Also remember there are two styles of breadcrumbs: those which follow
you around the site and create a path of your previous pages (like a
true breadcrumb) or the more standard path-back-to-home hierarchial
style. It doesnt make much sense to recreate the browsers back button
functionality anyway.
On Sep 30, 2008, at 12:48 PM, Stut <stuttle@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 30 Sep 2008, at 18:23, tedd wrote:
At 4:27 PM +0100 9/30/08, Stut wrote:
As examples check out the following pages (under the orange bar)...
I can understand:
Travel >> Holidays
Because the user moves to the "Holidays" page from the "Travel"
page. In fact, there's no way to get to the "Holidays" page other
than from "Travel" page and thus a good reason for leaving a bread
crumb trail.
But what's the point of having UK >> Motors? Aren't they on the
same level?
It's likewise with your other examples.
What's the rational behind showing two bread crumbs when one will do?
One won't do, they're very different. The UK breadcrumb links to and the Motors crumb links to -
two very different pages. In addition to that, UK is the level above
regionalised sites like
The UK breadcrumb is the equivalent of what most sites would call
Home. We don't call it that because Home on the Aberdeen site is one
level below the UK crumb.
Hope that makes sense.
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