hi .. this my problem with php-postgresql this syntax php with postgresql .... this syntax still wrong / error in my form doesn't list ... <th width="20%" align="left" nowrap>Kode Fakultas</th> <td width="72%"><select name="kode_fak">select kode_fak<option> <?php $query1="select kode_fak, nama_fak from fakultas"; $query_result1 = pg_query($conn, $query1); while ($row1 = pg_fetch_array($query_result1)) { echo "<option value=\"$row1[kode_fak]"\>$row1[nama_fak]</option>\n"; } ?> </select> </td> table in postgresql CREATE TABLE FAKULTAS (KODE_FAK CHAR (1)NOT NULL, NAMA_FAK VARCHAR (50), NAMA_FAK_EN VARCHAR (50), CONSTRAINT XPKFAKULTAS PRIMARY KEY (KODE_FAK)); help me please ... thank's newbie php-postgresql