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relative to cab_C_03.

With this patch, we do almost everything right, except that we bomb out on
split cabinets.  Fixing for split cabinets is going to be a little bit
tricky; I am going to have to deepen my understanding of the original code
a bit since I've just about exhausted the "cut-and-paste development"
possibilities -- the problem is that cabexctract.c has the luxury of loading
everything at the beginning whereas we do not.

Possible solutions:

  a) serialize the info we need somewhere to persist across cabinets -- this
     was my original preference, but the more I think about it, it seems 

  b) use recursion instead of iteration across split cabinets -- leaning towards
     this approach but it will require significant restructuring unless I want
     to copy a lot of code into from FDICopy into fdi_decomp... (maybe I
     shouldn't worry about this as I've already conceeded to duplicate massive
     chunks of code).

A bug/feature of this API may make the task easier -- real cabinet.dll doesn't
iterate through the entire chain of split cabinets, but just those that hold
portions of files that began in the original cabinet (perhaps because of the
original bug which erroneously reports that all cabinets are the last in the
chain, whether they are or not (or pehaps that's the documented behavior...
I gave up on reading the SDK API documentation too much since it's so frequently

Needless to say, a declaration of victory would be premature.  I forsee at least
one more patch (with a fix for split cabinets) before it "really works."

License: LGPL (sorry)


* dlls/cabinet: cabextract.c, cabinet.h, fdi.c:
  Greg Turner <>
- move macros and constants into cabinet.h where they can be shared
  between cabextract.c and fdi.c
- reminders to eliminate global variables (for multithread compatibility)
- remove struct fdi_cab: due to the nature of the FDI API, we cannot preload
  all the cabinets; this appears to obviate the need for struct fdi_cab.
- "oppress" (that is, do not process) partial files which were continuations
  from another cabinet.
- more than one partial file can exist in a single cabinet (how!?) -- so move
  the partial file notification (and "oppression" that goes with it) into the 
  loop that iterates through files.
- a couple of noops courtesy of vi's :retab.  Sorry those got mixed in with the
  real changes, Alexandre!

diff -ur --minimal --exclude-from=/home/greg/bin/winetreediff_excl ../wine/dlls/cabinet/cabextract.c ./dlls/cabinet/cabextract.c
--- ../wine/dlls/cabinet/cabextract.c	2003-06-06 19:39:58.000000000 -0500
+++ ./dlls/cabinet/cabextract.c	2003-06-10 01:34:29.000000000 -0500
@@ -40,6 +40,8 @@
 /* all the file IO is abstracted into these routines:
  * cabinet_(open|close|read|seek|skip|getoffset)
  * file_(open|close|write)
@@ -544,33 +546,6 @@
 /* Dirk Stoecker wrote the ZIP decoder, based on the InfoZip deflate code */
-/* Tables for deflate from PKZIP's appnote.txt. */
-static const cab_UBYTE Zipborder[] = /* Order of the bit length code lengths */
-{ 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15};
-static const cab_UWORD Zipcplens[] = /* Copy lengths for literal codes 257..285 */
-{ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51,
- 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0};
-static const cab_UWORD Zipcplext[] = /* Extra bits for literal codes 257..285 */
-{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4,
-  4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 99, 99}; /* 99==invalid */
-static const cab_UWORD Zipcpdist[] = /* Copy offsets for distance codes 0..29 */
-{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385,
-513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577};
-static const cab_UWORD Zipcpdext[] = /* Extra bits for distance codes */
-{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10,
-10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13};
-/* And'ing with Zipmask[n] masks the lower n bits */
-static const cab_UWORD Zipmask[17] = {
- 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0003, 0x0007, 0x000f, 0x001f, 0x003f, 0x007f, 0x00ff,
- 0x01ff, 0x03ff, 0x07ff, 0x0fff, 0x1fff, 0x3fff, 0x7fff, 0xffff
-#define ZIPNEEDBITS(n) {while(k<(n)){cab_LONG c=*(ZIP(inpos)++);\
-    b|=((cab_ULONG)c)<<k;k+=8;}}
-#define ZIPDUMPBITS(n) {b>>=(n);k-=(n);}
  * Ziphuft_free (internal)
@@ -1148,6 +1123,7 @@
 /* This decruncher was researched and implemented by Matthew Russoto. */
 /* It has since been tidied up by Stuart Caie */
+/* FIXME: eliminate global variables */
 static cab_UBYTE q_length_base[27], q_length_extra[27], q_extra_bits[42];
 static cab_ULONG q_position_base[42];
@@ -1276,91 +1252,6 @@
-/* Bitstream reading macros (Quantum / normal byte order)
- *
- * Q_INIT_BITSTREAM    should be used first to set up the system
- * Q_READ_BITS(var,n)  takes N bits from the buffer and puts them in var.
- *                     unlike LZX, this can loop several times to get the
- *                     requisite number of bits.
- * Q_FILL_BUFFER       adds more data to the bit buffer, if there is room
- *                     for another 16 bits.
- * Q_PEEK_BITS(n)      extracts (without removing) N bits from the bit
- *                     buffer
- * Q_REMOVE_BITS(n)    removes N bits from the bit buffer
- *
- * These bit access routines work by using the area beyond the MSB and the
- * LSB as a free source of zeroes. This avoids having to mask any bits.
- * So we have to know the bit width of the bitbuffer variable. This is
- * defined as ULONG_BITS.
- *
- * ULONG_BITS should be at least 16 bits. Unlike LZX's Huffman decoding,
- * Quantum's arithmetic decoding only needs 1 bit at a time, it doesn't
- * need an assured number. Retrieving larger bitstrings can be done with
- * multiple reads and fills of the bitbuffer. The code should work fine
- * for machines where ULONG >= 32 bits.
- *
- * Also note that Quantum reads bytes in normal order; LZX is in
- * little-endian order.
- */
-#define Q_INIT_BITSTREAM do { bitsleft = 0; bitbuf = 0; } while (0)
-#define Q_FILL_BUFFER do {                                                  \
-  if (bitsleft <= (CAB_ULONG_BITS - 16)) {                                  \
-    bitbuf |= ((inpos[0]<<8)|inpos[1]) << (CAB_ULONG_BITS-16 - bitsleft);   \
-    bitsleft += 16; inpos += 2;                                             \
-  }                                                                         \
-} while (0)
-#define Q_PEEK_BITS(n)   (bitbuf >> (CAB_ULONG_BITS - (n)))
-#define Q_REMOVE_BITS(n) ((bitbuf <<= (n)), (bitsleft -= (n)))
-#define Q_READ_BITS(v,n) do {						\
-  (v) = 0;                                                              \
-  for (bitsneed = (n); bitsneed; bitsneed -= bitrun) {                  \
-    Q_FILL_BUFFER;                                                      \
-    bitrun = (bitsneed > bitsleft) ? bitsleft : bitsneed;               \
-    (v) = ((v) << bitrun) | Q_PEEK_BITS(bitrun);                        \
-    Q_REMOVE_BITS(bitrun);                                              \
-  }                                                                     \
-} while (0)
-#define Q_MENTRIES(model) (QTM(model).entries)
-#define Q_MSYM(model,symidx) (QTM(model).syms[(symidx)].sym)
-#define Q_MSYMFREQ(model,symidx) (QTM(model).syms[(symidx)].cumfreq)
-/* GET_SYMBOL(model, var) fetches the next symbol from the stated model
- * and puts it in var. it may need to read the bitstream to do this.
- */
-#define GET_SYMBOL(m, var) do {                                         \
-  range =  ((H - L) & 0xFFFF) + 1;                                      \
-  symf = ((((C - L + 1) * Q_MSYMFREQ(m,0)) - 1) / range) & 0xFFFF;      \
-                                                                        \
-  for (i=1; i < Q_MENTRIES(m); i++) {                                   \
-    if (Q_MSYMFREQ(m,i) <= symf) break;                                 \
-  }                                                                     \
-  (var) = Q_MSYM(m,i-1);                                                \
-                                                                        \
-  range = (H - L) + 1;                                                  \
-  H = L + ((Q_MSYMFREQ(m,i-1) * range) / Q_MSYMFREQ(m,0)) - 1;          \
-  L = L + ((Q_MSYMFREQ(m,i)   * range) / Q_MSYMFREQ(m,0));              \
-  while (1) {                                                           \
-    if ((L & 0x8000) != (H & 0x8000)) {                                 \
-      if ((L & 0x4000) && !(H & 0x4000)) {                              \
-        /* underflow case */                                            \
-        C ^= 0x4000; L &= 0x3FFF; H |= 0x4000;                          \
-      }                                                                 \
-      else break;                                                       \
-    }                                                                   \
-    L <<= 1; H = (H << 1) | 1;                                          \
-    Q_FILL_BUFFER;                                                      \
-    C  = (C << 1) | Q_PEEK_BITS(1);                                     \
-    Q_REMOVE_BITS(1);                                                   \
-  }                                                                     \
-                                                                        \
-  QTMupdatemodel(&(QTM(m)), i);                                         \
-} while (0)
  * QTMdecompress (internal)
@@ -1542,6 +1433,8 @@
  * - lzx_position_base is an index to the position slot bases
  * - lzx_extra_bits states how many bits of offset-from-base data is needed.
+/* FIXME: Eliminate global variables */
 static cab_ULONG lzx_position_base[51];
 static cab_UBYTE extra_bits[51];
@@ -1599,93 +1492,6 @@
   return DECR_OK;
-/* Bitstream reading macros (LZX / intel little-endian byte order)
- *
- * INIT_BITSTREAM    should be used first to set up the system
- * READ_BITS(var,n)  takes N bits from the buffer and puts them in var
- *
- * ENSURE_BITS(n)    ensures there are at least N bits in the bit buffer.
- *                   it can guarantee up to 17 bits (i.e. it can read in
- *                   16 new bits when there is down to 1 bit in the buffer,
- *                   and it can read 32 bits when there are 0 bits in the
- *                   buffer).
- * PEEK_BITS(n)      extracts (without removing) N bits from the bit buffer
- * REMOVE_BITS(n)    removes N bits from the bit buffer
- *
- * These bit access routines work by using the area beyond the MSB and the
- * LSB as a free source of zeroes. This avoids having to mask any bits.
- * So we have to know the bit width of the bitbuffer variable.
- */
-#define INIT_BITSTREAM do { bitsleft = 0; bitbuf = 0; } while (0)
-/* Quantum reads bytes in normal order; LZX is little-endian order */
-#define ENSURE_BITS(n)                                                    \
-  while (bitsleft < (n)) {			    		          \
-    bitbuf |= ((inpos[1]<<8)|inpos[0]) << (CAB_ULONG_BITS-16 - bitsleft); \
-    bitsleft += 16; inpos+=2;						  \
-  }
-#define PEEK_BITS(n)   (bitbuf >> (CAB_ULONG_BITS - (n)))
-#define REMOVE_BITS(n) ((bitbuf <<= (n)), (bitsleft -= (n)))
-#define READ_BITS(v,n) do {						\
-  if (n) {								\
-    ENSURE_BITS(n);							\
-    (v) = PEEK_BITS(n);							\
-    REMOVE_BITS(n);							\
-  }									\
-  else {								\
-    (v) = 0;								\
-  }									\
-} while (0)
-/* Huffman macros */
-#define TABLEBITS(tbl)   (LZX_##tbl##_TABLEBITS)
-#define MAXSYMBOLS(tbl)  (LZX_##tbl##_MAXSYMBOLS)
-#define SYMTABLE(tbl)    (LZX(tbl##_table))
-#define LENTABLE(tbl)    (LZX(tbl##_len))
-/* BUILD_TABLE(tablename) builds a huffman lookup table from code lengths.
- * In reality, it just calls make_decode_table() with the appropriate
- * values - they're all fixed by some #defines anyway, so there's no point
- * writing each call out in full by hand.
