Info Cyrus
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- Re: Conversations and search, (continued)
- Cyrus IMAP 3.0.8 released, ellie timoney
- Cyrus 3.0.6 The Mails are Disappearing, Kamer Yıldız
- Quotaroot and xfer,
- Is "reconstruct -V max..." needed when upgrading from 2.5.10 to 3.0.7?,
Nic Bernstein
- archive and normal partition mixing question,
- lmtptarget, Marco
- Subscriptions and sieve filters lost after upgrade to Cyrus 3.0,
Martin Svec
- Invalid user returned from quota -f command,
Hiago Prata
- Cyrus IMAP-3.0.7 - listmailbox user/* does not report all mailboxes,
James B. Byrne via Info-cyrus
- Help! Cyrus 2.5.11 segmentation fault,
Marco Chesi
- over quota not working,
Rudolf Gabler
- all messages in inbox have been expunged...any idea how this happened ?,
Chentao Credungtao via Info-cyrus
- Donate to cyrus team,
Johann Hörmann
- Moving from single to multi-domain. Mailboxes from default domain not being the same as before,
Heiler Bemerguy via Info-cyrus
- Specify saslauthd state directory to imapd in build,
Andrew Bernard
- admin for sieve, Albert Shih
- Symbol not found in /usr/sbin/cyrmaster on Ubuntu 18.04,
Andrew Bernard
- sos on cyrusimapd,
Albert Shih
- switch master/slve replication,
Antonio Conte
- Cyrus 2.5.10 and CentOS 7.3. Reconstruct userflags, Anton Shilov via Info-cyrus
- Vacation sieve script,
Helder Guerreiro
- Prefork or not prefork,
Albert Shih
- Kill daemon, Albert Shih
- CentOS 6, cyrus-imapd 2.3.16-15.el6, postfix 2.6.6-8.el6, procmail 3.22-25.1.el6_5.1, squirrelmail 1.4.22-5.el6,
Robert Heller
cyr_expire in log, Albert Shih
Monitoring cyrusimapd,
Albert Shih
Restart from....? (DRP),
Albert Shih
Solaris (11) support,
Jean-Christophe Delaye
XLIST, special-use mailboxes,
Paul van der Vlis
How many Ram for cyrus,
Albert Shih
Cannot move mailbox between backend, Jean-Christophe Delaye
Re: SASL minimum layer used to work at 256, but now requires 1 [Resolved], Stephen Ingram
IDLE not working for one account only,
Neil Price
Body in sieve.,
Albert Shih
SASL minimum layer used to work at 256, but now requires 1, Stephen Ingram
System I/O error (in reply to end of DATA command) for LMTP delivery,
Stephen Ingram
Re: System I/O error (in reply to end of DATA command) for LMTP delivery, Ken Murchison
Frontend couldn't authenticate to backend server: authentication failure,
Jean-Christophe Delaye
Shared Mailbox accessible under several different names?, fi
Mailbox inaccessible after setaclmailbox with invalid identifier,
Sven Schwedas
Debugging fuzzy searches,
Sebastian Hagedorn
IMAPD Missing quota root,
James B. Byrne via Info-cyrus
Backup vs replication,
Albert Shih
ios mail app cannot access special-use folders, occurs only on our production cyrus, Sebastian Pein
Cyrus IMAP 3.0.7 released, ellie timoney
sync_client crash with sieve,
Albert Shih
Archive over NFS., Albert Shih
How to use backup/replica,
Albert Shih
[Murder issue] Connection closed,
Jean-Christophe Delaye
Wolfgang Breyha
Can't view (other) users subfolders with imapd 3.0.6,
how can I check (and change) the owner of a mailbox ?,
Chentao Credungtao via Info-cyrus
Moving from cIMAP-2.3.16 to 3.0.5,
James B. Byrne via Info-cyrus
SASL 2.1.27 rc8, Ken Murchison
Backup methods,
Albert Shih
