Hello, Dannie. My advice is hold off on trying to get Gnome 2.2 compiled and Gnopernicus. It isounds as if you are vary new to Linux, and trying to compile, install, and use vary unstable and developmental code is not what you really want to do. I am vary familiar with programming, compiling programs, and even I get vary frustrated with building the latest Gnome stuff from cvs. So with that in mind it will best if you wait for an official release which will eventually come prepackaged with your favorite Linux of choice, and you won't have to go the the extreme headache of dealing with the developer releases. However, if you still want to venture the developer releases I have a simple uncompleted howto on where to get the developer releases, how to get what you need out of cvs, build it, and install it. PS Please, fix your email to send plane text only. Your message was nearly unreadable through all the garbage html tags and mim encoding, and whatever else trashy Windows mailer programs put in. Hth.