At 1:08 PM +0100 10/7/08, Stut wrote:
On 7 Oct 2008, at 12:48, Jason Pruim wrote:
Thanks for the quick response... You were right... I did a var_dump
both on $row['timein'] and $row['timeout'] and the error was
because of the way that I update the records. for time in, I insert
a new record, for time out, I update the record where timeout= NULL
and THAT is what was causing the issue... I guess I can just
redirect that error, ignore it, or come up with a different way to
update the current record without having to use NULL, or maybe,
write a timeout timestamp for like midnight on January 1 1955 or
something like that...
Try "is null" rather than "= null".
Yes, if I remember correctly, NULL is a different critter for MySQL
as compared to php. You can't directly test (i.e., make comparisons)
for it like you can in php.
As far as updating the time of the record, why not use current date
or 1/1/1970 -- the beginning of the world according to Unix. You
never know if you might have to update your dB to Unix time at some
time in the future.
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