CPU usage issue with Append command (cyrus 3.0.6),
Andrew Nichols via Info-cyrus
Moving mailboxes from CIMAP-2.3.16 to CIMAP-3.0.5,
James B. Byrne via Info-cyrus
Albert Shih
caldavzap with 2.5.10, Neil Price
Virtual domain admin login behaviour,
Nels Lindquist
Cyrus IMAP 3.0.6 released, ellie timoney
Problem after upgrading debian wheezy to jessie,
Dr. Harry Knitter
Cannot LOGIN using openssl s_client,
James B. Byrne via Info-cyrus
Size of partition.,
Albert Shih
Cannot move (delete) messages from/to different backends, srss-sys
Cyrus + Xapian,
Albert Shih
Solaris Compiling 3.0.5 with libical3.0,
Jean-Christophe Delaye
Failure making cyrus-imapd-3.0.5 on CentOS 7,
David J. Weller-Fahy
Re: Cyrus download, ellie timoney
Re: Question about getting release source packages (fwd), Jason Englander
Question about getting release source packages,
David J. Weller-Fahy
Synchro for migration,
Albert Shih
Syntax for mailbox_default_options,
Nels Lindquist
backends with different altnamespace in a murder configuration,
Jean-Christophe Delaye
cyrus/imap[76531]: IDLE: error sending message NOTIFY to idled for mailbox user,
Paul Martin
Shared calendars on apple devices, Savvas Karagiannidis
annotation and PHP IMAP extension,
archive and downgrade,
Gabriele Bulfon
Un-Murdering Cyrus?,
Nic Bernstein
SIEVE not workin in 3.0.5,
Niels Dettenbach via Info-cyrus
Annotation replication with sync_client -u seems busted in 2.4.X,
John Capo
xDAV and shared namespaces,
sa-learn using event notifications,
Luca Olivetti
Cyrus 2.4.x support,
Josef Karliak
James B. Byrne via Info-cyrus
Re: Info-cyrus Digest, Vol 152, Issue 6,
Andrew Nichols via Info-cyrus
Sporadic TLS/STARTTLS negotitation failed,
Andrew Nichols via Info-cyrus
2.5.11 shared seen,
Gabriele Bulfon
Impact of changing back "altnamespace",
Tom Plancon
Cyrus Sieve: filtering on headers with non-ascii encodings, Adam Mokhtari via Info-cyrus
Replicated RENAME leaves "empty" entry in mailboxes.db,
Sebastian Hagedorn
Shared folder fiasco,
Tom Plancon
sieve and utf-8 MIME/base64 content,
Eugene M. Zheganin
message "unable to setsocketopt(IP_TOS)" in logs,
Chentao Credungtao via Info-cyrus
Truncated text during Xapian indexing,
Sebastian Hagedorn
Sieve stopped working after updating cyrus-imapd to 3.0.5,
Initial use of Xapian,
Lists Nethead
SASL 2.1.27 rc7, Ken Murchison
Mailboxes messed up after migration,
Hiago Prata
Missing <user>.seen db files,
Eric Cunningham
wildcard for operations with domains by utilities, Sergey
Unable to upgrade to 3.0.4, J. Roeleveld
Possible problems created by "GOODCHARS" extension when moving from compiled source to package., Eric Luyten
Notice: removal of JMAP support from stable Cyrus IMAPd 3.0.x series, ellie timoney
please HELP,
Heiler Bemerguy via Info-cyrus
Why Cyrus?,
Paul van der Vlis
Cyrus IMAP 3.0.5 released, ellie timoney
mailbox / user migration to a new server,
Kristian Rink
Split mailboxes on server migration,
Hiago Prata
tls_prune DBERROR, Janos Dohanics
repairing a calendar,
Wolfgang Breyha
cyrus + roundcube + managesieve for vacation notification,
Patrick Goetz
open port on firewall for sieve to enable vacation auto-response?,
Patrick Goetz
SASL 2.1.27 rc6,
Ken Murchison
squat core dump,
Gabriele Bulfon
install certificate how to,
Nikos Gatsis - Qbit
