I think u are right, My code goes like this....... This is what i do in my html page $result = insert_user($userloginid,$username,$password,$usertype,$txtAddress, $phoneno,$email); The function insert_user is like this. function insert_user($loginid,$username,$password,$usertype,$txtAddress,$phoneno,$email){ if($dbhandle=get_dbconnection()) { $query="insert into vyapar_user values('". $loginid . "','" . $username . "','" . $password . "','" . $usertype . "','" . $txtAddress . "','" . $phoneno . "','" . $email . "')"; $result=pg_exec($dbhandle,$query); if(!result) return null; else return $result; } } I need to prevent '' as well as ' ' entry into the db which are also null values may be not theoritically but in practice they are.... so any suggestions? > On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, S.P.Vimala wrote: > > > Hi, > > > > I have a table in postgresql db with the following description. > > > > - Table: vyapar_user > > CREATE TABLE vyapar_user ( > > loginid varchar(150) NOT NULL, > > name varchar(150) NOT NULL, > > "password" varchar(32) NOT NULL, > > "type" varchar(10) NOT NULL, > > address varchar(100) NOT NULL, > > phone varchar(15), > > email varchar(20), > > creationdate date DEFAULT date('now'::text), > > expriydate date DEFAULT (date('now'::text) + 360), > > CONSTRAINT vyapar_user_pk PRIMARY KEY (loginid) > > ) WITH OIDS; > > > > > > If i try inserting NULL values from backend, then it gives me an > > error. But thru php, its adds null values without any errors. Any idea > > how to solve this issue..... > > I'll need to see some sample code. In my experience, PHP cannot insert > NULLS into not null fields. > > Are you sure you're not inserting '' and thinking of it as NULL? They're > not the same. > > > ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- > TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your > joining column's datatypes do not match >