pgcrypto & php

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I am storing certain data encrypted by pgcrypto in my database.

Here are the commands I use to test the functionality:

id              SERIAL PRIMARY KEY,
title           VARCHAR(50),
crypted_content BYTEA

INSERT INTO  crypto VALUES (1,'test1',encrypt('daniel', 'fooz', 'aes'));
INSERT INTO  crypto VALUES (2,'test2',encrypt('struck', 'fooz', 'aes'));
INSERT INTO  crypto VALUES (3,'test3',encrypt('konz', 'fooz', 'aes'));

SELECT * FROM crypto;

SELECT *,decrypt(crypted_content, 'fooz', 'aes') FROM crypto;

SELECT *,decrypt(crypted_content, 'fooz', 'aes') FROM crypto WHERE decrypt(crypted_content, 'fooz', 'aes')='struck';

There are certain occasions where I would like to be able to decrypt/ encrypt the data in PHP itself. Is this possible with the "Mcrypt Encryption Functions" of PHP?

I have already tried it, by as I am no expert in cryptography, I have difficulties finding the right syntax.
This is the code I used to try it out:

$test=new db_sql_user;
$test->query("select crypted_content from crypto WHERE id=1;");

echo "<br />";
echo "crypted content from postgresql: " .$crypt;
$array = unpack("c2chars/nint", $crypt);
echo $array;
echo "<br />";
echo mcrypt_decrypt ( MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128 , "fooz", $crypt, cbc);
echo "<br />";
echo  mcrypt_cbc (MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, "fooz", $crypt , MCRYPT_DECRYPT);

This is the output:

crypted content from postgresql: g°ñ\220399ùû¹qyg®Û~Array

Best regards,
Daniel Struck

Retrovirology Laboratory Luxembourg
Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg
4, rue E. Barblé
L-1210 Luxembourg

phone: +352-44116105
fax:   +352-44116113
e-mail: struck.d@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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