cannot expunge messages,
Eugene M. Zheganin
improved_mboxlist_sort of imapd.conf, Deniss
Cyrus 3.0.4 - Over quota returns 550-Mailbox unknown,
Maros Vegh
Weird error "SQUAT failed to open index" - but index exist., Josef Karliak via Info-cyrus
Adding archiving to an existing Cyrus installation,
Nic Bernstein
Cyrus stopped logging!, Paul van der Vlis
Restart after new TLS certificate?,
Paul van der Vlis
Problem after update (deliver not working anymore), Dr. Peer-Joachim Koch
cyrus 2.4.18 / ubuntu and autocreateinboxfolders?,
Kristian Rink
Carddav public addressbook in 3.0.x, Khalid Mehmood via Info-cyrus
corrupted mailboxes.db,
Default value changes in Cyrus 3,
Janos Dohanics
How to remove attachments from many mails on Cyrus-IMAP Store?,
Walter H. via Info-cyrus
cyr_dbtool repack,
Wolfgang Breyha
quota for whole virtual domain,
Vladislav Kurz
autocreate_quota: 0,
Janos Dohanics
Squatter segfault on big mailbox,
Vladislav Kurz
SASL 2.1.27 rc5,
Ken Murchison
strange behaviour authenticating to IMAP server with squirrelmail,
Walter H. via Info-cyrus
Thunderbird and "Login to server failed".,
Eugene M. Zheganin
messages lost in the mailbox,
Domenico - OpenPC
Problems moving from 2.5.11 to 3.0.4, Gabriele Bulfon
SASL login as another user - unexpected behavior on cyrus 2.4.17,
Using user_deny.db,
Michael Sofka
Bad logins bogging down server,
Michael D. Sofka
squatter lower limits,
Paolo Cravero
SASL 2.1.27 rc4,
Ken Murchison
CVE reported for Cyrus 3.0.0 - 3.0.3, Bron Gondwana
Problems with IMAP XFER 3.0.4->3.0.4 server, Michael Glad
Cyrus IMAP 3.0.4 released, Partha Susarla
sieve ports: 2000 and 4190,
Cyrus 2.5: ACLs won't recognize some groups, Sven Schwedas
Cyrus imap + smmapd + sendmail setup, Mogens Melander
Cyrus-imap 3.0.3 + clamAV,
Anton Shilov via Info-cyrus
No cleaning-up processes?,
Paul van der Vlis
upgrade to 2.5.11, reconstruct errors, Gabriele Bulfon
update to 3.0.3 even more problematic than 3.0.2,
Gabriele Bulfon
Fedora26. Cyrus- 3.0.3. cyr_virusscan None Configured.,
Anton Shilov via Info-cyrus
Session reuse in sync_client (openssl 1.1.0f), Johan Hattne
2.4.12 vs 3.0.2 different protocol behaviour,
Gabriele Bulfon
Cyrus Imapd 3.0.3 - Crash when opening the mailbox list (subscribe to folder),
Jan Hendrik Ribbat
Re: Cyrus Imapd 3.0.3 - Crash when opening the mailbox list (subscribe to folder), Bron Gondwana
Cyrus 3.0.3 XAPPEPUSH,
Arnaldo Viegas de Lima
Message remains in spool after expunge,
Arnaldo Viegas de Lima
Synchronous Replication reg., Anant Athavale
odd problem with cyradm,
Per olof Ljungmark
Cyrus IMAP 2.4.20 released, ellie timoney
Cyrus release process - switching to odd-even release cycle, ellie timoney
I need to check if stored messages are well formed.,
Alvin Starr
/var/spool/imap on ZFS,
Mikhail T.
Cyrus IMAP 3.0.3 released, ellie timoney
outdates informations seen in databases.html, Stephan Lauffer
Debian's cyrus 2.5.10 ctl_mboxlist segfault, Jean Charles Delépine
3.0 release notes: wrong info about virtdomains defaults,
Stephan Lauffer
Cyrus Squatter now running with Xapian on XStreamOS!, Gabriele Bulfon
xfer from 2.4 -> 3.0.2, double reconstruct necessary?,
Stephan Lauffer
any working cyrus-imapd-3.0.2?,
Stephan Lauffer
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