Re: Dead sequence

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which version of 7.3 and on what platform?

what does your code before it goes into this state?

can you do a manual select * from sequence_name? 

what output do you get from \ds in psql?

you're going to have to provide more info before anyone can guess at the
issue... and if it's not php related you might want to post to the
-general list...

Robert Treat

On Tue, 2003-11-04 at 12:41, Kelvin Varst wrote:
> Hi again,
> I just tried to reboot the server, and then it worked again. I executed my
> code again, and then it hangs again! When I try to restart the PostgreSQL
> service, it failes to stop the service. What am I doing wrong so bad, that
> even the service hangs. I can use the "rest" of the PostgreSQL server, but
> it is a bit slow.
> Kelvin :-)
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: pgsql-php-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:pgsql-php-owner@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]På; vegne af Kelvin Varst
> Sendt: 4. november 2003 18:27
> Til: pgsql-php@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Emne: [PHP] Dead sequence
> Hi,
> I have manually created a PostgreSQL Sequence. It has been working ok for a
> while now, but now it is dead! I can not access the sequence anyway. I
> normaly use PgAdmin III (PostgreSQL 7.3), and I can see from the Query
> window, that the time just keep running, and nothing happens. I tried to
> access through PSQL, through PuTTY, with the same result. I can't even DROP
> the sequence. Is there anyone that can help me?
> Kelvin :-)
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