Linux Speakup
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- recording in Windows, (continued)
- where to get Gnome and Gnopernicus,
Danny Crone
- Email server for Linux,
Lorenzo Prince
- Speakup docs?,
erik burggraaf
- Network errors,
erik burggraaf
- Gnome and Gnopernicus - anyone tried installing,
Rich Caloggero
- Debian install not talking etc.,
Janina Sajka
- good audio editor for linux?,
Alex Snow
- alsa problems fixed,
Alex Snow
- alsa problems,
Alex Snow
- Test broadcast in broadband Ogg Vorbis,
Geoff Shang
- darwin linux,
Danny Crone
- talking x windows and lindows,
Danny Crone
- Talking Debian Install Not Talking,
Luke Davis
- gnome and gnopernicus,
Alexandre Alves Tôco
- infocom documentation.,
Thomas Ward
- kernel patches for security,
Scott Howell
- update on alsa problems,
Alex Snow
- mutt and screen updating,
- More alsa problems,
Alex Snow
- help needed to conect to internet,
Alexandre Alves Tôco
- mysql slackware style,
Jude DaShiell
- Gnopernicus and Gnome,
Rich Caloggero
- pamunix problem solved, question about alsa and sb16,
Igor Gueths
- login/pam_unix msg,
Igor Gueths
- [Mario Lang <mlang@xxxxxxxxxx>] [debian] Accepted kernel-image-speakup-i386 2.4.20-1 (i386 source all),
Kirk Reiser
- Shopping via lynx,
Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
- mysql correction,
Jude DaShiell
- mysql,
Jude DaShiell
- Accessible Chess game?,
Thomas Ward
- mutt screws over subject lines,
Michael Curran
- can you re-attach muttrc?,
- mutt settings wfor use with speakup/etc?,
- speakup not compiling on 2.4.19/2.4.20?,
Igor Gueths
- starting mysql,
Alex Snow
- redhat 8.0 speakup and vmware, a success story,
Don Raikes, Accessibility Specialist
- script for asmodean gaming site,
igueths at
- Artic Transport synthesizer for sale,
Raul A. Gallegos
- synth,
- solved was Re: Burning audio cd's.,
Thomas Ward
- dectalk express recieving errors,
Thomas Ward
- new red hat 8.0 not speaking,
Thomas Ward
- zipspeak question,
Jude DaShiell
- Hardware,
Montemayor, Kateri
- dectalk express receiving errors,
Don Raikes, Accessibility Specialist
- off topic: windows questions,
- new redhat 8.0 not speaking,
Don Raikes
- Burning audio cd's.,
Thomas Ward
- some clarification on linux graphical interfaces,
Alexandre Alves Tôco
- some hints please,
Alexandre Alves Tôco
- Installing Linux with Speakup,
Montemayor, Kateri
- Installing Linux with Speakup,
Janina Sajka
- Installing Linux with Speakup,
Alex Snow
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Installing Linux with Speakup,
Montemayor, Kateri
- Installing Linux with Speakup,
Montemayor, Kateri
- Installing Linux with Speakup,
Montemayor, Kateri
- Installing Linux with Speakup,
Montemayor, Kateri
- question? or correction or something,
Thomas Stivers
- unbootable HD, the solution,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- question developing in java under zipspeak,
Alexandre Alves Tôco
- Hotmail fetchers for the linux console,
Alex Snow
- Caller ID help,
Patrick Turnage
- Soundcards Revisited,
Alex Snow
- Interesting site,
Alex Snow
- question on selling,
Scott Howell
- This is funny, ot, Re: [Northants] Good PR ... (fwd),
Toby Fisher
- OCR,
Terry Klarich
- <Possible follow-ups>
- ocr,
Thomas Ward
- ocr,
igueths at
- .files,
Alex Snow
- games that end in a Z extention,
Scott Howell
- They're in the money,
Janina Sajka
- kwota or quota,
Raul A. Gallegos
- compile erroors with linux-2.4.20 and cvs speakup,
Michael Curran
- Lynx with ssl?,
Thomas Ward
- playing cd using drive with IDE_SCSI,
Igor Gueths
- centericq,
Alex Snow
- Silencing fetchmail,
Alex Snow
- Fetchmail probs fixed, Thanks!,
Alex Snow
- Looking for a CD player,
Dan Murphy
- more fetchmail problems,
Alex Snow
- .fetchmailrc,
Alex Snow
Michael Weaver
- CNN audio link,
Christopher Moore
- removing users in slackware,
Alex Snow
- linux and soundcards,
Alex Snow
- unbootable hard disk,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- ext3 mounting as ext2,
Raul A. Gallegos
- system backup failures,
Jude DaShiell
- Speakup with SuSE Pro,
Barry Murdoch
- Mounting win2000 box revisited.,
Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
- Enabling root access over ssh,
Alex Snow
- converting from mp3 to gapless cdaudio,
Kerry Hoath
- ide problem,
Igor Gueths
- Dosemu,
Toby Fisher
- <Possible follow-ups>
- dosemu,
Mike Coulombe
- where is everyone,,
Shaun Oliver
- Off topic: eflite problems,
jwantz at
- potato article,
Igor Gueths
mo.valli at
- FWD: Why UNIX is better than Windows... By Microsoft,
Thomas Stivers
- some progress,
Glenn Ervin
