scott.marlowe typed this on 01/20/2004 09:59 AM:
On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Paul wrote:
Anyone know if I can create a trigger or a rule in Pgsql that will send
an email in the event of an attempt to update a database field no-one
should be updating?
Sure, that would involve installing the pl language of your choice as an
untrusted language. PHP can be installed that way as a pl, btw, then you
can just use the mail() trigger function in it.
Yes, plPHP can be used for this. If you want an example, let me know and
I'll post one on the list.
# Robby Russell, | Sr. Administrator / Lead Programmer
# Command Prompt, Inc. |
# rrussell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | Telephone: (503) 667.4564