On 8 Oct 2008, at 22:32, Ashley Sheridan wrote:
On Wed, 2008-10-08 at 22:15 +0100, Stut wrote:
I don't disagree that it's not the best model, but it is the best
I have to disagree. Each and every time I've come across this, I've
elsewhere. The model doesn't work as far as I can tell.
It's not the best model but I can assure you it *does* work otherwise
advertisers would not pay the rates such campaigns demand.
I think the
problem is the people who create the schemes aren't really aware of
the Internet can do; something similar to that guy in marketing asking
why it's not possible to duplicate his A4 page, exactly as he set it
out, as a web page. I don't have a better model, but something like
that's used on Experts Exchange doesn't go too badly with me. Targeted
ads that don't get in my way. I'm more inclined to look at something
that isn't shoved in my face.
Like I said, I don't disagree, but you have to accept that ads that
interrupt the user pay the best so for sites that are expensive to
run, like download sites, they're economically sound.
I find it interesting that you feel you have the right to criticise
the "people who create the schemes" for not knowing any better, but
you with all your knowledge "of what the internet can do" admit that
you can't come up with a better model.
Obviously, I'm a programmer, so I probably don't fall into the
category for advertising ;)
You may think that but I've never come across any statistics that
suggest that programmers or even technical people in general have a
lower response rate to any form of advertising. I'm sure they are
differences, but as a percentage of internet users we're insignificant
for most websites these days, even when it comes to games.
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