- zip drive driver,
Glenn Ervin
- library documentation,
Joseph C. Lininger
- zip disk,
Glenn Ervin
- For sale,
Ameenah A. Ghoston
- quick question,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- speakup control,
Joseph C. Lininger
- ot, anybody interested in discussing the braillenote and linux,
Gregory Nowak
- Mutt and displaying headers on out going mail.,
Shaun Oliver
- more mutt stuff,
Deedra Waters
- gpg, mutt, and pine,
Deedra Waters
- sound card volume setting,
mo.valli at
- The Chain's Cursor,
Janina Sajka
- redhat sndconfig utility.,
Shaun Oliver
mo.valli at
- exim.,
Shaun Oliver
- Linux Humor (sort of),
Scott Howell
- linux on the desktop,
Joseph C. Lininger
- Another sound problem, this time under slackware.,
Toby Fisher
- Debian problems with sound playing.,
Toby Fisher
- brltty still not there,
Paul Migliorelli (+1 3 0 3 5 4 3 2 3 1 1)
- switching consoles,
- switching consoles,
Toby Fisher
- switching consoles,
- switching consoles,
Jude DaShiell
- switching consoles,
Kenny Hitt
- switching consoles,
Jude DaShiell
- switching consoles,
William F. Acker WB2FLW +1-303-777-8123
- switching consoles,
Toby Fisher
- Logging In on Multiple Consoles,
Janina Sajka
- Logging In on Multiple Consoles,
Cheryl Homiak
- Logging In on Multiple Consoles,
Cheryl Homiak
- Logging In on Multiple Consoles,
Janina Sajka
- Logging In on Multiple Consoles,
Dan Murphy
- Logging In on Multiple Consoles,
Janina Sajka
- Logging In on Multiple Consoles,
Toby Fisher
- Logging In on Multiple Consoles,
Janina Sajka
- switching consoles,
Jude DaShiell
- Exim Specific For Slackware,
Richard Wells
- Exim Specific For Slackware,
Toby Fisher
- switching consoles,
Doug Lawlor
- switching consoles,
Ann Parsons
- switching consoles,
Joseph C. Lininger
- <Possible follow-ups>
- switching consoles,
Gregory Nowak
- Keyboard Programming,
Steve Holmes
- permissions of /dev/dsp and /dev/audio,
Shaun Oliver
- dsl on slackware 8.1,
Nick Gawronski
- parallel zip 250 zip drive working with a surprise,
Jude DaShiell
- speakup.i and scsi conflict followup,
Jude DaShiell
- slackware 8.0 and missing pieces,
Jude DaShiell
- ide-scsi emulation for zip drive, should I be worried,
Gregory Nowak
- slackware and speakup with dsl question,
Nick Gawronski
- From the paulmigs ramserv (fwd),
Charles Crawford
- speakup.i scsi conflict followup,
Jude DaShiell
- ziptools,
Gregory Nowak
- pine and email addresses,
Deedra Waters
- speakup.i SCSI problems,
Jude DaShiell
- speakup.i SCSI problems,
Frank Carmickle
- speakup.i SCSI problems,
Jude DaShiell
- speakup.i SCSI problems,
Steve Holmes
- Safety Nets--was Re: speakup.i SCSI problems,
Dave Hunt
- speakup.i SCSI problems,
Jude DaShiell
- speakup.i SCSI problems,
Adam Myrow
- module autoloading in slackware 8.1, was: Re: speakup.i SCSI problems,
Gregory Nowak
- module autoloading in slackware 8.1, was: Re: speakup.i SCSI problems,
Jude DaShiell
- module autoloading in slackware 8.1, was: Re: speakup.i SCSI problems,
Gregory Nowak
- module autoloading in slackware 8.1, was: Re: speakup.i SCSI problems,
Jude DaShiell
- module autoloading in slackware 8.1, was: Re: speakup.i SCSI problems,
Adam Myrow
- module autoloading in slackware 8.1, was: Re: speakup.i SCSI problems,
Gregory Nowak
- module autoloading in slackware 8.1, was: Re: speakup.i SCSI problems,
Jude DaShiell
- module autoloading in slackware 8.1, was: Re: speakup.i SCSI problems,
Steve Holmes
- module autoloading in slackware 8.1, was: Re: speakup.i SCSI problems,
Jude DaShiell
- module autoloading in slackware 8.1, was: Re: speakup.i SCSI problems,
Gregory Nowak
- module autoloading in slackware 8.1, was: Re: speakup.i SCSI problems,
Jude DaShiell
- speakup.i SCSI problems,
Jude DaShiell
- speakup.i and ide-scsi conflict,
Jude DaShiell
- ide-scsi and speakup possible conflict,
Jude DaShiell
- please help with tar.bz2 file,
Gregory Nowak
- Revised keymap for laptops... potentially for universal use,
Terry D. Cudney
- a legal spin on an old xmas poem.,
shaun_oliver at
- Using,
Terry D. Cudney
- Bug#173984: ITP: kernel-image-speakup-i386 -- Precompiled speakup Linux Kernel (fwd),
Deedra Waters
- something of interest,
Deedra Waters
- speakup maybe included in gentoo,
Gregory Nowak
- keymap for laptops using windows key,
Terry D. Cudney
- Thanks, for the keyboard selection guidance.,
Mark Rew
- procmail screwup -- mea culpa,
Chuck Hallenbeck
- Using imcom chat program,
Tommy Moore
- funny quote.,
shaun_oliver at
- Christmas greetings,
Ann Parsons
- reserved IP addresses,
Ralph W. Reid
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