Re: error on Database insert (off-topic)

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Probably better if forwarded to the hackers list but it would
be nice if you could set a flag for each transaction/connection
to "autocast" on INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE and COPY according to
the column the value is destined for.

set enable_autocast = on;

Could make for sloppy, less portable SQL and may take a hit
in performance on INSERT's and the like conversely it would
reduce the code on the client side.

Guess it depends what you want to be doing the most work.


Joe Conway wrote:
Seader, Cameron wrote:

Bad int8 external representation "0x000000000002"

what is this all about, why won't it insert this data into my bigint
field in my Database? What does it mean by external representation? Does anyone have any suggestions

You are apparently trying to insert a hex string "0x000000000002" (notice it starts with '0x') into an int8 field -- don't do that. Convert the hex to integer before inserting, or cast it, like so:

regression=# select x'000000000002'::int8;
(1 row)


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Greg Spiegelberg
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