- */
-#define BUILD_TABLE(tbl)						\
-  if (make_decode_table(						\
-  )) { return DECR_ILLEGALDATA; }
-/* READ_HUFFSYM(tablename, var) decodes one huffman symbol from the
- * bitstream using the stated table and puts it in var.
- */
-#define READ_HUFFSYM(tbl,var) do {					\
-  ENSURE_BITS(16);							\
-  hufftbl = SYMTABLE(tbl);						\
-  if ((i = hufftbl[PEEK_BITS(TABLEBITS(tbl))]) >= MAXSYMBOLS(tbl)) {	\
-    j = 1 << (CAB_ULONG_BITS - TABLEBITS(tbl));				\
-    do {								\
-      j >>= 1; i <<= 1; i |= (bitbuf & j) ? 1 : 0;			\
-      if (!j) { return DECR_ILLEGALDATA; }	                        \
-    } while ((i = hufftbl[i]) >= MAXSYMBOLS(tbl));			\
-  }									\
-  j = LENTABLE(tbl)[(var) = i];						\
-  REMOVE_BITS(j);							\
-} while (0)
-/* READ_LENGTHS(tablename, first, last) reads in code lengths for symbols
- * first to last in the given table. The code lengths are stored in their
- * own special LZX way.
- */
-#define READ_LENGTHS(tbl,first,last) do { \
- = bitbuf; = bitsleft; lb.ip = inpos; \
-  if (lzx_read_lens(LENTABLE(tbl),(first),(last),&lb,decomp_state)) { \
-    return DECR_ILLEGALDATA; \
-  } \
-  bitbuf =; bitsleft =; inpos = lb.ip; \
-} while (0)
  * make_decode_table (internal)
@@ -1773,12 +1579,6 @@
   return 0;
-struct lzx_bits {
-  cab_ULONG bb;
-  int bl;
-  cab_UBYTE *ip;
  * lzx_read_lens (internal)
@@ -1883,12 +1683,12 @@
         /* rest of aligned header is same as verbatim */
-        READ_LENGTHS(MAINTREE, 0, 256);
-        READ_LENGTHS(MAINTREE, 256, LZX(main_elements));
+        READ_LENGTHS(MAINTREE, 0, 256, lzx_read_lens);
+        READ_LENGTHS(MAINTREE, 256, LZX(main_elements), lzx_read_lens);
         if (LENTABLE(MAINTREE)[0xE8] != 0) LZX(intel_started) = 1;
diff -ur --minimal --exclude-from=/home/greg/bin/winetreediff_excl ../wine/dlls/cabinet/cabinet.h ./dlls/cabinet/cabinet.h
--- ../wine/dlls/cabinet/cabinet.h	2003-06-09 02:36:13.000000000 -0500
+++ ./dlls/cabinet/cabinet.h	2003-06-11 09:26:39.000000000 -0500
@@ -41,10 +41,6 @@
 #define CAB_ULONG_BITS (sizeof(cab_ULONG) * CHAR_BIT)
-/* endian-neutral reading of little-endian data */
-#define EndGetI32(a)  ((((a)[3])<<24)|(((a)[2])<<16)|(((a)[1])<<8)|((a)[0]))
-#define EndGetI16(a)  ((((a)[1])<<8)|((a)[0]))
 /* structure offsets */
 #define cfhead_Signature         (0x00)
 #define cfhead_CabinetSize       (0x08)
@@ -212,18 +208,11 @@
-/* generic stuff */
-#define CAB(x) (decomp_state->x)
-#define ZIP(x) (decomp_state->
-#define QTM(x) (decomp_state->methods.qtm.x)
-#define LZX(x) (decomp_state->methods.lzx.x)
-#define DECR_OK           (0)
-#define DECR_DATAFORMAT   (1)
-#define DECR_ILLEGALDATA  (2)
-#define DECR_NOMEMORY     (3)
-#define DECR_CHECKSUM     (4)
-#define DECR_INPUT        (5)
-#define DECR_OUTPUT       (6)
+struct lzx_bits {
+  cab_ULONG bb;
+  int bl;
+  cab_UBYTE *ip;
 /* CAB data blocks are <= 32768 bytes in uncompressed form. Uncompressed
  * blocks have zero growth. MSZIP guarantees that it won't grow above
@@ -331,7 +320,230 @@
   (((void *) hfdi) != NULL) && \
   (PFDI_INT(hfdi)->FDI_Intmagic == FDI_INT_MAGIC) )
+ * the rest of these are somewhat kludgy macros which are shared between fdi.c
+ * and cabextract.c.
+ */
+#define ZIPNEEDBITS(n) {while(k<(n)){cab_LONG c=*(ZIP(inpos)++);\
+    b|=((cab_ULONG)c)<<k;k+=8;}}
+#define ZIPDUMPBITS(n) {b>>=(n);k-=(n);}
+/* endian-neutral reading of little-endian data */
+#define EndGetI32(a)  ((((a)[3])<<24)|(((a)[2])<<16)|(((a)[1])<<8)|((a)[0]))
+#define EndGetI16(a)  ((((a)[1])<<8)|((a)[0]))
+#define CAB(x) (decomp_state->x)
+#define ZIP(x) (decomp_state->
+#define QTM(x) (decomp_state->methods.qtm.x)
+#define LZX(x) (decomp_state->methods.lzx.x)
+#define DECR_OK           (0)
+#define DECR_DATAFORMAT   (1)
+#define DECR_ILLEGALDATA  (2)
+#define DECR_NOMEMORY     (3)
+#define DECR_CHECKSUM     (4)
+#define DECR_INPUT        (5)
+#define DECR_OUTPUT       (6)
+/* Bitstream reading macros (Quantum / normal byte order)
+ *
+ * Q_INIT_BITSTREAM    should be used first to set up the system
+ * Q_READ_BITS(var,n)  takes N bits from the buffer and puts them in var.
+ *                     unlike LZX, this can loop several times to get the
+ *                     requisite number of bits.
+ * Q_FILL_BUFFER       adds more data to the bit buffer, if there is room
+ *                     for another 16 bits.
+ * Q_PEEK_BITS(n)      extracts (without removing) N bits from the bit
+ *                     buffer
+ * Q_REMOVE_BITS(n)    removes N bits from the bit buffer
+ *
+ * These bit access routines work by using the area beyond the MSB and the
+ * LSB as a free source of zeroes. This avoids having to mask any bits.
+ * So we have to know the bit width of the bitbuffer variable. This is
+ * defined as ULONG_BITS.
+ *
+ * ULONG_BITS should be at least 16 bits. Unlike LZX's Huffman decoding,
+ * Quantum's arithmetic decoding only needs 1 bit at a time, it doesn't
+ * need an assured number. Retrieving larger bitstrings can be done with
+ * multiple reads and fills of the bitbuffer. The code should work fine
+ * for machines where ULONG >= 32 bits.
+ *
+ * Also note that Quantum reads bytes in normal order; LZX is in
+ * little-endian order.
+ */
+#define Q_INIT_BITSTREAM do { bitsleft = 0; bitbuf = 0; } while (0)
+#define Q_FILL_BUFFER do {                                                  \
+  if (bitsleft <= (CAB_ULONG_BITS - 16)) {                                  \
+    bitbuf |= ((inpos[0]<<8)|inpos[1]) << (CAB_ULONG_BITS-16 - bitsleft);   \
+    bitsleft += 16; inpos += 2;                                             \
+  }                                                                         \
+} while (0)
+#define Q_PEEK_BITS(n)   (bitbuf >> (CAB_ULONG_BITS - (n)))
+#define Q_REMOVE_BITS(n) ((bitbuf <<= (n)), (bitsleft -= (n)))
+#define Q_READ_BITS(v,n) do {                                           \
+  (v) = 0;                                                              \
+  for (bitsneed = (n); bitsneed; bitsneed -= bitrun) {                  \
+    Q_FILL_BUFFER;                                                      \
+    bitrun = (bitsneed > bitsleft) ? bitsleft : bitsneed;               \
+    (v) = ((v) << bitrun) | Q_PEEK_BITS(bitrun);                        \
+    Q_REMOVE_BITS(bitrun);                                              \
+  }                                                                     \
+} while (0)
+#define Q_MENTRIES(model) (QTM(model).entries)
+#define Q_MSYM(model,symidx) (QTM(model).syms[(symidx)].sym)
+#define Q_MSYMFREQ(model,symidx) (QTM(model).syms[(symidx)].cumfreq)
+/* GET_SYMBOL(model, var) fetches the next symbol from the stated model
+ * and puts it in var. it may need to read the bitstream to do this.
+ */
+#define GET_SYMBOL(m, var) do {                                         \
+  range =  ((H - L) & 0xFFFF) + 1;                                      \
+  symf = ((((C - L + 1) * Q_MSYMFREQ(m,0)) - 1) / range) & 0xFFFF;      \
+                                                                        \
+  for (i=1; i < Q_MENTRIES(m); i++) {                                   \
+    if (Q_MSYMFREQ(m,i) <= symf) break;                                 \
+  }                                                                     \
+  (var) = Q_MSYM(m,i-1);                                                \
+                                                                        \
+  range = (H - L) + 1;                                                  \
+  H = L + ((Q_MSYMFREQ(m,i-1) * range) / Q_MSYMFREQ(m,0)) - 1;          \
+  L = L + ((Q_MSYMFREQ(m,i)   * range) / Q_MSYMFREQ(m,0));              \
+  while (1) {                                                           \
+    if ((L & 0x8000) != (H & 0x8000)) {                                 \
+      if ((L & 0x4000) && !(H & 0x4000)) {                              \
+        /* underflow case */                                            \
+        C ^= 0x4000; L &= 0x3FFF; H |= 0x4000;                          \
+      }                                                                 \
+      else break;                                                       \
+    }                                                                   \
+    L <<= 1; H = (H << 1) | 1;                                          \
+    Q_FILL_BUFFER;                                                      \
+    C  = (C << 1) | Q_PEEK_BITS(1);                                     \
+    Q_REMOVE_BITS(1);                                                   \
+  }                                                                     \
+                                                                        \
+  QTMupdatemodel(&(QTM(m)), i);                                         \
+} while (0)
+/* Bitstream reading macros (LZX / intel little-endian byte order)
+ *
+ * INIT_BITSTREAM    should be used first to set up the system
+ * READ_BITS(var,n)  takes N bits from the buffer and puts them in var
+ *
+ * ENSURE_BITS(n)    ensures there are at least N bits in the bit buffer.
+ *                   it can guarantee up to 17 bits (i.e. it can read in
+ *                   16 new bits when there is down to 1 bit in the buffer,
+ *                   and it can read 32 bits when there are 0 bits in the
+ *                   buffer).
+ * PEEK_BITS(n)      extracts (without removing) N bits from the bit buffer
+ * REMOVE_BITS(n)    removes N bits from the bit buffer
+ *
+ * These bit access routines work by using the area beyond the MSB and the
+ * LSB as a free source of zeroes. This avoids having to mask any bits.
+ * So we have to know the bit width of the bitbuffer variable.
+ */
+#define INIT_BITSTREAM do { bitsleft = 0; bitbuf = 0; } while (0)
+/* Quantum reads bytes in normal order; LZX is little-endian order */
+#define ENSURE_BITS(n)                                                    \
+  while (bitsleft < (n)) {                                                \
+    bitbuf |= ((inpos[1]<<8)|inpos[0]) << (CAB_ULONG_BITS-16 - bitsleft); \
+    bitsleft += 16; inpos+=2;                                             \
+  }
+#define PEEK_BITS(n)   (bitbuf >> (CAB_ULONG_BITS - (n)))
+#define REMOVE_BITS(n) ((bitbuf <<= (n)), (bitsleft -= (n)))
+#define READ_BITS(v,n) do {                                             \
+  if (n) {                                                              \
+    ENSURE_BITS(n);                                                     \
+    (v) = PEEK_BITS(n);                                                 \
+    REMOVE_BITS(n);                                                     \
+  }                                                                     \
+  else {                                                                \
+    (v) = 0;                                                            \
+  }                                                                     \
+} while (0)
+/* Huffman macros */
+#define TABLEBITS(tbl)   (LZX_##tbl##_TABLEBITS)
+#define MAXSYMBOLS(tbl)  (LZX_##tbl##_MAXSYMBOLS)
+#define SYMTABLE(tbl)    (LZX(tbl##_table))
+#define LENTABLE(tbl)    (LZX(tbl##_len))
+/* BUILD_TABLE(tablename) builds a huffman lookup table from code lengths.
