On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, Michael Hanna wrote: > I have a table: > > michael=# \d healthnotes > Table "public.healthnotes" > Column | Type | Modifiers > --------+-------------------------- > +------------------------------------------------------------- > posted | timestamp with time zone | not null default > ('now'::text)::timestamp(6) with time zone > notes | text | > Indexes: healthnotes_pkey primary key btree (posted) > > Often there are multiple entries per day. I want to display the day > once, with all the entries on that day. > > So do I select * from notes and group by date, then write a nested > for-loop in php that ignores the extra timestamp items? Seems a little > inelegant. Or can I select distinct timestamps somehow after converting > them to dates? > > Not sure how to go about this. > > Another question: I want to echo in an html page the timestamp and the > note after it is entered. What php-pgsql commands do this? I posted some untested code and posted it to phpbuilder to do this. What I do is just grab the whole data set and use a while loop to go through each row. I store the first column and then compare it on each iteration, if it changes then print it out, otherwise print a blank kinda thing http://www.phpbuilder.com/board/showthread.php?s=&postid=10373627#post10373627