----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 4:47
Subject: [PHP] phpPgAdmin 2.4.2
Installed postgreql 7.3.3 and phpPgAdmin 2.4.2 in
different machines. Defined password for postgres superuser. Entry is created
in the pg_shadow table for the same user. Keeping the access method in
pg_hba.conf file as "trust", I do not have any problem. However when changed
the access method to "password" and tried managing the database using
the phpPgAdmin tool I get
Error -
/var/www/pgadmin.intranet/htdocs/lib.inc.php -- Line: 303
PostgreSQL said:
Your query:
Unable to
connect with settings: host=host_name' port='post_num' dbname='template1'
user='user_id' password='xxxxx'
The pg_hpa.conf file has an entry
all ip_address
ip_mask password"
Any idea why this is happening.