+ * In reality, it just calls make_decode_table() with the appropriate
+ * values - they're all fixed by some #defines anyway, so there's no point
+ * writing each call out in full by hand.
+ */
+#define BUILD_TABLE(tbl)                                                \
+  if (make_decode_table(                                                \
+    MAXSYMBOLS(tbl), TABLEBITS(tbl), LENTABLE(tbl), SYMTABLE(tbl)       \
+  )) { return DECR_ILLEGALDATA; }
+/* READ_HUFFSYM(tablename, var) decodes one huffman symbol from the
+ * bitstream using the stated table and puts it in var.
+ */
+#define READ_HUFFSYM(tbl,var) do {                                      \
+  ENSURE_BITS(16);                                                      \
+  hufftbl = SYMTABLE(tbl);                                              \
+  if ((i = hufftbl[PEEK_BITS(TABLEBITS(tbl))]) >= MAXSYMBOLS(tbl)) {    \
+    j = 1 << (CAB_ULONG_BITS - TABLEBITS(tbl));                         \
+    do {                                                                \
+      j >>= 1; i <<= 1; i |= (bitbuf & j) ? 1 : 0;                      \
+      if (!j) { return DECR_ILLEGALDATA; }                              \
+    } while ((i = hufftbl[i]) >= MAXSYMBOLS(tbl));                      \
+  }                                                                     \
+  j = LENTABLE(tbl)[(var) = i];                                         \
+  REMOVE_BITS(j);                                                       \
+} while (0)
+/* READ_LENGTHS(tablename, first, last) reads in code lengths for symbols
+ * first to last in the given table. The code lengths are stored in their
+ * own special LZX way.
+ */
+#define READ_LENGTHS(tbl,first,last,fn) do { \
+ = bitbuf; = bitsleft; lb.ip = inpos; \
+  if (fn(LENTABLE(tbl),(first),(last),&lb,decomp_state)) { \
+    return DECR_ILLEGALDATA; \
+  } \
+  bitbuf =; bitsleft =; inpos = lb.ip; \
+} while (0)
+/* Tables for deflate from PKZIP's appnote.txt. */
+#define THOSE_ZIP_CONSTS                                                           \
+static const cab_UBYTE Zipborder[] = /* Order of the bit length code lengths */    \
+{ 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15};               \
+static const cab_UWORD Zipcplens[] = /* Copy lengths for literal codes 257..285 */ \
+{ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51,             \
+ 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0};                              \
+static const cab_UWORD Zipcplext[] = /* Extra bits for literal codes 257..285 */   \
+{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4,             \
+  4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 99, 99}; /* 99==invalid */                                     \
+static const cab_UWORD Zipcpdist[] = /* Copy offsets for distance codes 0..29 */   \
+{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385,             \
+513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577};          \
+static const cab_UWORD Zipcpdext[] = /* Extra bits for distance codes */           \
+{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10,            \
+10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13};                                                       \
+/* And'ing with Zipmask[n] masks the lower n bits */                               \
+static const cab_UWORD Zipmask[17] = {                                             \
+ 0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0003, 0x0007, 0x000f, 0x001f, 0x003f, 0x007f, 0x00ff,           \
+ 0x01ff, 0x03ff, 0x07ff, 0x0fff, 0x1fff, 0x3fff, 0x7fff, 0xffff                    \
 /* from cabextract.c */
 BOOL process_cabinet(LPCSTR cabname, LPCSTR dir, BOOL fix, BOOL lower);
+void QTMupdatemodel(struct QTMmodel *model, int sym);
+int make_decode_table(cab_ULONG nsyms, cab_ULONG nbits, cab_UBYTE *length, cab_UWORD *table);
+cab_ULONG checksum(cab_UBYTE *data, cab_UWORD bytes, cab_ULONG csum);
 #endif /* __WINE_CABINET_H */
diff -ur --minimal --exclude-from=/home/greg/bin/winetreediff_excl ../wine/dlls/cabinet/fdi.c ./dlls/cabinet/fdi.c
--- ../wine/dlls/cabinet/fdi.c	2003-06-09 02:50:13.000000000 -0500
+++ ./dlls/cabinet/fdi.c	2003-06-11 10:26:50.000000000 -0500
@@ -43,19 +43,7 @@
-struct fdi_cab {
-  struct fdi_cab *next;                /* for making a list of cabinets  */
-  LPCSTR filename;                     /* input name of cabinet          */
-  int *fh;                             /* open file handle or NULL       */
-  cab_off_t filelen;                   /* length of cabinet file         */
-  struct fdi_cab *prevcab, *nextcab;   /* multipart cabinet chains       */
-  char *prevname, *nextname;           /* and their filenames            */
-  char *previnfo, *nextinfo;           /* and their visible names        */
-  struct fdi_folder *folders;          /* first folder in this cabinet   */
-  struct fdi_file *files;              /* first file in this cabinet     */
-  cab_UBYTE block_resv;                /* reserved space in datablocks   */
-  cab_UBYTE flags;                     /* header flags                   */
 struct fdi_file {
   struct fdi_file *next;               /* next file in sequence          */
@@ -66,11 +54,11 @@
   cab_ULONG offset;                    /* uncompressed offset in folder  */
   cab_UWORD index;                     /* magic index number of folder   */
   cab_UWORD time, date, attribs;       /* MS-DOS time/date/attributes    */
+  BOOL oppressed;                       /* never to be processed          */
 struct fdi_folder {
   struct fdi_folder *next;
-  struct fdi_cab *cab[CAB_SPLITMAX];   /* cabinet(s) this folder spans   */
   cab_off_t offset[CAB_SPLITMAX];      /* offset to data blocks (32 bit) */
   cab_UWORD comp_type;                 /* compression format/window size */
   cab_ULONG comp_size;                 /* compressed size of folder      */
@@ -88,6 +76,25 @@
  * for now.
+typedef struct fdi_cds_fwd {
+  void *hfdi;                      /* the hfdi we are using                 */
+  int filehf, cabhf;               /* file handle we are using              */
+  struct fdi_folder *current;      /* current folder we're extracting from  */
+  cab_UBYTE block_resv;
+  cab_ULONG offset;                /* uncompressed offset within folder     */
+  cab_UBYTE *outpos;               /* (high level) start of data to use up  */
+  cab_UWORD outlen;                /* (high level) amount of data to use up */
+  cab_UWORD split;                 /* at which split in current folder?     */
+  int (*decompress)(int, int, struct fdi_cds_fwd *); /* chosen compress fn  */
+  cab_UBYTE inbuf[CAB_INPUTMAX+2]; /* +2 for lzx bitbuffer overflows!       */
+  cab_UBYTE outbuf[CAB_BLOCKMAX];
+  union {
+    struct ZIPstate zip;
+    struct QTMstate qtm;
+    struct LZXstate lzx;
+  } methods;
+} fdi_decomp_state;
  * this structure fills the gaps between what is available in a PFDICABINETINFO
  * vs what is needed by FDICopy.  Memory allocated for these becomes the responsibility
@@ -97,6 +104,7 @@
   char *prevname, *previnfo;
   char *nextname, *nextinfo;
   int folder_resv, header_resv;
+  cab_UBYTE block_resv;
@@ -358,13 +366,14 @@
     folder_resv = buf[cfheadext_FolderReserved];
     if (pmii) pmii->folder_resv = folder_resv;
     block_resv  = buf[cfheadext_DataReserved];
+    if (pmii) pmii->block_resv = block_resv;
     if (header_resv > 60000) {
       WARN("WARNING; header reserved space > 60000\n");
     /* skip the reserved header */
-    if ((header_resv) && (PFDI_SEEK(hfdi, hf, header_resv, SEEK_CUR) == -1L)) {
+    if ((header_resv) && (PFDI_SEEK(hfdi, hf, header_resv, SEEK_CUR) == -1)) {
       ERR("seek failure: header_resv\n");
       PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_CORRUPT_CABINET;
       PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = 0; /* ? */
@@ -475,31 +484,1316 @@
   return rv;
+/* FIXME: eliminate global variables */
+static cab_UBYTE q_length_base[27], q_length_extra[27], q_extra_bits[42];
+static cab_ULONG q_position_base[42];
+ * QTMfdi_initmodel (internal)
+ *
+ * Initialise a model which decodes symbols from [s] to [s]+[n]-1
+ */
+void QTMfdi_initmodel(struct QTMmodel *m, struct QTMmodelsym *sym, int n, int s) {
+  int i;
+  m->shiftsleft = 4;
+  m->entries    = n;
+  m->syms       = sym;
+  memset(m->tabloc, 0xFF, sizeof(m->tabloc)); /* clear out look-up table */
+  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
+    m->tabloc[i+s]     = i;   /* set up a look-up entry for symbol */
+    m->syms[i].sym     = i+s; /* actual symbol */
+    m->syms[i].cumfreq = n-i; /* current frequency of that symbol */
+  }
+  m->syms[n].cumfreq = 0;
+ * QTMfdi_init (internal)
+ */
+int QTMfdi_init(int window, int level, fdi_decomp_state *decomp_state) {
+  int wndsize = 1 << window, msz = window * 2, i;
+  cab_ULONG j;
+  /* QTM supports window sizes of 2^10 (1Kb) through 2^21 (2Mb) */
+  /* if a previously allocated window is big enough, keep it    */
+  if (window < 10 || window > 21) return DECR_DATAFORMAT;
+  if (QTM(actual_size) < wndsize) {
+    if (QTM(window)) PFDI_FREE(CAB(hfdi), QTM(window));
+    QTM(window) = NULL;
+  }
+  if (!QTM(window)) {
+    if (!(QTM(window) = PFDI_ALLOC(CAB(hfdi), wndsize))) return DECR_NOMEMORY;
+    QTM(actual_size) = wndsize;
+  }
+  QTM(window_size) = wndsize;
+  QTM(window_posn) = 0;
+  /* initialise static slot/extrabits tables */
+  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < 27; i++) {
+    q_length_extra[i] = (i == 26) ? 0 : (i < 2 ? 0 : i - 2) >> 2;
+    q_length_base[i] = j; j += 1 << ((i == 26) ? 5 : q_length_extra[i]);
+  }
+  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < 42; i++) {
+    q_extra_bits[i] = (i < 2 ? 0 : i-2) >> 1;
+    q_position_base[i] = j; j += 1 << q_extra_bits[i];
+  }
+  /* initialise arithmetic coding models */
+  QTMfdi_initmodel(&QTM(model7), &QTM(m7sym)[0], 7, 0);
+  QTMfdi_initmodel(&QTM(model00), &QTM(m00sym)[0], 0x40, 0x00);
+  QTMfdi_initmodel(&QTM(model40), &QTM(m40sym)[0], 0x40, 0x40);
+  QTMfdi_initmodel(&QTM(model80), &QTM(m80sym)[0], 0x40, 0x80);
+  QTMfdi_initmodel(&QTM(modelC0), &QTM(mC0sym)[0], 0x40, 0xC0);
+  /* model 4 depends on table size, ranges from 20 to 24  */
+  QTMfdi_initmodel(&QTM(model4), &QTM(m4sym)[0], (msz < 24) ? msz : 24, 0);
+  /* model 5 depends on table size, ranges from 20 to 36  */
+  QTMfdi_initmodel(&QTM(model5), &QTM(m5sym)[0], (msz < 36) ? msz : 36, 0);
+  /* model 6pos depends on table size, ranges from 20 to 42 */
+  QTMfdi_initmodel(&QTM(model6pos), &QTM(m6psym)[0], msz, 0);
+  QTMfdi_initmodel(&QTM(model6len), &QTM(m6lsym)[0], 27, 0);
+  return DECR_OK;
+/* FIXME: Eliminate global variables */
+static cab_ULONG lzx_position_base[51];
+static cab_UBYTE extra_bits[51];
+ * LZXfdi_init (internal)
+ */
+int LZXfdi_init(int window, fdi_decomp_state *decomp_state) {
+  cab_ULONG wndsize = 1 << window;
+  int i, j, posn_slots;
