2008/9/29 shahrzad khorrami <shahrzad.khorrami@xxxxxxxxx>:> hi all,>> is there any function to return us the lanuage of a word in the sentence?>> for example : My name is شهرزاد .>> when it sees شهرزاد notice that is a persian language. As others have said, you can check what unicode block the characters are from. For segments of text that are a little longer (one or two sentences),you can use n-gram based language identification, which can sometimesbe spookily accurate. If you want to give that a go, there's a Pearpackage called Text::LanguageDetect which will do that[http://pear.php.net/package/Text_LanguageDetect]. It doesn't havetrigrams for Persian in the lang.dat, but I don't imagine it would betoo hard to add them, if that's what you need. -robin