Hi all. Well I guess you can guess from the subject line, I am in fact able to play Cds successfully on my CDRW drive, which is using IDE_SCSI emulation. However, when I go to use programs such as dcd, their Ioctl reports illegal request. However, the cd still plays. More interestingly, when I use cd-console, an Ncurses-based Cd player, the pause function doesn't work, and play doesn't work either. That program doesn't even respond very much. I never had this problem before, because in my other machine I had two drives. And the CDROM drive (32 X) was the one being used as a Cd player and general purpose data reading. However this machine only has room for one extra drive so the CDRW was my drive of choice. I believe that the most likely cause of the "illegal request" is because the IDESCSI driver doesn't implement the functions used by programs such as dcd to play audio Cds? I haven't actually put the program into debug mode to figure this out, however I am planning to do this sometime in the near future. Has anyone else gotten this message or similar in their Cd player aps? Does my theorizing on this seem to be correct? Thx for any input! May you code in the power of the source, may the kernel, libraries, and utilities be with you, throughout all distributions until the end of the epoch.