+  /* LZX supports window sizes of 2^15 (32Kb) through 2^21 (2Mb) */
+  /* if a previously allocated window is big enough, keep it     */
+  if (window < 15 || window > 21) return DECR_DATAFORMAT;
+  if (LZX(actual_size) < wndsize) {
+    if (LZX(window)) PFDI_FREE(CAB(hfdi), LZX(window));
+    LZX(window) = NULL;
+  }
+  if (!LZX(window)) {
+    if (!(LZX(window) = PFDI_ALLOC(CAB(hfdi), wndsize))) return DECR_NOMEMORY;
+    LZX(actual_size) = wndsize;
+  }
+  LZX(window_size) = wndsize;
+  /* initialise static tables */
+  for (i=0, j=0; i <= 50; i += 2) {
+    extra_bits[i] = extra_bits[i+1] = j; /* 0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3... */
+    if ((i != 0) && (j < 17)) j++; /* 0,0,1,2,3,4...15,16,17,17,17,17... */
+  }
+  for (i=0, j=0; i <= 50; i++) {
+    lzx_position_base[i] = j; /* 0,1,2,3,4,6,8,12,16,24,32,... */
+    j += 1 << extra_bits[i]; /* 1,1,1,1,2,2,4,4,8,8,16,16,32,32,... */
+  }
+  /* calculate required position slots */
+       if (window == 20) posn_slots = 42;
+  else if (window == 21) posn_slots = 50;
+  else posn_slots = window << 1;
+  /*posn_slots=i=0; while (i < wndsize) i += 1 << extra_bits[posn_slots++]; */
+  LZX(R0)  =  LZX(R1)  = LZX(R2) = 1;
+  LZX(main_elements)   = LZX_NUM_CHARS + (posn_slots << 3);
+  LZX(header_read)     = 0;
+  LZX(frames_read)     = 0;
+  LZX(block_remaining) = 0;
+  LZX(block_type)      = LZX_BLOCKTYPE_INVALID;
+  LZX(intel_curpos)    = 0;
+  LZX(intel_started)   = 0;
+  LZX(window_posn)     = 0;
+  /* initialise tables to 0 (because deltas will be applied to them) */
+  for (i = 0; i < LZX_MAINTREE_MAXSYMBOLS; i++) LZX(MAINTREE_len)[i] = 0;
+  for (i = 0; i < LZX_LENGTH_MAXSYMBOLS; i++)   LZX(LENGTH_len)[i]   = 0;
+  return DECR_OK;
+ * NONEfdi_decomp(internal)
+ */
+int NONEfdi_decomp(int inlen, int outlen, fdi_decomp_state *decomp_state)
+  if (inlen != outlen) return DECR_ILLEGALDATA;
+  memcpy(CAB(outbuf), CAB(inbuf), (size_t) inlen);
+  return DECR_OK;
+ * Ziphuft_free (internal)
+ */
+void fdi_Ziphuft_free(HFDI hfdi, struct Ziphuft *t)
+  register struct Ziphuft *p, *q;
+  /* Go through linked list, freeing from the allocated (t[-1]) address. */
+  p = t;
+  while (p != (struct Ziphuft *)NULL)
+  {
+    q = (--p)->v.t;
+    PFDI_FREE(hfdi, p);
+    p = q;
+  } 
+ * fdi_Ziphuft_build (internal)
+ */
+cab_LONG fdi_Ziphuft_build(cab_ULONG *b, cab_ULONG n, cab_ULONG s, cab_UWORD *d, cab_UWORD *e,
+struct Ziphuft **t, cab_LONG *m, fdi_decomp_state *decomp_state)
+  cab_ULONG a;                   	/* counter for codes of length k */
+  cab_ULONG el;                  	/* length of EOB code (value 256) */
+  cab_ULONG f;                   	/* i repeats in table every f entries */
+  cab_LONG g;                    	/* maximum code length */
+  cab_LONG h;                    	/* table level */
+  register cab_ULONG i;          	/* counter, current code */
+  register cab_ULONG j;          	/* counter */
+  register cab_LONG k;           	/* number of bits in current code */
+  cab_LONG *l;                  	/* stack of bits per table */
+  register cab_ULONG *p;         	/* pointer into ZIP(c)[],ZIP(b)[],ZIP(v)[] */
+  register struct Ziphuft *q;           /* points to current table */
+  struct Ziphuft r;                     /* table entry for structure assignment */
+  register cab_LONG w;                  /* bits before this table == (l * h) */
+  cab_ULONG *xp;                 	/* pointer into x */
+  cab_LONG y;                           /* number of dummy codes added */
+  cab_ULONG z;                   	/* number of entries in current table */
+  l = ZIP(lx)+1;
+  /* Generate counts for each bit length */
+  el = n > 256 ? b[256] : ZIPBMAX; /* set length of EOB code, if any */
+  for(i = 0; i < ZIPBMAX+1; ++i)
+    ZIP(c)[i] = 0;
+  p = b;  i = n;
+  do
+  {
+    ZIP(c)[*p]++; p++;               /* assume all entries <= ZIPBMAX */
+  } while (--i);
+  if (ZIP(c)[0] == n)                /* null input--all zero length codes */
+  {
+    *t = (struct Ziphuft *)NULL;
+    *m = 0;
+    return 0;
+  }
+  /* Find minimum and maximum length, bound *m by those */
+  for (j = 1; j <= ZIPBMAX; j++)
+    if (ZIP(c)[j])
+      break;
+  k = j;                        /* minimum code length */
+  if ((cab_ULONG)*m < j)
+    *m = j;
+  for (i = ZIPBMAX; i; i--)
+    if (ZIP(c)[i])
+      break;
+  g = i;                        /* maximum code length */
+  if ((cab_ULONG)*m > i)
+    *m = i;
+  /* Adjust last length count to fill out codes, if needed */
+  for (y = 1 << j; j < i; j++, y <<= 1)
+    if ((y -= ZIP(c)[j]) < 0)
+      return 2;                 /* bad input: more codes than bits */
+  if ((y -= ZIP(c)[i]) < 0)
+    return 2;
+  ZIP(c)[i] += y;
+  /* Generate starting offsets LONGo the value table for each length */
+  ZIP(x)[1] = j = 0;
+  p = ZIP(c) + 1;  xp = ZIP(x) + 2;
+  while (--i)
+  {                 /* note that i == g from above */
+    *xp++ = (j += *p++);
+  }
+  /* Make a table of values in order of bit lengths */
+  p = b;  i = 0;
+  do{
+    if ((j = *p++) != 0)
+      ZIP(v)[ZIP(x)[j]++] = i;
+  } while (++i < n);
+  /* Generate the Huffman codes and for each, make the table entries */
+  ZIP(x)[0] = i = 0;                 /* first Huffman code is zero */
+  p = ZIP(v);                        /* grab values in bit order */
+  h = -1;                       /* no tables yet--level -1 */
+  w = l[-1] = 0;                /* no bits decoded yet */
+  ZIP(u)[0] = (struct Ziphuft *)NULL;   /* just to keep compilers happy */
+  q = (struct Ziphuft *)NULL;      /* ditto */
+  z = 0;                        /* ditto */
+  /* go through the bit lengths (k already is bits in shortest code) */
+  for (; k <= g; k++)
+  {
+    a = ZIP(c)[k];
+    while (a--)
+    {
+      /* here i is the Huffman code of length k bits for value *p */
+      /* make tables up to required level */
+      while (k > w + l[h])
+      {
+        w += l[h++];            /* add bits already decoded */
+        /* compute minimum size table less than or equal to *m bits */
+        z = (z = g - w) > (cab_ULONG)*m ? *m : z;        /* upper limit */
+        if ((f = 1 << (j = k - w)) > a + 1)     /* try a k-w bit table */
+        {                       /* too few codes for k-w bit table */
+          f -= a + 1;           /* deduct codes from patterns left */
+          xp = ZIP(c) + k;
+          while (++j < z)       /* try smaller tables up to z bits */
+          {
+            if ((f <<= 1) <= *++xp)
+              break;            /* enough codes to use up j bits */
+            f -= *xp;           /* else deduct codes from patterns */
+          }
+        }
+        if ((cab_ULONG)w + j > el && (cab_ULONG)w < el)
+          j = el - w;           /* make EOB code end at table */
+        z = 1 << j;             /* table entries for j-bit table */
+        l[h] = j;               /* set table size in stack */
+        /* allocate and link in new table */
+        if (!(q = (struct Ziphuft *) PFDI_ALLOC(CAB(hfdi), (z + 1)*sizeof(struct Ziphuft))))
+        {
+          if(h)
+            fdi_Ziphuft_free(CAB(hfdi), ZIP(u)[0]);
+          return 3;             /* not enough memory */
+        }
+        *t = q + 1;             /* link to list for Ziphuft_free() */
+        *(t = &(q->v.t)) = (struct Ziphuft *)NULL;
+        ZIP(u)[h] = ++q;             /* table starts after link */
+        /* connect to last table, if there is one */
+        if (h)
+        {
+          ZIP(x)[h] = i;              /* save pattern for backing up */
+          r.b = (cab_UBYTE)l[h-1];    /* bits to dump before this table */
+          r.e = (cab_UBYTE)(16 + j);  /* bits in this table */
+          r.v.t = q;                  /* pointer to this table */
+          j = (i & ((1 << w) - 1)) >> (w - l[h-1]);
+          ZIP(u)[h-1][j] = r;        /* connect to last table */
+        }
+      }
+      /* set up table entry in r */
+      r.b = (cab_UBYTE)(k - w);
+      if (p >= ZIP(v) + n)
+        r.e = 99;               /* out of values--invalid code */
+      else if (*p < s)
+      {
+        r.e = (cab_UBYTE)(*p < 256 ? 16 : 15);    /* 256 is end-of-block code */
+        r.v.n = *p++;           /* simple code is just the value */
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        r.e = (cab_UBYTE)e[*p - s];   /* non-simple--look up in lists */
+        r.v.n = d[*p++ - s];
+      }
+      /* fill code-like entries with r */
+      f = 1 << (k - w);
+      for (j = i >> w; j < z; j += f)
+        q[j] = r;
+      /* backwards increment the k-bit code i */
+      for (j = 1 << (k - 1); i & j; j >>= 1)
+        i ^= j;
+      i ^= j;
+      /* backup over finished tables */
+      while ((i & ((1 << w) - 1)) != ZIP(x)[h])
+        w -= l[--h];            /* don't need to update q */
+    }
+  }
+  /* return actual size of base table */
+  *m = l[0];
+  /* Return true (1) if we were given an incomplete table */
+  return y != 0 && g != 1;
+ * fdi_Zipinflate_codes (internal)
+ */
+cab_LONG fdi_Zipinflate_codes(struct Ziphuft *tl, struct Ziphuft *td,
+  cab_LONG bl, cab_LONG bd, fdi_decomp_state *decomp_state)
+  register cab_ULONG e;  /* table entry flag/number of extra bits */
+  cab_ULONG n, d;        /* length and index for copy */
+  cab_ULONG w;           /* current window position */
+  struct Ziphuft *t;     /* pointer to table entry */
+  cab_ULONG ml, md;      /* masks for bl and bd bits */
+  register cab_ULONG b;  /* bit buffer */
+  register cab_ULONG k;  /* number of bits in bit buffer */
+  /* make local copies of globals */
+  b = ZIP(bb);                       /* initialize bit buffer */
+  k = ZIP(bk);
+  w = ZIP(window_posn);                       /* initialize window position */
+  /* inflate the coded data */
+  ml = Zipmask[bl];           	/* precompute masks for speed */
+  md = Zipmask[bd];
+  for(;;)
+  {
+    if((e = (t = tl + ((cab_ULONG)b & ml))->e) > 16)
+      do
+      {
+        if (e == 99)
+          return 1;
+        ZIPDUMPBITS(t->b)
+        e -= 16;
+        ZIPNEEDBITS(e)
+      } while ((e = (t = t->v.t + ((cab_ULONG)b & Zipmask[e]))->e) > 16);
+    ZIPDUMPBITS(t->b)
+    if (e == 16)                /* then it's a literal */
+      CAB(outbuf)[w++] = (cab_UBYTE)t->v.n;
+    else                        /* it's an EOB or a length */
+    {
+      /* exit if end of block */
+      if(e == 15)
+        break;
+      /* get length of block to copy */
+      n = t->v.n + ((cab_ULONG)b & Zipmask[e]);
+      ZIPDUMPBITS(e);
+      /* decode distance of block to copy */
+      ZIPNEEDBITS((cab_ULONG)bd)
+      if ((e = (t = td + ((cab_ULONG)b & md))->e) > 16)
+        do {
+          if (e == 99)
+            return 1;
+          ZIPDUMPBITS(t->b)
+          e -= 16;
+          ZIPNEEDBITS(e)
+        } while ((e = (t = t->v.t + ((cab_ULONG)b & Zipmask[e]))->e) > 16);
+      ZIPDUMPBITS(t->b)
+      d = w - t->v.n - ((cab_ULONG)b & Zipmask[e]);
+      do
+      {
+        n -= (e = (e = ZIPWSIZE - ((d &= ZIPWSIZE-1) > w ? d : w)) > n ?n:e);
