Hi everybody It's my first post here, so be indulgent ;) Just to confirm : if i do $sql1='insert into "Enfant" ("NomEnfant","PrenomEnfant") VALUES ('.$NomEnfant.','.$PrenomEnfant.') $sql2='insert into "IndividuEnfant" ("IdIndividu","IdEnfant") VALUES ('.$IdIndividu.',currval(\'"Enfant_Seq"\')); $sql=$sql1.$sql2; $Res=pg_query($sql); so 2 query concatenation a a only one, send to postgress database : is it EXACTLY the same thing than a classic transaction with a begin and a commit or rollback ? Tcks, it's just i dont want to write everything again in 6 months..... S.L. PS : why limitation to 8 patrameters in stored procedures ??????