Re: Dead sequence

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Hi again,

I just tried to reboot the server, and then it worked again. I executed my
code again, and then it hangs again! When I try to restart the PostgreSQL
service, it failes to stop the service. What am I doing wrong so bad, that
even the service hangs. I can use the "rest" of the PostgreSQL server, but
it is a bit slow.

Kelvin :-)

-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: pgsql-php-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:pgsql-php-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]På; vegne af Kelvin Varst
Sendt: 4. november 2003 18:27
Til: pgsql-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Emne: [PHP] Dead sequence


I have manually created a PostgreSQL Sequence. It has been working ok for a
while now, but now it is dead! I can not access the sequence anyway. I
normaly use PgAdmin III (PostgreSQL 7.3), and I can see from the Query
window, that the time just keep running, and nothing happens. I tried to
access through PSQL, through PuTTY, with the same result. I can't even DROP
the sequence. Is there anyone that can help me?

Kelvin :-)

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