+        do
+        {
+          CAB(outbuf)[w++] = CAB(outbuf)[d++];
+        } while (--e);
+      } while (n);
+    }
+  }
+  /* restore the globals from the locals */
+  ZIP(window_posn) = w;              /* restore global window pointer */
+  ZIP(bb) = b;                       /* restore global bit buffer */
+  ZIP(bk) = k;
+  /* done */
+  return 0;
+ * Zipinflate_stored (internal)
+ */
+cab_LONG fdi_Zipinflate_stored(fdi_decomp_state *decomp_state)
+/* "decompress" an inflated type 0 (stored) block. */
+  cab_ULONG n;           /* number of bytes in block */
+  cab_ULONG w;           /* current window position */
+  register cab_ULONG b;  /* bit buffer */
+  register cab_ULONG k;  /* number of bits in bit buffer */
+  /* make local copies of globals */
+  b = ZIP(bb);                       /* initialize bit buffer */
+  k = ZIP(bk);
+  w = ZIP(window_posn);              /* initialize window position */
+  /* go to byte boundary */
+  n = k & 7;
+  /* get the length and its complement */
+  n = ((cab_ULONG)b & 0xffff);
+  if (n != (cab_ULONG)((~b) & 0xffff))
+    return 1;                   /* error in compressed data */
+  /* read and output the compressed data */
+  while(n--)
+  {
+    CAB(outbuf)[w++] = (cab_UBYTE)b;
+  }
+  /* restore the globals from the locals */
+  ZIP(window_posn) = w;              /* restore global window pointer */
+  ZIP(bb) = b;                       /* restore global bit buffer */
+  ZIP(bk) = k;
+  return 0;
+ * fdi_Zipinflate_fixed (internal)
+ */
+cab_LONG fdi_Zipinflate_fixed(fdi_decomp_state *decomp_state)
+  struct Ziphuft *fixed_tl;
+  struct Ziphuft *fixed_td;
+  cab_LONG fixed_bl, fixed_bd;
+  cab_LONG i;                /* temporary variable */
+  cab_ULONG *l;
+  l = ZIP(ll);
+  /* literal table */
+  for(i = 0; i < 144; i++)
+    l[i] = 8;
+  for(; i < 256; i++)
+    l[i] = 9;
+  for(; i < 280; i++)
+    l[i] = 7;
+  for(; i < 288; i++)          /* make a complete, but wrong code set */
+    l[i] = 8;
+  fixed_bl = 7;
+  if((i = fdi_Ziphuft_build(l, 288, 257, (cab_UWORD *) Zipcplens,
+  (cab_UWORD *) Zipcplext, &fixed_tl, &fixed_bl, decomp_state)))
+    return i;
+  /* distance table */
+  for(i = 0; i < 30; i++)      /* make an incomplete code set */
+    l[i] = 5;
+  fixed_bd = 5;
+  if((i = fdi_Ziphuft_build(l, 30, 0, (cab_UWORD *) Zipcpdist, (cab_UWORD *) Zipcpdext,
+  &fixed_td, &fixed_bd, decomp_state)) > 1)
+  {
+    fdi_Ziphuft_free(CAB(hfdi), fixed_tl);
+    return i;
+  }
+  /* decompress until an end-of-block code */
+  i = fdi_Zipinflate_codes(fixed_tl, fixed_td, fixed_bl, fixed_bd, decomp_state);
+  fdi_Ziphuft_free(CAB(hfdi), fixed_td);
+  fdi_Ziphuft_free(CAB(hfdi), fixed_tl);
+  return i;
+ * fdi_Zipinflate_dynamic (internal)
+ */
+cab_LONG fdi_Zipinflate_dynamic(fdi_decomp_state *decomp_state)
+ /* decompress an inflated type 2 (dynamic Huffman codes) block. */
+  cab_LONG i;          	/* temporary variables */
+  cab_ULONG j;
+  cab_ULONG *ll;
+  cab_ULONG l;           	/* last length */
+  cab_ULONG m;           	/* mask for bit lengths table */
+  cab_ULONG n;           	/* number of lengths to get */
+  struct Ziphuft *tl;           /* literal/length code table */
+  struct Ziphuft *td;           /* distance code table */
+  cab_LONG bl;                  /* lookup bits for tl */
+  cab_LONG bd;                  /* lookup bits for td */
+  cab_ULONG nb;          	/* number of bit length codes */
+  cab_ULONG nl;          	/* number of literal/length codes */
+  cab_ULONG nd;          	/* number of distance codes */
+  register cab_ULONG b;         /* bit buffer */
+  register cab_ULONG k;	        /* number of bits in bit buffer */
+  /* make local bit buffer */
+  b = ZIP(bb);
+  k = ZIP(bk);
+  ll = ZIP(ll);
+  /* read in table lengths */
+  nl = 257 + ((cab_ULONG)b & 0x1f);      /* number of literal/length codes */
+  nd = 1 + ((cab_ULONG)b & 0x1f);        /* number of distance codes */
+  nb = 4 + ((cab_ULONG)b & 0xf);         /* number of bit length codes */
+  if(nl > 288 || nd > 32)
+    return 1;                   /* bad lengths */
+  /* read in bit-length-code lengths */
+  for(j = 0; j < nb; j++)
+  {
+    ll[Zipborder[j]] = (cab_ULONG)b & 7;
+  }
+  for(; j < 19; j++)
+    ll[Zipborder[j]] = 0;
+  /* build decoding table for trees--single level, 7 bit lookup */
+  bl = 7;
+  if((i = fdi_Ziphuft_build(ll, 19, 19, NULL, NULL, &tl, &bl, decomp_state)) != 0)
+  {
+    if(i == 1)
+      fdi_Ziphuft_free(CAB(hfdi), tl);
+    return i;                   /* incomplete code set */
+  }
+  /* read in literal and distance code lengths */
+  n = nl + nd;
+  m = Zipmask[bl];
+  i = l = 0;
+  while((cab_ULONG)i < n)
+  {
+    j = (td = tl + ((cab_ULONG)b & m))->b;
+    j = td->v.n;
+    if (j < 16)                 /* length of code in bits (0..15) */
+      ll[i++] = l = j;          /* save last length in l */
+    else if (j == 16)           /* repeat last length 3 to 6 times */
+    {
+      j = 3 + ((cab_ULONG)b & 3);
+      if((cab_ULONG)i + j > n)
+        return 1;
+      while (j--)
+        ll[i++] = l;
+    }
+    else if (j == 17)           /* 3 to 10 zero length codes */
+    {
+      j = 3 + ((cab_ULONG)b & 7);
+      if ((cab_ULONG)i + j > n)
+        return 1;
+      while (j--)
+        ll[i++] = 0;
+      l = 0;
+    }
+    else                        /* j == 18: 11 to 138 zero length codes */
+    {
+      j = 11 + ((cab_ULONG)b & 0x7f);
+      if ((cab_ULONG)i + j > n)
+        return 1;
+      while (j--)
+        ll[i++] = 0;
+      l = 0;
+    }
+  }
+  /* free decoding table for trees */
+  fdi_Ziphuft_free(CAB(hfdi), tl);
+  /* restore the global bit buffer */
+  ZIP(bb) = b;
+  ZIP(bk) = k;
+  /* build the decoding tables for literal/length and distance codes */
+  bl = ZIPLBITS;
+  if((i = fdi_Ziphuft_build(ll, nl, 257, (cab_UWORD *) Zipcplens, (cab_UWORD *) Zipcplext,
+                        &tl, &bl, decomp_state)) != 0)
+  {
+    if(i == 1)
+      fdi_Ziphuft_free(CAB(hfdi), tl);
+    return i;                   /* incomplete code set */
+  }
+  bd = ZIPDBITS;
+  fdi_Ziphuft_build(ll + nl, nd, 0, (cab_UWORD *) Zipcpdist, (cab_UWORD *) Zipcpdext,
+                &td, &bd, decomp_state);
+  /* decompress until an end-of-block code */
+  if(fdi_Zipinflate_codes(tl, td, bl, bd, decomp_state))
+    return 1;
+  /* free the decoding tables, return */
+  fdi_Ziphuft_free(CAB(hfdi), tl);
+  fdi_Ziphuft_free(CAB(hfdi), td);
+  return 0;
+ * fdi_Zipinflate_block (internal)
+ */
+cab_LONG fdi_Zipinflate_block(cab_LONG *e, fdi_decomp_state *decomp_state) /* e == last block flag */
+{ /* decompress an inflated block */
+  cab_ULONG t;           	/* block type */
+  register cab_ULONG b;     /* bit buffer */
+  register cab_ULONG k;     /* number of bits in bit buffer */
+  /* make local bit buffer */
+  b = ZIP(bb);
+  k = ZIP(bk);
+  /* read in last block bit */
+  *e = (cab_LONG)b & 1;
+  /* read in block type */
+  t = (cab_ULONG)b & 3;
+  /* restore the global bit buffer */
+  ZIP(bb) = b;
+  ZIP(bk) = k;
+  /* inflate that block type */
+  if(t == 2)
+    return fdi_Zipinflate_dynamic(decomp_state);
+  if(t == 0)
+    return fdi_Zipinflate_stored(decomp_state);
+  if(t == 1)
+    return fdi_Zipinflate_fixed(decomp_state);
+  /* bad block type */
+  return 2;
+ * ZIPfdi_decomp(internal)
+ */
+int ZIPfdi_decomp(int inlen, int outlen, fdi_decomp_state *decomp_state)
+  cab_LONG e;               /* last block flag */
+  TRACE("(inlen == %d, outlen == %d)\n", inlen, outlen);
+  ZIP(inpos) = CAB(inbuf);
+  ZIP(bb) = ZIP(bk) = ZIP(window_posn) = 0;
+  if(outlen > ZIPWSIZE)
+    return DECR_DATAFORMAT;
+  /* CK = Chris Kirmse, official Microsoft purloiner */
+  if(ZIP(inpos)[0] != 0x43 || ZIP(inpos)[1] != 0x4B)
+  ZIP(inpos) += 2;
+  do {
+    if(fdi_Zipinflate_block(&e, decomp_state))
+      return DECR_ILLEGALDATA;
+  } while(!e);
+  /* return success */
+  return DECR_OK;
+ * QTMfdi_decomp(internal)
+ */
+int QTMfdi_decomp(int inlen, int outlen, fdi_decomp_state *decomp_state)
+  cab_UBYTE *inpos  = CAB(inbuf);
+  cab_UBYTE *window = QTM(window);
+  cab_UBYTE *runsrc, *rundest;
+  cab_ULONG window_posn = QTM(window_posn);
+  cab_ULONG window_size = QTM(window_size);
+  /* used by bitstream macros */
+  register int bitsleft, bitrun, bitsneed;
+  register cab_ULONG bitbuf;
+  /* used by GET_SYMBOL */
+  cab_ULONG range;
+  cab_UWORD symf;
+  int i;
+  int extra, togo = outlen, match_length = 0, copy_length;
+  cab_UBYTE selector, sym;
+  cab_ULONG match_offset = 0;
+  cab_UWORD H = 0xFFFF, L = 0, C;
+  TRACE("(inlen == %d, outlen == %d)\n", inlen, outlen);
+  /* read initial value of C */
+  Q_READ_BITS(C, 16);
+  /* apply 2^x-1 mask */
+  window_posn &= window_size - 1;
+  /* runs can't straddle the window wraparound */
+  if ((window_posn + togo) > window_size) {
+    TRACE("straddled run\n");
+    return DECR_DATAFORMAT;
+  }
+  while (togo > 0) {
+    GET_SYMBOL(model7, selector);
+    switch (selector) {
+    case 0:
+      GET_SYMBOL(model00, sym); window[window_posn++] = sym; togo--;
+      break;
+    case 1:
+      GET_SYMBOL(model40, sym); window[window_posn++] = sym; togo--;
+      break;
+    case 2:
+      GET_SYMBOL(model80, sym); window[window_posn++] = sym; togo--;
+      break;
+    case 3:
+      GET_SYMBOL(modelC0, sym); window[window_posn++] = sym; togo--;
+      break;
+    case 4:
+      /* selector 4 = fixed length of 3 */
+      GET_SYMBOL(model4, sym);
+      Q_READ_BITS(extra, q_extra_bits[sym]);
+      match_offset = q_position_base[sym] + extra + 1;
+      match_length = 3;
+      break;
+    case 5:
+      /* selector 5 = fixed length of 4 */
+      GET_SYMBOL(model5, sym);
+      Q_READ_BITS(extra, q_extra_bits[sym]);
+      match_offset = q_position_base[sym] + extra + 1;
+      match_length = 4;
+      break;
+    case 6:
+      /* selector 6 = variable length */
+      GET_SYMBOL(model6len, sym);
+      Q_READ_BITS(extra, q_length_extra[sym]);
+      match_length = q_length_base[sym] + extra + 5;
+      GET_SYMBOL(model6pos, sym);
+      Q_READ_BITS(extra, q_extra_bits[sym]);
+      match_offset = q_position_base[sym] + extra + 1;
+      break;
+    default:
+      TRACE("Selector is bogus\n");
+      return DECR_ILLEGALDATA;
+    }
+    /* if this is a match */
+    if (selector >= 4) {
+      rundest = window + window_posn;
+      togo -= match_length;
+      /* copy any wrapped around source data */
+      if (window_posn >= match_offset) {
+        /* no wrap */
+        runsrc = rundest - match_offset;
+      } else {
+        runsrc = rundest + (window_size - match_offset);
+        copy_length = match_offset - window_posn;
+        if (copy_length < match_length) {
+          match_length -= copy_length;
+          window_posn += copy_length;
+          while (copy_length-- > 0) *rundest++ = *runsrc++;
+          runsrc = window;
+        }
+      }
+      window_posn += match_length;
