Postgresql PHP
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- Re: get list of databases and tables in Postgres, (continued)
Michael Glaesemann
- Too many clients,
Andy Dunlop
- pg_connect timeout ignored,
- phpBB 2.2 and PostgreSQL support,
Birzan George Cristian
- not seeing postgres function in php/apache (newbie),
- unsubscribe,
Edmund Zynda
- phpPgAdmin 3.3 pre-release phase,
Christopher Kings-Lynne
- help php-postgresql,
- Queries that return permissions,
Thom Dyson
- How To Connect to another Database inside a plpgsql function,
Gezeala 'Eyah' Bacuño II
- PHP/PostGreSQL Articles,
David Costa
- Creating a new database at runtime.,
Marcel Wolf
- Problem with PHP and PostgreSQL,
Seader, Cameron
- Table Size,
Muhyiddin A.M Hayat
- PG_CONNECT error,
Gustavo Paixao
- Load Image from File to Store in ByteA Field,
Muhyiddin A.M Hayat
- LOCKing method in my situation?,
Alexander Popkov
- PHP and PostgreSQL: Cannot create new link. Too many open links (0),
Johannes Alfänger
- Re: [ADMIN] Can't connect to phppgadmin,
Robert Treat
- Combine/trim records,
Michael Stoyanovich
- Triggers, Rules and email,
- can't create db,
Enrico Ortmann
timestamptz Insert,
Seader, Cameron
Re: Selecting from two tables,
mauro . folcarelli
pg_connect(): Cannot create new link,
mauro . folcarelli
pg_connect socket creation error (0x0000273F),
Douglas Douglas
pgcrypto & php,
Daniel Struck
php pear DB, UTF8 settngs question,
Bill Wraith
Re: [GENERAL] PHP arrays and postgresql,
Gavin M. Roy
SQL convert UTC to MST,
Seader, Cameron
PostgreSQL and Bitwise and with int8 field,
Seader, Cameron
How to cancel a query when user stops a page load,
int8 and PHP problems,
Seader, Cameron
Data Representation,
Sai Hertz And Control Systems
export table stucture,
1M4M M4L1K
unsubscribe pgsql-php,
David Cruz Ramos
What is wrong with pg_pconnect() ?,
Sylvain Ross
A progress page with PHP + PostgreSQL,
Sai Hertz And Control Systems
Interactive querys,
Ângelo Marcos Rigo
Re: [GENERAL] Reordering results for a report,
Php version needed to access Pgsql 7.4 and 7.3,
Re: [PHP-DB] pg_result_error(),
Gerard Samuel
PHP and autocommit of PostgreSQL 7.4,
Sai Hertz And Control Systems
upgrade to PostgreSQL 7.4,
Raul Secan
Re: [ADMIN] Auto commit Off how will it effect us ?,
Sai Hertz And Control Systems
Unicode, php and postgresql,
Didier Bretin
Missing PostgreSQL support in PHP 5 beta 2,
Christopher Kings-Lynne
CMS with PostgreSQL,
Martin Marques
Auto commit Off how will it effect us ?,
SaiHertz And Control Systems
Help Conecting to a database from PHP,
David Cruz Ramos
plan CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function Error,
Majolee InfoTech
error on Database insert,
Seader, Cameron
problem--pg_connect() and odbc_connect() return the same connection,
Paul & Natalie T
pgsql on windows,
tuncay bas
Cancel a query when user leaves a web page,
Convert literature string via Regular Expressions,
Bastiaan Wakkie
PHP & mySQL Designer,
Issa Qandil
View image in bytea field from php,
Muhyiddin A.M Hayat
client authentication towards postgresql in php?,
Daniel Struck
error codes,
Patrick Welche
- <Possible follow-ups>
- error codes,
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
pg_dump + cronjob,
Gerd Terlutter
Dead sequence,
Kelvin Varst
Reducing duplicated business rules,
Michael Glaesemann
postgres console delete mistake,
ameen eetemadi
Upgrade problem with postgresql 7.3.4 and php 4.2,
Saving result to file for download,
Michael Glaesemann
array fields in the database and their handling with php4,
Matthias Weinhold
Support for prepared queries,
newlines won't display in browser,
Michael Hanna
How to manipulate a cursor returned by a PL/pgSQL in a PHP script?,
Sebastien BAUDRY
connection error,
Ana Carolina Alonso de Armiño
How to call a PL/pgSQL function in a PHP script?,
Sebastien Baudry
Seader, Cameron
Same query difference results,
Greg Spiegelberg
pg_loopen() unable to open large object,
luca . scaramella
current connection,
Sebastiano Cascione
how am I able to log all sql queries?,
Trouble with HTTP authentication and PostgreSQL validation,
Seader, Cameron
Zend survey result about dbms...,
Marek Lewczuk
Re: Interview questions?,
Brion Wikes
pg_connect(): ...Too many open links (0),
James Ward
[no subject],
- Re:,
- Re:,
- Re:,
- Re:,
Rod Taylor
- Re:,
he NT services Cygwin PostgreSQL installation,
Muhyiddin A.M Hayat
Help me,
Tran Anh Tu
Re: Help me,
Tran Anh Tu
Re: Help me,
Tran Anh Tu
Re: Help me,
