PHP Users
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- Re: [Semi-OT] Tonns of jobs available, (continued)
Yeah I'm sortof a noob,
Frank Stanovcak
Project Tracking / Charting Tool OT,
Jay Blanchard
sms interfaces?,
Rene Veerman
strtotime problem,
UTF-8 errors in RSS feed,
Ron Rademaker
Manipulating strings,
Ron Piggott
Terry J Daichendt
Plotting Tool,
Liz Kim
PHP and getting part of URL,
Jason ML
Missing Env. Variables when called by AT Scheduler,
Question about date(),
Jason Pruim
How to use MySQL queries...?,
Hemant Patel
Required files not being parsed properly...,
Stephen Johnson
The 'at' sign (@) variable prefix,
"Crash" Dummy
NTLM Auth For grabbing data.,
DJ Necrogami
How to capture origional client machine _directory_ and file name on uploads?,
J. Hill
Drupal 6,
Nathan Rixham
Prefered Method for User authetification on VHosts,
Michelle Konzack
Best Search Algorithm for Millions of record,
Hemant Patel
Re: Best Search Algorithm for Millions of record, Stut
Join The Team,
Hemant Patel
Re:, huaizong wang
mt_rand() - the same forever?,
First 30 characters of a strong,
Ron Piggott
Re: SESSION array problems [ANOTHER SOLUTION],
37 Pictures the World must see,
Alex Hogan
Php4 => Php5,
Operacion Control
Create DLL of PHP class,
Manoj Singh
a link in php generated mail,
date_default_timezone_set and Time Zones,
Waynn Lue
PHP job available, Phoenix, AZ, USA,
Matt Graham
Selecting all records between a date range,
Jason Pruim
php server push,
SESSION array problems,
Re: SESSION array problems, Shawn McKenzie
Re: SESSION array problems, Afan Pasalic
Re: SESSION array problems, Nathan Rixham
Re: SESSION array problems, Jim Lucas
<Possible follow-ups>
RE: SESSION array problems, Ford, Mike
problem with slash / characters,
Tanner Postert
table with paging and sorting,
Alain Roger
Mailing List fun,
photo file size,
elk dolk
mysql_query() vs query_database(),
Keith Spiller
script hangs on curl_exec,
Rene Veerman
store array into session variable and get it back later,
Alain Roger
Web be not Print, tedd
Robert Cummings,
Daniel Brown
Re: Robert Cummings, Colin Guthrie
Re: Robert Cummings, Afan Pasalic
Re: Robert Cummings, Stut
Re: Robert Cummings, Eric Butera
Re: Robert Cummings, Jochem Maas
Re: Robert Cummings, tedd
Re: Robert Cummings, Robert Cummings
Re: Robert Cummings, Chris
Re: Robert Cummings, Ray Hauge
<Possible follow-ups>
Re: Robert Cummings, Wolf
Sterilizing regexp,
Frank Stanovcak
Digital signature,
Balasubramanyam A
Making $_POST and $_FILES play together nicely,
Mike Potter
navigation / location bar,
Alain Roger
db_* => pg_*/my_*/ifx_* ?,
Michelle Konzack
Zend_Form: How to change positions of elements ?,
Nilesh Govindrajan
Re: Zend_Form: How to change positions of elements ?, Thodoris
Name of graph,
Richard Heyes
Re: Name of graph, Nathan Rixham
Re: Name of graph, tedd
Message not available
Re: Name of graph, Ashley Sheridan
question about <<<EOF,
Time Loop,
can't get output of exec ('nice -n 19 ffmpeg -i "file"'),
Rene Veerman
Using oci_execute,
Walter Galvão
Using oci_execute..., Walter Galvão
Wanted PHP Developers LogicManse,
logicmanse solutions
Re: Wanted PHP Developers LogicManse, Wolf
extract column from multidimentional array,
It flance
OT - Visio Network Charting Application,
Jim Lucas
Reuse MySQL prepared statement,
Nathaniel Hall
for the sake of conversation - syntax,
Nathan Rixham
return language of a word,
shahrzad khorrami
strrev() for persian language!,
shahrzad khorrami
Check Variable with true or not,
Carlos Medina
error warning while connecting to posgreSQL,
Alain Roger
Concatenating PDF using FPDI,
Regular Expression Backreference in subpattern.,
PHP + Cron jobs,
Waynn Lue
Prevent execution bad commands,
Manoj Singh
event feeder,
Alain Roger
Remove an element from associative array,
It flance
Re: Re: Unicode problems - solve, Thiago H. Pojda
Sepating MySQL result set into html tables,
JSON in PHP5?,
Dan Zilavy
Convert local dates into GMT+1 dates,
Passing Variables to an iframe,
Waynn Lue
The Data Literacy Test: Interpretation Added,
Unicode problems,
Thiago H. Pojda
Filters and sanitizing a regexp,
Frank Stanovcak
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