I'm aweflly glad I tried this out on boot up line with lilo first. What I entered was linux speakup_synth=ltlk hdd=ide-scsi. What I heard on boot up was litetalk being found at customary address and the root @bigkitty gcc message and speakup initialized ide scsi setup then silence. Only way I got control and speech back was to power down and reboot. I'm thinking one of two possible conflicts is happening and perhaps both. First an irq conflict between litetalk synthesizer and cdrw drive. Second, some kind of fight between ide-scsi.o driver and speakup. since the login was not successful, the computer never made it to the login prompt I have a sound that plays when initial login is requested since I put the command in /etc/rc.d/rc.local which is not overwritten in slackware and the sound didn't play on that failed login but did on this one when I didn't include the hdd=ide-scsi statement on the boot line. Would slackware have left any records of the failed login around? I know I can read the current login with dmessg | less. Only reason I'm doing any of this is hdd is a cdrw drive that's supposed to be able to work with linux and cdrecord -scanbus can't find the scsi driver that will talk to my hardware. -- Jude <dashielljt(at)gmpexpress-dot-net>