gkrisz@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hi, (i hope this is the right place to ask questions like below)
I am trying to use content type 'multipart/x-mixed-replace' to
achive server pushing and I have the following piece of code, which works perfectly.
/* file.html */
function handleContent(event)
var result = event.target.responseXML;
var xrequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
xrequest.multipart = true;
xrequest.onload = handleContent;
/* file.php */
header('Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary="rn9012"');
print "--rn9012\n";
With these prints i can generate an event on the browser side.
For instance if I would like to wait for sg to happen on the server side i can
make an infinite loop and wait. when sg happens i just print the event.
while (true) {
print "Content-type: application/xml\n\n";
print "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n";
print "<content>event1</content>\n";
print "--rn9012\n";
/* I close the connection with this event. Closing tag: with 2 extra -- */
print "Content-type: application/xml\n\n";
print "<?xml version='1.0'?>\n";
print "<content>last event</content>\n";
print "--rn9012--\n";
BUT I have to keep an infinite loop on the server side for each clients
just to be able to send and event (let's say in every 3rd hour)
Is there a way with which i can keep the connection without the infinite loop,
and send the event message to the client from a different php file?
/* file2.php */
/* this is what i wish */
send_event_toclient(clientid, eventmessage);
//clientid: id of the client that i had saved before
//i think this id should be sg socket where i can write the output to.
I hope I cound explain my problem clearly
thank you in advance
Christian Guttmann
ahh an age old problem; in short you need something like "meteor" to
handle this (a different http server); tbh the http protocol isn't cut
out for this.
You may want to save some time and look into XMPP with PUB-SUB; it's
lightweight permanent client server connection with server push (ignite
realtime/jive software do a great XMPP server that's opensource ;)
Regards and sorry for the vagueness - there are tonnes of articles
everywhere on the net documenting the problems; this is why everybody
poll's all the time.
if you do want a strictly PHP resolution then look into making your own
multiprocess daemon with socket stream server / client and the stream_
functions - rather complicated and not a "standard" way fo doing things,
but fun :)
nathan ( nathan@xxxxxxxxxxx )
Senior Web Developer
php + java + flex + xmpp + xml + ecmascript
web development edinburgh | http://kraya.co.uk/
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