+      /* copy match data - no worries about destination wraps */
+      while (match_length-- > 0) *rundest++ = *runsrc++;
+    }
+  } /* while (togo > 0) */
+  if (togo != 0) {
+    TRACE("Frame overflow, this_run = %d\n", togo);
+  }
+  memcpy(CAB(outbuf), window + ((!window_posn) ? window_size : window_posn) -
+    outlen, outlen);
+  QTM(window_posn) = window_posn;
+  return DECR_OK;
+ * fdi_lzx_read_lens (internal)
+ */
+int fdi_lzx_read_lens(cab_UBYTE *lens, cab_ULONG first, cab_ULONG last, struct lzx_bits *lb,
+                  fdi_decomp_state *decomp_state) {
+  cab_ULONG i,j, x,y;
+  int z;
+  register cab_ULONG bitbuf = lb->bb;
+  register int bitsleft = lb->bl;
+  cab_UBYTE *inpos = lb->ip;
+  cab_UWORD *hufftbl;
+  for (x = 0; x < 20; x++) {
+    READ_BITS(y, 4);
+    LENTABLE(PRETREE)[x] = y;
+  }
+  for (x = first; x < last; ) {
+    if (z == 17) {
+      READ_BITS(y, 4); y += 4;
+      while (y--) lens[x++] = 0;
+    }
+    else if (z == 18) {
+      READ_BITS(y, 5); y += 20;
+      while (y--) lens[x++] = 0;
+    }
+    else if (z == 19) {
+      READ_BITS(y, 1); y += 4;
+      z = lens[x] - z; if (z < 0) z += 17;
+      while (y--) lens[x++] = z;
+    }
+    else {
+      z = lens[x] - z; if (z < 0) z += 17;
+      lens[x++] = z;
+    }
+  }
+  lb->bb = bitbuf;
+  lb->bl = bitsleft;
+  lb->ip = inpos;
+  return 0;
+ * LZXfdi_decomp(internal)
+ */
+int LZXfdi_decomp(int inlen, int outlen, fdi_decomp_state *decomp_state) {
+  cab_UBYTE *inpos  = CAB(inbuf);
+  cab_UBYTE *endinp = inpos + inlen;
+  cab_UBYTE *window = LZX(window);
+  cab_UBYTE *runsrc, *rundest;
+  cab_UWORD *hufftbl; /* used in READ_HUFFSYM macro as chosen decoding table */
+  cab_ULONG window_posn = LZX(window_posn);
+  cab_ULONG window_size = LZX(window_size);
+  cab_ULONG R0 = LZX(R0);
+  cab_ULONG R1 = LZX(R1);
+  cab_ULONG R2 = LZX(R2);
+  register cab_ULONG bitbuf;
+  register int bitsleft;
+  cab_ULONG match_offset, i,j,k; /* ijk used in READ_HUFFSYM macro */
+  struct lzx_bits lb; /* used in READ_LENGTHS macro */
+  int togo = outlen, this_run, main_element, aligned_bits;
+  int match_length, copy_length, length_footer, extra, verbatim_bits;
+  TRACE("(inlen == %d, outlen == %d)\n", inlen, outlen);
+  /* read header if necessary */
+  if (!LZX(header_read)) {
+    i = j = 0;
+    READ_BITS(k, 1); if (k) { READ_BITS(i,16); READ_BITS(j,16); }
+    LZX(intel_filesize) = (i << 16) | j; /* or 0 if not encoded */
+    LZX(header_read) = 1;
+  }
+  /* main decoding loop */
+  while (togo > 0) {
+    /* last block finished, new block expected */
+    if (LZX(block_remaining) == 0) {
+      if (LZX(block_type) == LZX_BLOCKTYPE_UNCOMPRESSED) {
+        if (LZX(block_length) & 1) inpos++; /* realign bitstream to word */
+      }
+      READ_BITS(LZX(block_type), 3);
+      READ_BITS(i, 16);
+      READ_BITS(j, 8);
+      LZX(block_remaining) = LZX(block_length) = (i << 8) | j;
+      switch (LZX(block_type)) {
+        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { READ_BITS(j, 3); LENTABLE(ALIGNED)[i] = j; }
+        /* rest of aligned header is same as verbatim */
+        READ_LENGTHS(MAINTREE, 0, 256, fdi_lzx_read_lens);
+        READ_LENGTHS(MAINTREE, 256, LZX(main_elements), fdi_lzx_read_lens);
+        if (LENTABLE(MAINTREE)[0xE8] != 0) LZX(intel_started) = 1;
+        READ_LENGTHS(LENGTH, 0, LZX_NUM_SECONDARY_LENGTHS, fdi_lzx_read_lens);
+        break;
+        LZX(intel_started) = 1; /* because we can't assume otherwise */
+        ENSURE_BITS(16); /* get up to 16 pad bits into the buffer */
+        if (bitsleft > 16) inpos -= 2; /* and align the bitstream! */
+        R0 = inpos[0]|(inpos[1]<<8)|(inpos[2]<<16)|(inpos[3]<<24);inpos+=4;
+        R1 = inpos[0]|(inpos[1]<<8)|(inpos[2]<<16)|(inpos[3]<<24);inpos+=4;
+        R2 = inpos[0]|(inpos[1]<<8)|(inpos[2]<<16)|(inpos[3]<<24);inpos+=4;
+        break;
+      default:
+        return DECR_ILLEGALDATA;
+      }
+    }
+    /* buffer exhaustion check */
+    if (inpos > endinp) {
+      /* it's possible to have a file where the next run is less than
+       * 16 bits in size. In this case, the READ_HUFFSYM() macro used
+       * in building the tables will exhaust the buffer, so we should
+       * allow for this, but not allow those accidentally read bits to
+       * be used (so we check that there are at least 16 bits
+       * remaining - in this boundary case they aren't really part of
+       * the compressed data)
+       */
+      if (inpos > (endinp+2) || bitsleft < 16) return DECR_ILLEGALDATA;
+    }
+    while ((this_run = LZX(block_remaining)) > 0 && togo > 0) {
+      if (this_run > togo) this_run = togo;
+      togo -= this_run;
+      LZX(block_remaining) -= this_run;
+      /* apply 2^x-1 mask */
+      window_posn &= window_size - 1;
+      /* runs can't straddle the window wraparound */
+      if ((window_posn + this_run) > window_size)
+        return DECR_DATAFORMAT;
+      switch (LZX(block_type)) {
+        while (this_run > 0) {
+          READ_HUFFSYM(MAINTREE, main_element);
+          if (main_element < LZX_NUM_CHARS) {
+            /* literal: 0 to LZX_NUM_CHARS-1 */
+            window[window_posn++] = main_element;
+            this_run--;
+          }
+          else {
+            /* match: LZX_NUM_CHARS + ((slot<<3) | length_header (3 bits)) */
+            main_element -= LZX_NUM_CHARS;
+            match_length = main_element & LZX_NUM_PRIMARY_LENGTHS;
+            if (match_length == LZX_NUM_PRIMARY_LENGTHS) {
+              READ_HUFFSYM(LENGTH, length_footer);
+              match_length += length_footer;
+            }
+            match_length += LZX_MIN_MATCH;
+            match_offset = main_element >> 3;
+            if (match_offset > 2) {
+              /* not repeated offset */
+              if (match_offset != 3) {
+                extra = extra_bits[match_offset];
+                READ_BITS(verbatim_bits, extra);
+                match_offset = lzx_position_base[match_offset] 
+                               - 2 + verbatim_bits;
+              }
+              else {
+                match_offset = 1;
+              }
+              /* update repeated offset LRU queue */
+              R2 = R1; R1 = R0; R0 = match_offset;
+            }
+            else if (match_offset == 0) {
+              match_offset = R0;
+            }
+            else if (match_offset == 1) {
+              match_offset = R1;
+              R1 = R0; R0 = match_offset;
+            }
+            else /* match_offset == 2 */ {
+              match_offset = R2;
+              R2 = R0; R0 = match_offset;
+            }
+            rundest = window + window_posn;
+            this_run -= match_length;
+            /* copy any wrapped around source data */
+            if (window_posn >= match_offset) {
+              /* no wrap */
+              runsrc = rundest - match_offset;
+            } else {
+              runsrc = rundest + (window_size - match_offset);
+              copy_length = match_offset - window_posn;
+              if (copy_length < match_length) {
+                match_length -= copy_length;
+                window_posn += copy_length;
+                while (copy_length-- > 0) *rundest++ = *runsrc++;
+                runsrc = window;
+              }
+            }
+            window_posn += match_length;
+            /* copy match data - no worries about destination wraps */
+            while (match_length-- > 0) *rundest++ = *runsrc++;
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+        while (this_run > 0) {
+          READ_HUFFSYM(MAINTREE, main_element);
+          if (main_element < LZX_NUM_CHARS) {
+            /* literal: 0 to LZX_NUM_CHARS-1 */
+            window[window_posn++] = main_element;
+            this_run--;
+          }
+          else {
+            /* match: LZX_NUM_CHARS + ((slot<<3) | length_header (3 bits)) */
+            main_element -= LZX_NUM_CHARS;
+            match_length = main_element & LZX_NUM_PRIMARY_LENGTHS;
+            if (match_length == LZX_NUM_PRIMARY_LENGTHS) {
+              READ_HUFFSYM(LENGTH, length_footer);
+              match_length += length_footer;
+            }
+            match_length += LZX_MIN_MATCH;
+            match_offset = main_element >> 3;
+            if (match_offset > 2) {
+              /* not repeated offset */
+              extra = extra_bits[match_offset];
+              match_offset = lzx_position_base[match_offset] - 2;
+              if (extra > 3) {
+                /* verbatim and aligned bits */
+                extra -= 3;
+                READ_BITS(verbatim_bits, extra);
+                match_offset += (verbatim_bits << 3);
+                READ_HUFFSYM(ALIGNED, aligned_bits);
+                match_offset += aligned_bits;
+              }
+              else if (extra == 3) {
+                /* aligned bits only */
+                READ_HUFFSYM(ALIGNED, aligned_bits);
+                match_offset += aligned_bits;
+              }
+              else if (extra > 0) { /* extra==1, extra==2 */
+                /* verbatim bits only */
+                READ_BITS(verbatim_bits, extra);
+                match_offset += verbatim_bits;
+              }
+              else /* extra == 0 */ {
+                /* ??? */
+                match_offset = 1;
+              }
+              /* update repeated offset LRU queue */
+              R2 = R1; R1 = R0; R0 = match_offset;
+            }
+            else if (match_offset == 0) {
+              match_offset = R0;
+            }
+            else if (match_offset == 1) {
+              match_offset = R1;
+              R1 = R0; R0 = match_offset;
+            }
+            else /* match_offset == 2 */ {
+              match_offset = R2;
+              R2 = R0; R0 = match_offset;
+            }
+            rundest = window + window_posn;
+            this_run -= match_length;
+            /* copy any wrapped around source data */
+            if (window_posn >= match_offset) {
+              /* no wrap */
+              runsrc = rundest - match_offset;
+            } else {
+              runsrc = rundest + (window_size - match_offset);
+              copy_length = match_offset - window_posn;
+              if (copy_length < match_length) {
+                match_length -= copy_length;
+                window_posn += copy_length;
+                while (copy_length-- > 0) *rundest++ = *runsrc++;
+                runsrc = window;
+              }
+            }
+            window_posn += match_length;
+            /* copy match data - no worries about destination wraps */
+            while (match_length-- > 0) *rundest++ = *runsrc++;
+          }
+        }
+        break;
+        if ((inpos + this_run) > endinp) return DECR_ILLEGALDATA;
+        memcpy(window + window_posn, inpos, (size_t) this_run);
+        inpos += this_run; window_posn += this_run;
+        break;
+      default:
+        return DECR_ILLEGALDATA; /* might as well */
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (togo != 0) return DECR_ILLEGALDATA;
+  memcpy(CAB(outbuf), window + ((!window_posn) ? window_size : window_posn) -
+    outlen, (size_t) outlen);
+  LZX(window_posn) = window_posn;
+  LZX(R0) = R0;
+  LZX(R1) = R1;
+  LZX(R2) = R2;
+  /* intel E8 decoding */
+  if ((LZX(frames_read)++ < 32768) && LZX(intel_filesize) != 0) {
+    if (outlen <= 6 || !LZX(intel_started)) {
+      LZX(intel_curpos) += outlen;
+    }
+    else {
+      cab_UBYTE *data    = CAB(outbuf);
+      cab_UBYTE *dataend = data + outlen - 10;
+      cab_LONG curpos    = LZX(intel_curpos);
+      cab_LONG filesize  = LZX(intel_filesize);
+      cab_LONG abs_off, rel_off;
+      LZX(intel_curpos) = curpos + outlen;
+      while (data < dataend) {
+        if (*data++ != 0xE8) { curpos++; continue; }
+        abs_off = data[0] | (data[1]<<8) | (data[2]<<16) | (data[3]<<24);
+        if ((abs_off >= -curpos) && (abs_off < filesize)) {
+          rel_off = (abs_off >= 0) ? abs_off - curpos : abs_off + filesize;
+          data[0] = (cab_UBYTE) rel_off;
+          data[1] = (cab_UBYTE) (rel_off >> 8);
+          data[2] = (cab_UBYTE) (rel_off >> 16);
+          data[3] = (cab_UBYTE) (rel_off >> 24);
+        }
+        data += 4;
+        curpos += 5;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return DECR_OK;
+ * fdi_decomp (internal)
+ */
+int fdi_decomp(struct fdi_file *fi, int savemode, fdi_decomp_state *decomp_state)
+  cab_ULONG bytes = savemode ? fi->length : fi->offset - CAB(offset);
+  cab_UBYTE buf[cfdata_SIZEOF], *data;
+  cab_UWORD inlen, len, outlen, cando;
+  cab_ULONG cksum;
+  cab_LONG err;
+  TRACE("(fi == ^%p, savemode == %d)\n", fi, savemode);
+  while (bytes > 0) {
+    /* cando = the max number of bytes we can do */
+    cando = CAB(outlen);
+    if (cando > bytes) cando = bytes;
+    /* if cando != 0 */
+    if (cando && savemode)
+      PFDI_WRITE(CAB(hfdi), CAB(filehf), CAB(outpos), cando);
+    CAB(outpos) += cando;
+    CAB(outlen) -= cando;
+    bytes -= cando; if (!bytes) break;
+    /* we only get here if we emptied the output buffer */
+    /* read data header + data */
+    inlen = outlen = 0;
+    while (outlen == 0) {
+      /* read the block header, skip the reserved part */
+      if (PFDI_READ(CAB(hfdi), CAB(cabhf), buf, cfdata_SIZEOF) != cfdata_SIZEOF)
+        return DECR_INPUT;
+      if (PFDI_SEEK(CAB(hfdi), CAB(cabhf), CAB(block_resv), SEEK_CUR) == -1)
+        return DECR_INPUT;
+      /* we shouldn't get blocks over CAB_INPUTMAX in size */
+      data = CAB(inbuf) + inlen;
+      len = EndGetI16(buf+cfdata_CompressedSize);
+      inlen += len;
+      if (inlen > CAB_INPUTMAX) return DECR_INPUT;
+      if (PFDI_READ(CAB(hfdi), CAB(cabhf), data, len) != len)
+        return DECR_INPUT;
+      /* clear two bytes after read-in data */
+      data[len+1] = data[len+2] = 0;
+      /* perform checksum test on the block (if one is stored) */
+      cksum = EndGetI32(buf+cfdata_CheckSum);
+      if (cksum && cksum != checksum(buf+4, 4, checksum(data, len, 0)))
+        return DECR_CHECKSUM; /* checksum is wrong */
+      /* outlen=0 means this block was part of a split block */
+      outlen = EndGetI16(buf+cfdata_UncompressedSize);
+      if (outlen == 0) {
+      /* 
+        cabinet_close(cab);
+        cab = CAB(current)->cab[++CAB(split)];
+        if (!cabinet_open(cab)) return DECR_INPUT;
+        cabinet_seek(cab, CAB(current)->offset[CAB(split)]); */
+        FIXME("split block... ack! fix this.\n");
+        return DECR_INPUT;
+      }
+    }
+    /* decompress block */
+    if ((err = CAB(decompress)(inlen, outlen, decomp_state)))
+      return err;
+    CAB(outlen) = outlen;
+    CAB(outpos) = CAB(outbuf);
+  }
+  return DECR_OK;
  *		FDICopy (CABINET.22)
 BOOL __cdecl FDICopy(
-	HFDI           hfdi,
-	char          *pszCabinet,
-	char          *pszCabPath,
-	int            flags,
-	PFNFDINOTIFY   pfnfdin,
-	void          *pvUser)
+        HFDI           hfdi,
+        char          *pszCabinet,
+        char          *pszCabPath,
+        int            flags,
+        PFNFDINOTIFY   pfnfdin,
+        PFNFDIDECRYPT  pfnfdid,
+        void          *pvUser)
-  int               hf, i, idx;
+  int               cabhf, filehf;
+  int               i, idx;
   char              fullpath[MAX_PATH];
   size_t            pathlen, filenamelen;
   char              emptystring = '\0';
-  cab_UBYTE         buf[64];
+  cab_UBYTE         buf[64], buf2[256] /* for modification by call back fn */ ;
   BOOL              initialcab = TRUE;
   struct fdi_folder *fol = NULL, *linkfol = NULL, *firstfol = NULL; 
   struct fdi_file   *file = NULL, *linkfile = NULL, *firstfile = NULL;
-  struct fdi_cab    _cab;
-  struct fdi_cab    *cab = &_cab;
   TRACE("(hfdi == ^%p, pszCabinet == ^%p, pszCabPath == ^%p, flags == %0d, \
         pfnfdin == ^%p, pfnfdid == ^%p, pvUser == ^%p)\n",
@@ -536,8 +1830,8 @@
     TRACE("full cab path/file name: %s\n", debugstr_a(fullpath));
     /* get a handle to the cabfile */
-    hf = PFDI_OPEN(hfdi, fullpath, _O_BINARY | _O_RDONLY | _O_SEQUENTIAL, 0);
-    if (hf == -1) {
+    cabhf = PFDI_OPEN(hfdi, fullpath, _O_BINARY | _O_RDONLY | _O_SEQUENTIAL, 0);
+    if (cabhf == -1) {
       PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_CABINET_NOT_FOUND;
       PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND;
       PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
@@ -546,9 +1840,9 @@
     /* check if it's really a cabfile. Note that this doesn't implement the bug */
-    if (!FDI_read_entries(hfdi, hf, &fdici, &mii)) {
+    if (!FDI_read_entries(hfdi, cabhf, &fdici, &mii)) {
       ERR("FDIIsCabinet failed.\n");
-      PFDI_CLOSE(hfdi, hf);
+      PFDI_CLOSE(hfdi, cabhf);
       return FALSE;
@@ -570,58 +1864,54 @@
     /* read folders */
     for (i = 0; i < fdici.cFolders; i++) {
-      if (PFDI_READ(hfdi, hf, buf, cffold_SIZEOF) != cffold_SIZEOF) {
+      if (PFDI_READ(hfdi, cabhf, buf, cffold_SIZEOF) != cffold_SIZEOF) {
         PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_CORRUPT_CABINET;
-	PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = 0;
-	PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
-	goto bail_and_fail;
+        PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = 0;
+        PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
+        goto bail_and_fail;
       if (mii.folder_resv > 0)
-        PFDI_SEEK(hfdi, hf, mii.folder_resv, SEEK_CUR);
+        PFDI_SEEK(hfdi, cabhf, mii.folder_resv, SEEK_CUR);
       fol = (struct fdi_folder *) PFDI_ALLOC(hfdi, sizeof(struct fdi_folder));
       if (!fol) {
         ERR("out of memory!\n");
-	PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_ALLOC_FAIL;
+        PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_ALLOC_FAIL;
         PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
-	PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
-	goto bail_and_fail;
+        PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
+        SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
+        goto bail_and_fail;
       ZeroMemory(fol, sizeof(struct fdi_folder));
       if (!firstfol) firstfol = fol;
-      fol->cab[0]     = cab;
       fol->offset[0]  = (cab_off_t) EndGetI32(buf+cffold_DataOffset);
       fol->num_blocks = EndGetI16(buf+cffold_NumBlocks);
       fol->comp_type  = EndGetI16(buf+cffold_CompType);
-      if (!linkfol)
-        cab->folders = fol; 
-      else 
+      if (linkfol)
         linkfol->next = fol; 
       linkfol = fol;
     /* read files */
     for (i = 0; i < fdici.cFiles; i++) {
-      if (PFDI_READ(hfdi, hf, buf, cffile_SIZEOF) != cffile_SIZEOF) {
+      if (PFDI_READ(hfdi, cabhf, buf, cffile_SIZEOF) != cffile_SIZEOF) {
         PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_CORRUPT_CABINET;
-	PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = 0;
-	PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
-	goto bail_and_fail;
+        PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = 0;
+        PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
+        goto bail_and_fail;
       file = (struct fdi_file *) PFDI_ALLOC(hfdi, sizeof(struct fdi_file));
       if (!file) { 
         ERR("out of memory!\n"); 
-	PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_ALLOC_FAIL;
+        PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_ALLOC_FAIL;
         PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
-	PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
-	goto bail_and_fail;
+        PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
+        SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
+        goto bail_and_fail;
       ZeroMemory(file, sizeof(struct fdi_file));
       if (!firstfile) firstfile = file;
@@ -632,58 +1922,197 @@
       file->time     = EndGetI16(buf+cffile_Time);
       file->date     = EndGetI16(buf+cffile_Date);
       file->attribs  = EndGetI16(buf+cffile_Attribs);
-      file->filename = FDI_read_string(hfdi, hf, fdici.cbCabinet);
+      file->filename = FDI_read_string(hfdi, cabhf, fdici.cbCabinet);
       if (!file->filename) {
         PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_CORRUPT_CABINET;
-	PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = 0;
-	PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
-	goto bail_and_fail;
+        PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = 0;
+        PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
+        goto bail_and_fail;
-      if (!linkfile)
-        cab->files = file;
-      else 
+      if (linkfile)
         linkfile->next = file;
       linkfile = file;
-    /* partial file notification (do it just once for the first cabinet) */
-    if (initialcab && (firstfile->attribs & cffileCONTINUED_FROM_PREV) && (fdici.iCabinet != 0)) {
-      /* OK, more MS bugs to simulate here, I think.  I don't have a huge spanning
-       * cabinet to test this theory on ATM, but here's the deal.  The SDK says that we
-       * are supposed to notify the user of the filename and "disk name" (info) of
-       * the cabinet where the spanning file /started/.  That would certainly be convenient
-       * for the consumer, who could decide to abort everything and try to start over with
-       * that cabinet so as not to create a front-truncated output file.  Note that this
-       * task would be a horrible bitch from the implementor's (wine's) perspective: the
-       * information is associated nowhere with the file header and is not to be found in
-       * the cabinet header.  So we would have to open the previous cabinet, and check
-       * if it contains a single spanning file that's continued from yet another prior cabinet,
-       * and so-on, until we find the beginning.  Note that cabextract.c has code to do exactly
-       * this.  Luckily, MS clearly didn't implement this logic, so we don't have to either.
