Re: Using user_deny.db

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On 09/19/2017 10:17 AM, Dan White wrote:
On 09/19/17 10:02 -0400, Michael Sofka wrote:
We have many recalcitrant, bad, accounts constantly checking IMAP, long after the student has graduated. I would like to use user_deny.db to simply tell them to go away.
First, would this offer an advantage?  That is, does "login" check 
user_deny.db before authenticating, or after?
I believe that is it prior to authentication, based on my notes:
user_deny.db is NOT checked prior to completion of LOGIN authentication, 
although it probably could/should.  It works for POP3 USER/PASS because 
user_deny.db is checked in the command processing loop, so it happens 
between the USER and PASS commands.

Second, any examples of how to use cyr_dbtool (or other tool) to put entries into user_deny.db?
Finally, my reading of the documentation (2.4.17/18) is that 
user_deny.db is a flat file by default, so I will need to set 
userdeny_db to something like skiplist, or berkeley, etc.  Any 
suggestions on a good choice assuming the list could grow to a few 
thousand?  Any documentation on the sql option?

Kenneth Murchison
Cyrus Development Team
FastMail Pty Ltd

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