GetTempFileName: check for ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION.
- From: Philip Mason <pmason@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx30] MayPayne fix :-)
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx29] Transparency support
- From: Ann and Jason Edmeades <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Resend - PATCH - Start seperating 16/32 in Ole and ole32 memlockbytes
- From: Steven Edwards <Steven_Ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH - Start seperating 16/32 in Ole and ole32 memlockbytes
- From: Steven Edwards <Steven_Ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- PATCH: dlls/iphlpapi/ipstats.c -- fix build breakage
- From: Gerald Pfeifer <pfeifer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- some winedos/int21 FCB functions
- From: thomas.mertes@xxxxxx
- Copy program from win partition
- From: Savio Ramos <>
- [DINPUT] get Unreal Tournament 2003 (and maybe Unreal2) starting
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Unable to start Excel97
- From: "Didier B. Ramilison" <rdb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: L button?
- From: Matt Bailey <mattb@xxxxxxxxxx>
- L button?
- From: Matt Bailey <mattb@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Lotus Notes 5.0.x and Wine - No printer
- From: "Fred Yeadon" <fwy@xxxxxxxxx>
- Update named pipe test
- From: Mike McCormack <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ddraw: load OpenGL at runtime (take 2)
- From: Mike McCormack <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- ddraw: load OpenGL at runtime
- From: Mike McCormack <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Crash on imm32
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx8-28] fix cubetexture compilation without openGL1.3 headers
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Installshield in pure wine environment
- From: "Robert Shearman" <R.J.Shearman@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx8-27] Correct viewport info #2
- From: "Ann and Jason Edmeades" <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- VarDecFromStr
- From: Stefan Leichter <Stefan.Leichter@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: X Error of failed request: HAVE YOU EVER SEEN ANYTHING THIS STUPID?
- From: Gunter Ohrner <G.Ohrner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: /* jsha */ <johann@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Lotus Notes 5.0.x and Wine - No printer
- From: "Micah Hoffman" <mhoffman2@xxxxxxx>
- Re: edit - fix WantReturns (Win BUG)
- From: Rein Klazes <rklazes@xxxxxxxxx>
- Resend - PATCH - Cleanup cygwin shortcuts when doing make clean
- From: Steven Edwards <Steven_Ed4153@xxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Lotus Notes 5.0.x and Wine - No printer
- From: "Micah Hoffman" <mhoffman2@xxxxxxx>
- PATCH: jack
- From: Marcus Meissner <meissner@xxxxxxx>
- Re: Installing WINE onto a LTSP server for the nodes to use WINE.
- From: Zsolt Rizsanyi <rizsanyi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Named pipe patch 5 (supercedes 4)
- From: Mike McCormack <mike@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx8-26] vshader little things
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx8-25] huge things
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx8-24] cube textures capabilities
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Installing WINE onto a LTSP server for the nodes to use WINE.
- From: "ericglass" <eglass@xxxxxxx>
- [dx8-23] volume texture cleaning
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx8-22] cube texture support begin
- From: Raphaël Junqueira <fenix@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx8-20] Correct texture capabilities
- From: "Ann and Jason Edmeades" <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx8-19] Defaults to tss texcoordindex
- From: "Ann and Jason Edmeades" <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx8-21] Viewport fix
- From: "Ann and Jason Edmeades" <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx9-21] Texture coordinate fixes
- From: "Ann and Jason Edmeades" <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- [dx8-18] Copyrects patch
- From: "Ann and Jason Edmeades" <us@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Lotus Notes 5.0.x and Wine - No printer
- From: "Micah Hoffman" <mhoffman2@xxxxxxx>
- Re: error wineinstalling
- From: Saulius Krasuckas <Saulius.Krasuckas@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: error wineinstalling
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Lotus Notes 5.0.x and Wine - No printer
- From: Duane Clark <dclark@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Create a new heap in start_debugger
- From: Eric Pouech <pouech-eric@xxxxxxxxxx>
- SHDOCVW stubs
- From: Andreas Mohr <andi@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Win32 Mozilla 1.4b+ GCC (MingW)?
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Fix dlls/kernel/tests/pipe.c breakage
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- Small docu update
- From: "Dimitrie O. Paun" <dpaun@xxxxxxxxxx>
- anybody installed wine on RH9.0 successfully?
- From: Christoph Lehmann <christoph.lehmann@xxxxxx>
- RE: anybody installed wine on RH9.0 successfully?
- From: Gil Katz <gilk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- install win2k hangs during setup
- From: Christoph Lehmann <christoph.lehmann@xxxxxx>
- Re: anybody installed wine on RH9.0 successfully?
- From: Andrew Rechenberg <arechenberg@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: install win2k hangs during setup
- From: Gunter Ohrner <G.Ohrner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: install win2k hangs during setup
- From: Gunter Ohrner <G.Ohrner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Re: Keyboard does not work
- From: Tim Ruehsen <tim.ruehsen@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- /usr/libexec/ Shared object "" not found
- From: /* jsha */ <johann@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
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