On Mon, Jun 30, 2003 at 05:27:01PM -0400, Jeff wrote: [..snipped..] > $lastmodified = $row["datepostedepoch"]; > $lastmodified = datestamp($lastmodified); > print "{$lastmodified}"; [..snipped..] EEK! I should have proofread the *entire* message :( that really should read: $dateposted = $row["datepostedepoch"]; $dateposted = datestamp($dateposted); print "{$dateposted}"; obviously that doesn't cover loading $row with the right values, but eros handles that, too, for the most part. there are working examples in the tarball of this technique in action. regards, Jeff -- || Jeff - http://zoidtechnologies.com/ || GNUPG Fingerprint: A607 0F19 7C75 1305 67E4 BDFF 26BD 606E 3517 2A42