Tran Anh Tu
Re: Help me,
Tran Anh Tu
Date question,
Grant Henderson
Case sensitivity when searching for and displaying data,
Lynna Landstreet
pg_connect problem,
Edric Bulalacao
Strange browser behavior when querying PostgreSql database,
Chris FR
Get last serial (autoincrement) value,
aka MacGuru
mysql to pgsql,
K. Suresh
write to next-Page on PHP with Pdflib,
Devi Munandar
notices with 'reload' and pgsql php module.,
Jeff MacDonald
select to detect overlapping timeframes,
Dave [Hawk-Systems]
Update problem,
Ângelo Marcos Rigo
Postgres connection,
Joe Nilson Zegarra Galvez
Securing PHP scripts,
Cody Phanekham
Authentication Failure with pg_pconnect,
DeJuan Jackson
Re: PHP and COPY,
Adam Witney
Update script,
Ângelo Marcos Rigo
error was in last email: problems when fetching array contents.,
problems when fetching array contents.,
Jonas Vonlanthen
Devi Munandar
concatenation = = transaction ?????,
Re: concatenation = = transaction ?????,
functions with plpgsql,
Bernd Hoffmann
Paging results,
Lynna Landstreet
Sending one form for two scripts,
Ângelo Marcos Rigo
authentication question,
Cath Lawrence
Using Cursors in PHP,
Andreas Schmitz
undefined symbol: SortMem,
Pawel Szczesny
PHP Connections,
David Busby
Resultset/array issues,
Lynna Landstreet
RedirectING (asp) by PHP?,
Strange problem starting PostgreSQL,
aka MacGuru
UPDATE sql question,
aka MacGuru
Re: [NOVICE] Accessing Postgres db from apache using PHP,
christoph . dellavalle
Accessing Postgres db from apache using PHP,
How to make a BLOB record public!?,
Michael Vodep
database postgre,
Club Internet
Getting the year from a date column,
Lynna Landstreet
How to Determine Number of connected users,
aka MacGuru
Paginating results,
Ângelo Marcos Rigo
Vexing PHP problem - browser hangs.,
Lynna Landstreet
postgreSQL web form; Security,
Davi Leal
pg_query undefined?,
Lynna Landstreet
query, display questions,
Michael Hanna
Upgrade from 7.2.X to 7.3.x,
Salah Abdulla
Postgres/PHP/Linux PERM position in NYC.,
Armstrong, Dale
Shaikh, Farid-Azhar H. (Bobby)
Best way to convert PG's TIMESTAMPTZ to PHP DATE?,
Michael Hanna
PHP form Creates Blank DB entries,
Michael Hanna
blobs didn't work??,
utomo restu
query not aborted upon connection aborted?,
Eric Koh
user authemtication with php/postgresql,
angelo Rigo
Simulating a POST request,
Ludwig Lim
Configure PostgreSQL on PHP,
Carlos Lopes
about blobs??,
utomo restu
A php/postgresql virtual classroom,
angelo Rigo
Making PHP and Postgres easy,
Pierre Marc Dumuid
login script,
angelo Rigo
test, please delete,
Ardell Dzaky
A question on method calling in PHP,
Ludwig Lim
Some Questions,
Ludwig Lim
Cleaning up aborted transactions,
Michael Glaesemann
Inheritance issues displaying tables,
DESIGN CONCEPT (performance) - switch/arrays/forms,
Bruce Young
help ?,
utomo restu
Please help me ?,
andhie adam
Case Insensitive Searching?,
Ben Schneider
faster output from php and postgres,
Mukta Telang
phpPgAdmin 3.0 Beta 1 Released,
Christopher Kings-Lynne
Number of connections,
David Busby
Case insensitivity in column and table names,
Patrick Gibson
[no subject],
Bruno Pacheco Mendonça
formatting output: grouping results with identical fields,
Molly Gibson
First project done Thanks to your help :)),
Strange problem with session and header("Location:script.php?".SID),
aka MacGuru
New New :(( - Trying to figure out a couple things - Please help,
Andreas Schmitz
Encoding issues,
Dani Oderbolz
problem with md5,
Majid Khan
Re: PGsql qustion,
Matthew Horoschun
phpPgAdmin call for translators,
Christopher Kings-Lynne
Pgsql & PHP & src,
Rudi Starcevic
resources limit php -> postgre,
Damien M.
Self Join Help,
Gerard Samuel
Bernd Hoffmann
Exceeding 300 second timeout?,
Rich Garabedian
Seeking advice on getting started with PHP & PG in Debian,
Nick Fankhauser - Doxpop
installation problem,
DIB Walid
PHP as PL,
Rod Kreisler
function not valid,
Devi Munandar
empty form fields, NULLS, quoting, postgreSQL inserts into date, interval fields...,
Dan Jewett
- Re: empty form fields, NULLS, quoting, postgreSQL inserts into,
Vince Vielhaber
- Re: empty form fields, NULLS, quoting, postgreSQL,
Rod Kreisler
- Re: empty form fields, NULLS, quoting, postgreSQL inserts into,
Peter Clarke
undefined query!!!!!,
James Cooper
make form list with option select,
Ahmad Sentri
Mike A.
syntax for option select,
Ahmad Sentri
Re: max and sum function,
ryanne cruz
volunteer/peer review request,
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