problems when fetching array contents.

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I'm having problems fetching array contents.

Connection to my db is alright, the db data too.

Here is the problem:

I have a table named "configuration" containing Keys and Values of
Constants that have to be defined in php.

The code:

$configuration_query = pg_query("select configuration_key as cfgKey,
configuration_value as cfgValue from configuration");

  while ($configuration = tep_db_fetch_array($configuration_query)) {
    echo $configuration['cfgKey']; $configuration['cfgValue'];  // test
    define($configuration['cfgKey'], $configuration['cfgValue']);

The problem I have is that although it passed through the while LOOP the
right number of times (= the number of entries in the table), I'm not
able to print any key or value (when I test using "echo
$configuration['cfgKey']..., it just writes nothing), and the php
constants are therefore not defined.
"configuration_key" and "configuration_value" are varchar(64)

Any one knows how to handle this? I'm using postgre 7.3.2 and php 4.3.1.

Thanks in advance,
Best Regards.

Jonas Vonlanthen

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