Hi, We are developing a web page: PHP & postgreSQL. We can transform the below (a) query to get the (b) query, if we add, "01001'); DELETE * FROM tbHosp; INSERT INTO tbRev (Id) VALUES ('01001" , as the value of Id in the web form. (a) INSERT INTO tbRev (Id) VALUES ('01001'); (b) INSERT INTO tbRev (Id) VALUES ('01001'); DELETE FROM tbHosp; INSERT INTO tbRev (Id) VALUES ('01001'); We are able to delete registers. We have checked and it works!. Microsoft Access 2000 does not allow me execute a composed query. It warns with something similar to "ERROR; -2147217900 [Microsoft][Microsoft Access ODBC Driver] Characters after the end of the first SQL query". How can we avoid this security risk using PHP & postgreSQL?. Regards, Davi