I'm having difficulties getting the following literature strings ripped to prepare it to be inserted into the database.
Here 2 example strings:
Hauser, M., Geller-Grimm, F. (1995): Bestimmungsschlüssel für die Weibchen der deutschen Sphegina-Arten (Diptera, Syrphidae). [Key to distinguish the females of the Sphegina species known from Germany (Diptera, Syrphidae).] - Entomology 2(1/2), 3-19. London. Mazánek, L., Láska, P., Bicik, V. (1999): Two new Palaearctic species of Eupeodes similar to E. bucculatus (Diptera, Syrphidae) [] - Volucella 4, 1-9. Stuttgart.
Pattern is like this:
Author(s) (year): Title in German or English. [If filled than former title was a German one and this one is the English translation.] - Source issue, pages. City.
Title EN or DE:
Title EN:
Press City:
I tried something like this:
preg_match ("/^[..something..]+/", $string, $regs); echo ("Author: ".$regs[1]."<br />"); echo ("Year: ".$regs[2]."<br />"); echo ("Title EN or DE: ".$regs[3]."<br />"); echo ("Title EN: ".$regs[4]."<br />"); echo ("Source: ".$regs[5]."<br />"); echo ("Issue: ".$regs[6]."<br />"); echo ("Pages: ".$regs[7]."<br />"); echo ("Press City: ".$regs[8]."<br />");But I'm having problems with the spaces and the parentheses that I somehow can't use in the matching...
Any idea how to split the string in the appropriate parts?
Many thanks,
-- Bastiaan Wakkie <bastiaaw@xxxxxx> www.syrphidae.com |