-       * Watching the callbacks (and debugmsg +file) clearly shows that they don't open
-       * the preceeding cabinet -- and therefore, I deduce, there is NO WAY they could
-       * have implemented what's in the spec.  Instead, they are obviously just returning
-       * the previous cabinet and it's info from the header of this cabinet.  So we shall
-       * do the same.  Of course, I could be missing something...
-       */
-      ZeroMemory(&fdin, sizeof(FDINOTIFICATION));
-      fdin.pv = pvUser;
-      fdin.psz1 = (char *)firstfile->filename;
-      fdin.psz2 = (mii.prevname) ? mii.prevname : &emptystring;
-      fdin.psz3 = (mii.previnfo) ? mii.previnfo : &emptystring;
-      if (((*pfnfdin)(fdintPARTIAL_FILE, &fdin))) {
-        PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_USER_ABORT;
-        PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = 0;
-        PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
-        goto bail_and_fail;
+    for (file = firstfile; (file); file = file->next) {
+      /* partial file notification (do it just once for the first cabinet) */
+      if (initialcab && ((file->index & cffileCONTINUED_FROM_PREV) == cffileCONTINUED_FROM_PREV)) {
+        /* OK, more MS bugs to simulate here, I think.  I don't have a huge spanning
+         * cabinet to test this theory on ATM, but here's the deal.  The SDK says that we
+         * are supposed to notify the user of the filename and "disk name" (info) of
+         * the cabinet where the spanning file /started/.  That would certainly be convenient
+         * for the consumer, who could decide to abort everything and try to start over with
+         * that cabinet so as not to create a front-truncated output file.  Note that this
+         * task would be a horrible bitch from the implementor's (wine's) perspective: the
+         * information is associated nowhere with the file header and is not to be found in
+         * the cabinet header.  So we would have to open the previous cabinet, and check
+         * if it contains a single spanning file that's continued from yet another prior cabinet,
+         * and so-on, until we find the beginning.  Note that cabextract.c has code to do exactly
+         * this.  Luckily, MS clearly didn't implement this logic, so we don't have to either.
+         * Watching the callbacks (and debugmsg +file) clearly shows that they don't open
+         * the preceeding cabinet -- and therefore, I deduce, there is NO WAY they could
+         * have implemented what's in the spec.  Instead, they are obviously just returning
+         * the previous cabinet and it's info from the header of this cabinet.  So we shall
+         * do the same.  Of course, I could be missing something...
+         */
+        ZeroMemory(&fdin, sizeof(FDINOTIFICATION));
+        fdin.pv = pvUser;
+        fdin.psz1 = (char *)file->filename;
+        fdin.psz2 = (mii.prevname) ? mii.prevname : &emptystring;
+        fdin.psz3 = (mii.previnfo) ? mii.previnfo : &emptystring;
+        if (((*pfnfdin)(fdintPARTIAL_FILE, &fdin))) {
+          PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_USER_ABORT;
+          PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = 0;
+          PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
+          goto bail_and_fail;
+        }
+        /* I don't think we are supposed to decompress partial files */
+        file->oppressed = TRUE;
+      }
+      if (file->oppressed) {
+        filehf = 0;
+      } else {
+        /* fdintCOPY_FILE notification (TODO: skip for spanning cab's we already should have hf) */
+        ZeroMemory(&fdin, sizeof(FDINOTIFICATION));
+        fdin.pv = pvUser;
+        fdin.psz1 = (char *)file->filename;
+        fdin.cb = file->length;
+ = file->date;
+        fdin.time = file->time;
+        fdin.attribs = file->attribs;
+        if ((filehf = ((*pfnfdin)(fdintCOPY_FILE, &fdin))) == -1) {
+          PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_USER_ABORT;
+          PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = 0;
+          PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
+          goto bail_and_fail;
+        }
-    }
+      if (filehf) {
+        cab_UWORD comptype = fol->comp_type;
+        int ct1 = comptype & cffoldCOMPTYPE_MASK;
+        fdi_decomp_state _decomp_state;
+        fdi_decomp_state *decomp_state = &_decomp_state;
+        int err = 0;
+        TRACE("Extracting file %s as requested by callee.\n", debugstr_a(file->filename));
+        /* set up decomp_state */
+        ZeroMemory(decomp_state, sizeof(fdi_decomp_state));
+        CAB(hfdi) = hfdi;
+        CAB(filehf) = filehf;
+        CAB(cabhf) = cabhf;
+        CAB(current) = file->folder;
+        CAB(block_resv) = mii.block_resv;
+        /* set up the appropriate decompressor */
+        switch (ct1) {
+          case cffoldCOMPTYPE_NONE:
+            CAB(decompress) = NONEfdi_decomp;
+            break;
+          case cffoldCOMPTYPE_MSZIP:
+            CAB(decompress) = ZIPfdi_decomp;
+            break;
+          case cffoldCOMPTYPE_QUANTUM:
+            CAB(decompress) = QTMfdi_decomp;
+            err = QTMfdi_init((comptype >> 8) & 0x1f, (comptype >> 4) & 0xF, decomp_state);
+            break;
+          case cffoldCOMPTYPE_LZX:
+            CAB(decompress) = LZXfdi_decomp;
+            err = LZXfdi_init((comptype >> 8) & 0x1f, decomp_state);
+            break;
+          default:
+            err = DECR_DATAFORMAT;
+        }
+        switch (err) {
+          case DECR_OK:
+            break;
+          case DECR_NOMEMORY:
+            PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_ALLOC_FAIL;
+            PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
+            PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
+            SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
+            goto bail_and_fail;
+          default:
+            PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_CORRUPT_CABINET;
+            PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = 0;
+            PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
+            goto bail_and_fail;
+        }
+        PFDI_SEEK(CAB(hfdi), CAB(cabhf), fol->offset[0], SEEK_SET);
+        CAB(offset) = 0;
+        CAB(outlen) = 0;
+        CAB(split)  = 0;
+        if (file->offset > CAB(offset)) {
+          /* decode bytes and send them to /dev/null */
+          switch ((err = fdi_decomp(file, 0, decomp_state))) {
+            case DECR_OK:
+              break;
+            case DECR_NOMEMORY:
+              PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_ALLOC_FAIL;
+              PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
+              PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
+              SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
+              goto bail_and_fail;
+            default:
+              PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_CORRUPT_CABINET;
+              PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = 0;
+              PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
+              goto bail_and_fail;
+          }
+          CAB(offset) = file->offset;
+        }
+        /* now do the actual decompression */
+        err = fdi_decomp(file, 1, decomp_state);
+        if (err) CAB(current) = NULL; else CAB(offset) += file->length;
+        switch (err) {
+          case DECR_OK:
+            break;
+          case DECR_NOMEMORY:
+            PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_ALLOC_FAIL;
+            PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY;
+            PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
+            SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY);
+            goto bail_and_fail;
+          default:
+            PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_CORRUPT_CABINET;
+            PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = 0;
+            PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
+            goto bail_and_fail;
+        }
+        /* FIXME: don't do it if we are continuing the file in another cab */
+        /* fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO notification */
+        ZeroMemory(&fdin, sizeof(FDINOTIFICATION));
+        fdin.pv = pvUser;
+        fdin.psz1 = (char *)file->filename;
+        fdin.hf = filehf;
+        fdin.cb = (file->attribs & cffile_A_EXEC) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ = file->date;
+        fdin.time = file->time;
+        fdin.attribs = file->attribs;
+        err = ((*pfnfdin)(fdintCLOSE_FILE_INFO, &fdin));
+        if (err == FALSE || err == -1) {
+          /*
+           * SDK states that even though they indicated failure,
+           * we are not supposed to try and close the file, so we
+           * just treat this like all the others
+           */
+          PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfOper = FDIERROR_USER_ABORT;
+          PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->erfType = 0;
+          PFDI_INT(hfdi)->perf->fError = TRUE;
+          goto bail_and_fail;
+        }
+      }
+    }
     while (firstfol) {
       fol = firstfol;
@@ -702,7 +2131,7 @@
     if (mii.prevname) PFDI_FREE(hfdi, mii.prevname);
     if (mii.previnfo) PFDI_FREE(hfdi, mii.previnfo);
-    PFDI_CLOSE(hfdi, hf);
+    PFDI_CLOSE(hfdi, cabhf);
     /* TODO: if (:?) */ return TRUE; /* else { ...; initialcab=FALSE; continue; } */
     bail_and_fail: /* here we free ram before error returns */
@@ -724,7 +2153,7 @@
     if (mii.prevname) PFDI_FREE(hfdi, mii.prevname);
     if (mii.previnfo) PFDI_FREE(hfdi, mii.previnfo);
-    PFDI_CLOSE(hfdi, hf);
+    PFDI_CLOSE(hfdi, cabhf);
     return FALSE;
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself.  Therefore all progress
depends on the unreasonable man." -- George Bernard Shaw


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