Am 13. August 2017 18:18:15 MESZ schrieb Vincent Fox <vbfox@xxxxxxxxxxx>: >Compression is a big winner! > >We had fast compression on database etc. gzip on the inboxed. > >Other than that consider noatime. Do you mean your cyrus goes "faster" with any kind of ZFS compression enabled? This is a bit curious to me (i'm not a deep ZFS expert...) and sound's if i.e. zfs record / block sizes or similiar things are/was (very) suboptimal, leading to less spindles (or "read ops" by spindle) used within typical small file transactions or so with compression. But may be i'm wrong there. Sorry for the noise, if i'm misunderstanded your post there... Most regarding "speed" typically could be done by adding RAM to the machine and allow ZFS to use it. Most other things rely on the hardware and the cyrus setup byself on-top i think. -- Niels Dettenbach Syndicat IT & Internet ---- Cyrus Home Page: List Archives/Info: To Unsubscribe: